My Grandmother was completely devoted to the Blessed Virgin Mary. She sought intercession and council through prayer. I truly believe that our family was protected during the lifelong course of prayer of my Grandmother.
Funny thing... as life and time move on... you have family members who seek other forms of worship. Amazing how my devout sweet Memere NEVER EVER condemned a single one. She knew as I and many here truly know, that GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART, YOUR ACTIONS, YOUR SOUL... so stop with the condemnation. It really is NOT up to you sir... the only one who judges is God. I see many at Mass who are not at all "engaged" with what they are doing...and then I see others who give themselves to others on the Lord's day... and perhaps they cannot attend Mass because their responsibilities take them there. I really don't think that God is keeping score on your Mass attendance, He is more likely keeping score on your LIFE attendance and what you are doing during that performance.
“Funny thing... as life and time move on... you have family members who seek other forms of worship. Amazing how my devout sweet Memere NEVER EVER condemned a single one. She knew as I and many here truly know, that GOD KNOWS YOUR HEART, YOUR ACTIONS, YOUR SOUL... so stop with the condemnation. It really is NOT up to you sir... the only one who judges is God. I see many at Mass who are not at all “engaged” with what they are doing...and then I see others who give themselves to others on the Lord’s day... and perhaps they cannot attend Mass because their responsibilities take them there. I really don’t think that God is keeping score on your Mass attendance, He is more likely keeping score on your LIFE attendance and what you are doing during that performance.”
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Hi, have you...
Read the OP, I don’t think Our Lady is condemning anyone
and neither am I. She warned at La Salette, like the verse in Exodus of judgment finally comes for those who reject Sunday worship and rest. Most of my family no longer attends, I happy you do. Preach it instead, speak of the grace you receive attending Mass. You can do both, good works and go to Mass. All Christians must keep the Lord’s Day.
Sunday Mass isn’t an option, that’s the Truth.