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To: for-q-clinton

You wrote:

“Getting outraged over this is what the Muslims do.”

From a purely logical standpoint your comment is grossly ignorant.

1) According to Islam, Muslims are not to make images of Muhammad. That doesn’t mean a Danish Lutheran can’t make an image of Muhammad. Thus, the Muslims never had a valid reason to be upset in the first place.

2) The Danish Lutheran did not belong to Islam or Muslims. The items in the photos in this thread were owned by and used by Catholics and the Catholic Church. Thus, someone is using OUR sacred items in a profane way. We have every right to be upset with how someone uses property once dedicated to the service of OUR God, OUR Church, and OUR people when that usage is profane to say the least. Also, the items in question are probably stolen to begin with or have been appropriated in a way the original owner - the Church or a cleric - NEVER INTENDED.

3) And in regard to this comment: “Are you suggesting that only Christians who believe the chalice is some form of super powerful cup should be allowed to drink from them?” It is only logical that sacred property should be handled only by those to whom it properly belogs. I would never, EVER, think of using a Methodist ministers chalice for something profane even though he might not even believe in the Real Presence and no miracle takes place in it. To use it in a profane way would simply to denigrate the beliefs and practices of the people who own it. Those of us who are civilized and believe in common decency would not use yarmulke or tallits as napkins. I guess you would?

23 posted on 03/26/2012 4:36:08 PM PDT by vladimir998
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To: vladimir998

From a purely logical standpoint you made my point for me.

1) Obviously we don’t think they have a leg to stand on, yet they do it anyway. Kind of like this post...where does it say in the Bible that these specific items are holy and those that use them in the way they are used should be ran out of town? Should we be more concerned with their souls vice what they are doing with our idols?

2) Ah, but who owns them now? The Catholic church should keep control of their idols more closely, less they fall into other’s hands. If these are truly the churches idols they should be able to sue and get them back.

3) Ok so you wouldn’t do this, but these people are. As I said the conversation should be about their souls and praying for them not about idols of the church.

28 posted on 03/26/2012 4:59:58 PM PDT by for-q-clinton (If at first you don't succeed keep on sucking until you do succeed)
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To: vladimir998

>> “Christians who believe the chalice is some form of super powerful cup should be allowed to drink from them?” <<

To take such a drink under such belief is pagan idolatry.

52 posted on 03/26/2012 9:01:09 PM PDT by editor-surveyor (No Federal Sales Tax - No Way!)
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