What it is, is that they, deep down inside KNOW there is a God. They KNOW there is one more powerful than they. Yet, they are too "small" to admit it. AND, they know they are going to pay for their sins. They are just cowards.
When these people tell me there is no God, I tell them: "you'd better be right." Simple as that.
I always told them “If you’re right, I black out into the void and never know I was wrong. If I’m right, you’ll have an eternity to regret it” ;)
The atheists are pushing the meme of nonexistence in order to fit their myth god worldview.
There are too many outside the bible independent historical documentations that demonstrate that there was indeed a person running around at that time in history doing “something” with the masses.
You don’t need any religion to simply document the historic figure alone. The “hate religion” crowd can’t even tolerate reality established under their own rules.
Theophobia?—an ailment that afflicts atheists who fear that God might exist? The real atheists are the ones who dont even think about God at all.