Or there are far worse out there -- folks who'd look at the slimeball, criminals pastors or priests out there and then denigrate our beliefs because of these scum.
I think it is very misguided for people to judge church, religion, God on the deeds of a few individuals. I think they do not understand the power Satan has (as a force of evil) over all of us. And, as Pope John Paul ll believed, Satan has cunningly learned how to bring otherwise good people into accepting abortion. Satan has learned from his actions with the communists and nazi’s of last century and has become more cunnning. This cultural move to take religion out of the mainstream, to not discuss with others because religion is “private” is the work of evil as well. We need to recognize these dangers...and to stand up courageously against evil wherever we confront it. This is the choice I have made recently. No longer the sheep waiting for slaughter, no more passively sitting by as our children’s lives are destroyed by the doctrine being taught them from the liberals. To accomplish this we must not tear down other Christian sects...we must support each other. We do all worship the same God afterall. We must confront the evil and teach those able to understand what is really going on regarding good and evil.
I just came by this verse...it applies beautifully to what we are discussing:
Psalm 97:10
Let those who love the LORD hate evil, for he guards the lives of his faithful ones and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.