Are you being taught the truth in this book, One Bread, One Body? You need not be an amateur theologian and give your own opinion on this issue. You know from the Imprimatur stated in the front of this book that nothing in One Bread, One Body is contrary to the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. This means that we who write this book have entered the sheepfold through the gate, that is, we are serving and teaching in the Church according to the will of Jesus, the Good Shepherd (see Jn 10:1-2, 7). Because we are under the authority of the body of Christ, the Church, we can be sure we are under the authority of Jesus, the Head of the Church. As a result, you can be sure that nothing you read in One Bread, One Body is contrary to the teachings of the Church. This is a great beginning in helping you discern whether what you read in this book is true. Jesus is the Truth (Jn 14:6). His "word is truth" (Jn 17:17). The Church is "the pillar and bulwark of truth" (1 Tm 3:15). Therefore, we can be men and women of the truth, and the truth will set us free (Jn 8:32).One Bread, One Body
<< Monday, April 30, 2012 >>
Pope St. Pius V
Saint of the Day
Acts 11:1-18
View ReadingsPsalm 42:2-3; 43:3-4
John 10:1-10
Were you aware of these statistics?
Deaths in America per year
1,400,000 people die from abortion
650,000 people die of heart disease
560,000 people die of cancer
143,000 people die of stroke
75,000 people die of diabetes
Another perspective:
18,000 - Deaths by death penalty in American history (all the way back to the 1600s).
1,315,000 - Deaths in all American wars combined.
53,000,000 - Deaths by abortion since Roe v Wade
Pray for an end to abortion
in the United States of America.