The Rock the church is built on is Christ. Besides, later in that same conversation Jesus called Peter Satan.
There you go.... picking versus at random.
Peter was still very human, subject to sin, and the influence of Our Enemy. Because, Peter, in trying to dissuade Jesus from the cross, came under the influence of Satan and tempted Jesus not to take up His cross, Jesus clearly perceived the true source of Peters seemingly compassionate words and denounces Satan and his influence on Peter.
Get behind me Satan. He was addressing Satan not calling Peter Satan. Then, speaking to Peter, Jesus says,
You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.
This was Peters first lesson in learning how to discern the voice of Satan and the Voice of Christ.
Again, explain how there has been a Pope on record (recorded in history) ever since Peter? Was that just a coincidence?
No, Christ said to Peter, I confirm you, now you confirm your brethren...There was a Pope confirmed ever since Peter...
Sorry, but you cannot deny history!
Or, are you doeing the same thing with Church history as some do with US founding father history...
Gospel | John 1:35-42 © |