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To: ravenwolf

“Like i said i have been around Mormons all of my life and they do not hold to polygamy, in fact they bash the known polygamists almost as much as the scarlet colored church does.”

If you had been born into the Mormon cult and raised in it you would know that while outwardly the LDS decry the FLDS and their polygamy, within the cult they support the FLDS financially and through church welfare...some Mormons regard the FLDS sects as “kooky but family” and others regard them as the one practicing the authentic Mormon faith, even if they don’t wish their austere snd even more authotitarian lifestyle for themselves.

It doesn’t matter if Mormons have been your bosom budfies for fifty years...they only tell you what they think you’re ready to know, and nothing that in the least compromises the Mormon cult. Support? Look up the Mormon doctrine they themselves refer to as “Lying for the Lord”. New members likewise are joining a religion that insists they be kept from what the true tenets of thst religion are...the “milk before meat” principle. Only a person who has been fully indoctrinated and has displayed obedience to church heirarchy, who has fully accepted that his only hope of salvation and godhood lies in the Masonic rituals and passwords given in temple ceremonies, is let into the full knowledge of what the Mormon religion entails...sealings, baptisms of the dead, marriages of the dead, who will become Gods, who will become servants/slaves of Gods (if you’re not white, guess what?), the Mormon men who will become Gods, and tbe mormon women and female spirits coerced into Mormonism beyond the grave, who form celestial harems for the Mormon Gods in the new worlds they will create and will assume the role of heavenly babymaking machines to populate new worlds with souls who will also presumably embrace Mormonism and become Gods themselves, into infinity.

And once the brainwashed subject believes all this claptrap, and the frog is truly simmering in the pot, he is informed none of this is for free. His salvation, his family being together in Heaven, and his Godhood depend on a piece of paper called the TR, the all-important Temple Recommend. Given at the discretion of his Bishop and his Stake President only if he has been a full tither (yes, for the TR they will ask for W-2’s), has paid his fast offerings (more $), has been obedient to his “callings” (free labor to the Church whenever asked for any reason...I once couldn’t find my mother for three days because her Bishop said “the Spirit of the Lord” had told him the retirees of the church had a “calling” to pick apples for a Mormon owner of an orchard), has had all the proper sealings and ceremonies and is raising his family in the Mormon path, does he get this piece of paper that essentially states no matter what you believe, your afterlife depends on the opinions of a couple of men, who decide God likes you after you’ve been sufficiently impoverished, and you’ve kissed enough Melchizedek Mormon a$$.

Now, THAT’s the Mormon Church you claim to be so knowledgeable about, I think your unquestioning approval would make you a perfect slave for them...they gave you what you wanted to hear, why don’t you give them your kids.

Half the non-Mormons out there have already been pre-programmed...when have you ever heard of a Muslim leaving his faith, who exposed the ugly tenets of his faith, who was then chastised as a liar, a hater, a bigot? Only by other thank you, all you protectors of this scamming, mindf*cking pseudoreligion that started with a 3rd rate fortuneteller looking for an easier way to get rich and get laid...wherever Joseph Smith lies roasting in hell, you’re his support system, so be proud.

I’m not even trying to convince people anymore. When I hear these lies and stupidity, I share the same venom they tried to put in my soul, and if you think it’s foul, consider I’m working against the source of that foulness, and you’re working for him.

One tiny little problem I propose to you: why is it, when the Catholic Church is as huge as it is, and with all the problems it has had, that googling “ex-catholic support” leads you to about fifty sites of support groups, yet with the LDS a fraction of the RCC’s size googling “exmormon support”, leads you to thousands? It’s either a conundrum, or a conspiracy, isn’t it? If it’s a conundrum to you, I invite you to seek out independent sources of information to solve it. If you automatically pronounce it a conspiracy, are officially Mormons. By the power vested in me by their BS priesthood, as a defunct but not defrocked Mormon I pronounce all you Mormon apologists to be Mormon members in good standing. You can send me a check for 20% of your annual gross income forthwith, stand by and I will begin to assign you duties that will prove your obedience to me, and in twenty years or so I will gladly don a chefs hat and a figleaf apron and dance the hokey-pokey that gets you into the promised land.

That’s it. Liar, bigot, give me what you want, I don’t give a damn.

52 posted on 04/23/2012 7:05:19 PM PDT by AnTiw1
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To: AnTiw1

Now, THAT’s the Mormon Church you claim to be so knowledgeable about, I think your unquestioning approval would make you a perfect slave for them...they gave you what you wanted to hear, why don’t you give them your kids.

I will only comment on the accusation above.

First, where did i say i was knowledgeable about the Mormon Church?

I just said i had been around the Mormons all of my life.

Second, where did i say i approved of the Mormon Church?

What i really said was that i think the Church is a fraud.

If you can not get the facts even close on these two little comments how in the world am i to take any thing else you say seriously?

Now i will admit that i did make a few comments just to stir up the emotions of the religious zealots but it was just dry humor.

Since you will most likely be the only one reading this i will say this again.

I believe the Mormon Church is as fraudulent as a 3 dollar bill.

That is what religion is as far as i am concerned, some one from one religion bashing another religion is pathetic because it is most likely one fraud bashing another.

Jesus did not come here to set up a religion, he came here to tell us the truth.

Here is what it is about


Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

This is the first and great commandment.

And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Matt 10:39
He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

Our salvation is not dependent on religion, in fact i really believe that religion is a detriment to ones salvation.

The whole point is that i am not arguing in favor of Mormonism i am just reminding people of this.

matt 7
5”Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

Seems to me if we are going to expose religion we should expose all religion instead of just one sect of it.

That’s it. Liar, bigot, give me what you want, I don’t give a damn.

No, i would not call you any of those things, i just think you were reading between the lines of what i said and interpreting them wrong, as it is hard to tell if some one is serious or if they are just using humor when writing, at least i do not know the correct way to do it.

Maybe since i do not know the proper way to do it, i should not do it.

If we were to vote on the biggest fraud where religion is concerned, the Mormons may come up on top, but you can bet there would be a bunch of other so called Christian religions right under them, people loves religion more than they love God and that is exactly the way it was in the days of our lord.

Jesus set them free from religion, but by the time of the days of the holy roman empire the people were again enslaved by religion, only with a different name, they were once more catering to the whims of the religious leaders and also making them rich and giving honor to the church leaders instead of to the Father and the Son.

It seems so obvious to me that the Mormon Church is a fraud that i see no need to point it out to any one, they love religion and not God so they got it.

However other Christian religions are much less noticeable as a fraud, people will join them thinking they are the real deal, not realizing that it is a money thing, the more members the more money.

Mat 23:15
Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for you traverse sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

I have a Step Nephew who was born into the Mormon Church, when he was about 25 years old he got the hell out of it and publicly denounced it, his step brother ( my nephew ) willingly joined it, he is still there because what he is interested in is religion.

Mormonism is so obviously a fraud why warn any one against something that they love to begin with which is religion.

Seems to me that we should be exposing frauds that are not so noticeable as frauds.

If some one shoots a man in the back any one can see that it is murder, plain and simple, that is the Mormon Church.

But if some one spends a lot of time picking a fight with some one who they know they can beat and supposedly kills them in a fair fight, then there is a doubt about if it was the same as murder or not, that of course would be some of these other Christian religions.

There is room for argument for or against, as far as i am concerned if they call them selves religious, i will stay away from them.

So you also have my permission to call me anything you like, and i do care but i will gladly take what ever comes to tell it the way i see it.

64 posted on 04/24/2012 6:02:15 AM PDT by ravenwolf (reIf you believe that Nero was the anti-Christ, and among othJust a bit of the long list of proofsre)
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