Have your children ever boarded an amusement park ride where the passengers are tilted and whirled all around? If they are seated, you want to be sure they fasten their seat belts and stay in their seats. Hang on tight! you admonish. If they are still standing up, you may even jump onto the ride at the last minute and put your arms around them to make sure they are safe.
St. Paul has been on this part of the ride before. He knows the young believers to whom he is writing. He wants to make sure they keep a firm grip on some unshakable truths, no matter how frightening the vibrations along the way may be. It seems that the Thessalonians were getting unnerved by talk of Jesus Second Comingto the point that they were losing sight of Jesus and thinking only about the final judgment!
Just as a ballet dancer can use a focal point to avoid dizziness despite numerous pirouettes, we can maintain our balance as long as we remember one simple fact: God is in charge. No matter what the Second Coming actually looks like, no matter when it happens, our heavenly Father will never abandon us or stop loving us. With the Lord by our side, we can face anything, even the final judgment.
Every age has seen its own end-ofthe-world prophecies. Get ready! the prophets tell us. The cataclysm is coming tomorrow, a month from now, in 1981. God will destroy all evildoers, and youd better be on the right side if you want to survive.
But Paul admonishes us: Dont be alarmed. The ultimate Day of the Lord holds no terror if we see every day as the Lords day, a day to spend in his presence. He reminds us that God our Father has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement and good hope through his grace. If we cling to his Spirit, he will strengthen [us] in every good deed and word (2 Thessalonians 2:17).
So stand firm! Hold on! But also relax. God has jumped onto the ride with you. His strong arms are around you.
Father, thank you for your presence and protection. Help me to trust you more.
Psalm 96:10-13; Matthew 23:23-26