For starters, I am not a fan of modern evangelistic gimmicks.
I do believe sharing the Gospel often requires one to get messy.
But in a nutshell, it all depends on the situation. There is no one size fits all method. Sometimes it is a long, drawn out process. Other times you only have a minute.
We once moved into a neighborhood, and on our first night there my wife and I went outside, maybe at 10:30, and prayed that God would clearly show us which of our neighbors He would save through us.
Two weeks later I was walking to check our community mailbox and a neighbor should “where you going preacher-man? Want a beer?” (All I can think is he saw us going to church one Sunday morning.)
I told him I’d love a beer. He was shocked that a Christian would drink a beer and asked if that wasn’t a sin. I explained that drunkenness was a sin, but reminded him that Jesus turned water into wine. He had never heard of such. Because I didn’t flinch when he offered me a beer, over the next couple of years I was able to unpackage the Gospel, answer many questions, and shortly after we moved away, the family professed faith.
I am convinced many Christians would be too shocked, too put off, to do anything but condemn people in this type of scenario, but I believe we must walk right and and be ambassadors of Jesus’s love.
Never give up, never get frustrated. Tell the truth. If you don’t know an answer, admit it and promise to get back to them.
Trust that is is not you who saves people, but God. We are just the messengers.
OK, my bad. Didn’t read far enough. You got me.
I am convinced many Christians would be too shocked, too put off, to do anything but condemn people in this type of scenario, but I believe we must walk right and and be ambassadors of Jesuss love.
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Some of the best witnessing conversations I have ever had was when I was a bartender.