Posted on 08/14/2012 7:14:49 AM PDT by NKP_Vet
A budget-cruncher who cites Catholic social teaching as an inspiration for his own economic thinking has been tapped for the second slot on the GOP presidential ticket.
Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, on Saturday named Rep. Paul Ryan, chairman of the House Budget Committee and a seven-term congressman from Wisconsin, as his running mate.
The eagerly anticipated announcement was made in Norfolk, Va., where Ryan, 42, was joined on stage by his wife, Janna, and their three small children.
With the choice of Ryan, an advocate of entitlement reform and shrinking the size of the federal government, Romney has ensured that the role of government and the future of Medicare will figure prominently in this years race for the White House.
While Ryan has attracted harsh criticism from some Catholics questioning whether he can rightly lay claim to the mantle of Catholic social teaching other Catholics regard Ryan as an excellent choice.
I am thrilled with the selection of Ryan, Catholic theologian Michael Novak said, because it emphasizes family, character and a vision that is on the offense against President Obama and that sees Obama as destroying the countrys military and financial structure and pitting class against class.
As a smart, serious Catholic, Congressman Ryan has been steadfast on issues of fundamental principle defending religious liberty, life and traditional marriage, The Catholic Association said in a press release.
In addition, he has been thoughtful and articulate in applying Catholic principles to the other challenges facing America, the statement added
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
I think he is a Knight of Columbus.
“Tapped,” or “trapped?”
There are practicing Catholics, Catholics in name only....and some, unfortunately, ignorant Catholics.
I am impressed with Ryan’s understanding of authentic Catholic social teaching. My guess is that he’s familiar with the New Compendium of Catholic Social well as Pope Benedict’s thoughts on the dangers of state control of “charity.” Here is another article that highlights that:
Catholic Social Teaching and the Ryan Budget by Thomas Berg
(from the Witherspoon Institute)
An excerpt:
“The hard truth is that the implosion of the nuclear family has coincided precisely with the ramping up of federal low-income assistance programs since the 1960s. Why? Certainly the breakdown of the family is a complex social phenomenon, with many causes. But theres little doubt that large-scale federal assistance to low-income households with single parents and dependent children has contributed to the destruction.”
Ryan and the Catholic church have a huge opportunity here to connect to conservative and orthodox faithful. Before and after he becomes VP, he should be on the road to talk to and listen to Archbishops, Bishops, Monsignors and Priests, with the tacit understanding that they must both be in conformity with the Vatican and conservative in their faith.
And he could use this is a starting point to talk with leaders of other Orthodox faiths, Christian and Jewish, with the idea of being seen as their voice in the corridors of power.
More than anything else, this Sends the message that the Republican party respects their religions and will work to protect them from the onslaughts of those that hate them, the Democrats.
I just couldn't help immediately recalling NOT seeing the following headline almost four years ago...
Hussein Obama, Muslim Born in Kenya, Who Thinks the Muslim Death Cry Is The "Most Beautiful Sound In The World," And Who Thinks "The US Constitution Is An Outdated Document Written By Angry Old White Men " Tapped As Democratic Presidential Candidate.
Jess saying....
(1) The dignity of the human person (all human beings from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death have inalienable rights that no government may infringe).
(2) The preferential option for the poor (all other things being equal, and all justice being fulfilled, if a policy can help the poor or disadvantaged it should be implemented).
(3) The principle of subsidiarity (the more locally a decision can be made the better, with the family being the optimal locus of decision making).
Pretty much every social policy of the Democrats immediately and blatantly violates principles (1) and (3) and usually violates (2) more subtly.
It wouldn’t hurt if Ryan were able to spend a couple hours w AB Chaput, in Phili.
...and I don’t care if anybody ever hears of it.
There are some elements of economics on which Ryan might enlighten AB Chaput.
Not to worry about Church/State influence, as it would be an opportunity to reassure the AB that the policies will have the proper effect.
Any conscious thoughtful human Christian with more than two brain cells, can independently conclude that any "charity" which is coerced, ceases to be "Charity."
Unlike "Sister" Simone Campbell*, the attorney, lately spouting her radical "Social justice" marxism on the O'Reilly Factor...
Personally, I don't see any difference between her and the babblings of another fruitcake, Cindy Sheehan.
“Any conscious thoughtful human Christian with more than two brain cells, can independently conclude that any “charity” which is coerced, ceases to be “Charity.””
Powerful and critical words that need to be repeated to our Christian brethren who are fooled by the transference of charity to government programs.
If only...
If only the honest poor and disadvantaged could be separated from the huge army of indolent and opportunistic parasites which comprise the US culture of social and economic parasites.
A very smart move by Romney, picking someone so obviously competent and well spoken, not to mention respected by both sides of the aisle.
If this is Romney's overture and gift to the conservative side, to me it is well received.
If Romney continues with decisions like Ryan as VP, he'll win some trust and then win with an overwhelming landslide and start his term with the mandate that comes with it.
Time will tell. There are some make or break issues for him yet to come.
I hear ya!!
Fortunately, the Church is slowly but surely being purified. The current “dust-up” with many misled and disobedient women “nuns” will end in their disgrace and the separation of many of them from the Church.
We can only pray that God grant them mercy and they come to their senses.
**As a smart, serious Catholic, Congressman Ryan has been steadfast on issues of fundamental principle defending religious liberty, life and traditional marriage, The Catholic Association said in a press release.**
BTTT, I haven’t been so excited about a candidate since Reagan. Wish he were at the top of the ticket.
Brett Stephens has an excellent article in the WSJ opinion pages about Paul Ryan and a speech that he gave on America’s place in the world. It really makes Ryan sound like what conservatives have been hungering for, and the Republicans need, a real statesman, someone that sounds a lot like Reagan.
Catholic social ministry begins and ends with Jesus Christ, he said. If it doesnt, it isnt Catholic.
Archbishop Chaput
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