Christianity without the Bible is mere paganism. Make God into anything and anything into a god.
The Bible is known to be more accurate today than at any time in the past.
Only those who have misguided faith in the pronouncements of philsophical naturalism (science) would even consider such a question.
I must believe that you never even read the article, otherwise you would not have insulted me or my friend.
Believe me, neither I nor my friend Doug is misguided in our faith. Nor are we lost in the pronouncements of philsophical naturalism (science).
Many here know my credentials, so I will not repeat them, but as for Doug, he is a very well respected seminary scholar and a very devout Evangelical Christian.
As for Doug’s devotion to Christ, I wish I could match my faith against his. So, for you to even suggest that about either of us is very off the mark.
I will mark down your response as nothing more than a smarmy remark from someone who is unwilling to honestly contemplate the question at hand.
Christianity can’t simply be reduced to a book otherwise we become like the Pharisees who knew a lot about rules and regulations, but they didn’t live according to the spirit of the law.