No, they can't. While they have rituals for the dead and other rituals in their temples -- and no, no "Gentiles" (non-Mormons) are allowed in...actually, most Mormons don't even have a temple recommend to be allowed you have to be a tithing member & you don't automatically get one as even a young adult...bishops like what Mitt Romney was asks you these Qs to see if you are "fit" to enter)
The Mormons do have services open to the public not in their temples. Not that I think they're worth attending...otherwise you might go & wind up singing about a Heavenly goddess mother in the hymn "O My Father" -- and even worse, singing worship to a man, Joseph Smith, in the hymn "Praise to the Man."
I didn't think just anyone could get in. I have a recent distant cousin (met through genealogy), turns out she converted to the Mormans. She told me she was a CARD carrying Morman, which I suppose means she can get in the Temple. Who knows, and I didn't ask, sounds creepy, just when did Jesus himself hide under a rock?
There is a Morman Temple in my neighborhood, they had a public open house when it was built, BUT I heard that they installed new carpet due to the infidels walking on the other. I did not attend, and would never want to step foot in that CULT religion.
Here is what I believe brought my cousin to being a Morman, she is just plain srewed up in the head, nice lady, BUT. Seems she was raised Baptist, and she had two mothers. As a young girl listening to the truth of Christ and his teaching of sin, by being a Baptist, and then trying to reconcile all that with the living conditions at home, messed her mind up. Mormanisn fit the bill. Weak minds will always fall for anything.
Now, tell me this: What's in this Cult religion for Women? The men get their own planet to be the GOD of, (rofl), but what do the women get? Servitude? Stupid women.