Posted on 09/22/2011 7:16:19 PM PDT by Salvation
Largest 40 Days for Life ever! September 28 November 6
Take the leap of faith and get involved with 40 Days for Life
Have you been to pray at a 40 Days for Life vigil yet? You may ask, What do I do? or What sign should I bring? The answer is simple; the only sign you really need to bring is yourself, for you represent Gods love.
Concern about going to pray at the abortion facility is common and normal. 40 Days for Life campaign director Shawn Carney shared some thoughts at the national Students for Life conference.
What 40 Days for Life has witnessed (so far!)
There have now been eight coordinated 40 Days for Life campaigns since 2007, mobilizing people of faith and conscience in 337 cities across all 50 of the United States plus communities in Canada, Australia, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Spain, Denmark, Georgia, Armenia and Belize. |
During these unified efforts, participants witnessed countless blessings from God:
After so many years of legalized abortion, many people of faith are experiencing a renewed sense of HOPE!
Day 2 - September 29
Pray for those who work in the abortion industry, and for those who have repented of committing abortions and have resolved to defend life.
Jesus called out with a loud voice, "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." When he had said this, he breathed his last. The centurion, seeing what had happened, praised God and said, "Surely this was a righteous man."
-- Luke 23:46-47
"Those of us who have participated in the killing of unborn children are the Centurions of today. We have dropped our swords against the unborn child. Now we must recognize the depth of our guilt and deal with the ramifications... To revitalize our humanity we need to forgive and be forgiven, to reconcile and be healed."
These words come from a brochure of the Society of Centurions, an organization for former abortion providers. These words convey in a beautiful and moving way what is happening across the nation as hundreds of abortionists and their staff members experience repentance, conversion, and healing.
How does this conversion begin? Dr. Philip Ney writes, "The factors that changed their opinion on performing abortions, in the following order of frequency, were: evidence of the infant's humanity, a spiritual experience, personal distress, evidence of the mother's distress, scientific articles, being accepted as a person, a personal relationship with a pro-lifer, pro-life pickets." (The Centurion's Pathway, p. 77).
The journey is not easy. But the Jesus who heals us calls us to face the truth of what we've done, make restitution where possible, and engage in the hard work of mending relationships. Let's pray for the Centurions; may their numbers increase!
Lord, we thank you for those who have repented of committing abortions and have resolved to defend life. We too repent and resolve. We repent of every instance in which fear has made us silent when we should have spoken. We repent of the ongoing bloodshed in our land, and for thinking that we can deprive the unborn of protection but keep it for ourselves. We resolve that we will advance the cause of righteous candidates for public office, and that we will be more afraid of offending you by our silence than of offending others by our speech. We resolve that we will proclaim your name to the nations, through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
have to say that the ENTHUSIASM I’m seeing and
hearing is really uplifting — and also humbling.
The dedication and prayers of so many — like you —
have made this the largest 40 Days for Life campaign
ever ... and prayer always sustain us through
adversity. Here are a few examples.
The people who arrived for the 40 Days for Life kickoff
event outside the abortion center in Fayetteville got
a bit of a surprise — a brand-new sprinkler system,
with the sprinkler heads pointed directly at the prayer
“The owner of the business complex turned the sprinklers
on as soon as we set up all our equipment,” said Tiffany
in Fayetteville. “And they kept the sprinklers on for
two hours.”
One co-owner spent the entire two hours “pacing and
walking up and down the parking lot, yelling at us and
telling the police to arrest us,” she said. “Needless
to say, the police officers were polite and explained
they could not arrest us.”
The prayer volunteers were then greeted with loud,
obscene music from inside the building. “We sang and
played worship music and lifted our voices to God,”
Tiffany explained. “Our God songs drowned out the
vulgar music.”
Through it all, the prayer volunteers refused to be
discouraged. “The bottom line — God triumphed,” she
said. “Praise the Lord!”
Bright and early on Day 1, a young woman stopped by
the 40 Days for Life vigil site in Toccoa and gave
Mary a great big hug.
“Please know that people are noticing what you are
doing,” the woman said. With tears in her eyes, she
showed Mary a picture of her son.
This young mom said she had been on her way to have
an abortion when her car broke down. She had to use
the money she had saved up for an abortion to get
her car fixed. Soon after, she decided to keep her
baby — and now was so very happy with her choice.
“She also agreed to stop back and sign up to join our
campaign,” said Mary. “We are looking forward to
seeing her again, and hope to be able to send more
stories like this.”
About 75 people came out for the 40 Days for Life
kickoff in Las Vegas. “The sun was hot,” said Linda,
one of the local leaders, “but many were willing to
brave the heat ... in support of the dignity of human
The event began with music — and the sound of the
shofar, the traditional ram’s horn. “Pastor Wally
Smith of House of Israel Fellowship proclaimed a
Bible passage and called us to bravely fight the
evil of abortion that occurs here in our city nearly
every day,” said Linda.
“Let’s stand ready to storm heaven with prayer,” she
said, “and then humbly await God’s will.”
To see a photo of the kickoff event in Las Vegas,
please go to:
Day 3 - September 30
We pray for God's gift of strength as we strive to protect human life during these 40 Days for Life.
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
-- Matthew 6:25-26
Billions of dollars are spent each year on diet plans. But Jesus tells us to stop worrying so much about our bodies, and instead to trust in God's care for our physical needs.
What would happen if the people who had started on a low-carb diet this year had instead gone on a diet of heavenly food? For non-believers that diet would include trusting in Christ for their salvation, and for believers it would include a renewed prayer life, a new Bible study, or even a spiritual fast. This diet doesn't include giving up on certain kinds of foods. What this diet includes is giving up on anxiety by resting in the loving arms of Christ, trusting that He will provide.
Such a spiritual diet also frees us from our worries, and allows us to freely praise Him and serve others. "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
This promised provision teaches us the inestimable worth of our lives. He will not allow us to go without. This intimate knowledge and care for human life on the part of our gracious God is what motivates us to seek for the preservation of human life in all its stages.
Loving heavenly Father, help us to see the worth of all human beings by the way in which you provide for us. We would ask that you provide also the faith, grace and courage to enable us to protect that which is so precious to you. Through Christ our Lord, amen.
Dennis DiMauro
Lutherans for Life
Day 4 - October 1
We ask God that we may understand the concept of justice, as a gift he gives and as a responsibility that shapes our work.
Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!
-- Amos 5:24
Justice, a key theme of the Scriptures, is something God does and that we too must do.
When God intervenes to save his people when they are helpless and in slavery in Egypt, he "does justice." He manifested his justice in the plagues that were sent upon Egypt, whereby Pharaoh was convinced that he must let the people go. Justice is manifested as, in awe and wonder, God's people see the Red Sea open before them, allow them to pass without even getting their feet wet, and then close again to drown their powerful enemies.
God is a God of Justice; he rescues us when we cannot save ourselves. His justice, above all, is seen in Jesus Christ, who, when we could not save ourselves, rescued us from the kingdom of sin, Satan, death, and hell. The mighty work of Christ on the cross and in the resurrection is the perfect manifestation of God as the God of justice.
We, then, are to be the people of justice; we are to "do justice" by intervening to save the helpless in the name and by the power of the God who saves us who are helpless ourselves. That's why we have a pro-life movement; that's why we have a 40 Days for Life Campaign; that's why saving the unborn is our business.
God of Justice, you heard the cry of your people when they were being oppressed in Egypt, and you proved yourself to be the God of justice, who rescues the helpless. You likewise rescued us from the kingdom of darkness, and brought us into the Kingdom of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who saves us from the power of Satan, sin, death, and hell. Make us people of justice, ready to intervene to save the helpless. Indeed, as your prophets have announced, let justice roll on like a mighty river, to save all who are in need, especially the unborn. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
NEXT: Day 5 |
Day 5 - October 2
May the truth of the final judgment shape our thoughts, priorities, and choices here on earth.
The King will answer and say to them, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to me.”
— Matthew 25:31-46
Caring for others is not optional.
Jesus’ picture of the final judgment concludes with this sobering word: the wicked, who failed to care for others in their various needs (e.g., the hungry, the thirsty, the aliens, the naked, the sick, the imprisoned) will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous who did seek to meet those needs will end up with him, enjoying eternal life.
We know that this was no parable! Jesus has given us fair warning! Everything in God’s Word points to the truth that compassionate concern and practical care for all people, especially for the poor, the destitute, the weak and needy is required of us, if indeed we hope to escape the punishment of the fire of hell.
And who are the poor and needy, if not helpless, unborn babies, as well as the aged and infirm at the other end of life? Surely the “least of these” embraces not only those at both ends of the continuum of life, but all others in between. Just how we, as Christ’s true followers, respond to his admonition “inasmuch as you did it to the least of these, you did it to me” will determine whether we enjoy eternal bliss in his presence or the bleak and dreadful reality of eternal punishment in hell. Nothing in God’s Word could be clearer!
Gracious and merciful Father, we gladly embrace your Word that counsels us to care for the least of your children, and we renew our dedication to defending the unborn and all whose right to life is compromised by our godless society’s selfish lack of concern. Free us from our own failures and sins so that we will be truly pro-life in every area of our lives. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Rev. Ben Sheldon
President Emeritus, Presbyterians Pro-Life
Thanks for these posts, Faith.
My conference on Military Chaplains — all the way from the Archbishop of the Military down to the Chaplains that go out into the field with their units/troops was fantastic. I learned so much.
The media likes 40 Days for Life — and we have the
abortion industry to thank.
No, I have not lost my mind just four days into the
Yes, I know at the national level, the media seems to
have an agenda that’s radically in favor of abortion.
But I’m seeing 40 Days for Life campaigns getting great
coverage — and a fair shake — in local media outlets.
This is typically because the abortion center staff
complains to the media — and tell the reporters and
producers that they’re under a “violent siege” or that
“extremist protesters are harassing patients.”
Of course, when the local media go to the vigil, they
find moms praying with small children. Or high school
students kneeling in prayer. Or businessmen praying on
their lunch hour. Or an elderly couple praying quietly.
When this happens, the local media, pro-life or not,
sees the vigil volunteers as the underdogs — and the
abortion center workers come off as intolerant.
The staff’s overreaction is the catalyst for 40 Days
for Life getting a fair treatment.
I just did a local media interview for a 40 Days for
Life campaign, and this never fails. Here are a few
The Fairfield Daily Republic reported on the local
40 Days for Life kickoff event — and included a
picture of Catholic Bishop Jaime Soto of Sacramento
leading the crowd of about 150 in prayer.
The opening vigil was held in front of a Planned
Parenthood facility. One volunteer told the reporter
that people would go there to pray “until they close
this place.”
While the article quoted talking points from the
Planned Parenthood web site, no one from the
organization would speak to the reporter on the record.
In reference to the Planned Parenthood staff, another
volunteer said, “We are here to pray for them as well.
Were not here to finger-point.”
For a link to the full story from the Fairfield Daily
Republic, please go to:
KFDA-TV, the local CBS affiliate, covered the 40 Days
for Life kickoff in Amarillo — and gave a very
accurate description of the typical vigil: “There was
no yelling, no protesting and no arguing, just a
peaceful gathering of those fighting to end abortion.”
Local coordinator Stephanie Frausto noted that
abortions are not performed at the facility where the
vigil is held, but it’s often the first stop for
abortion-minded women.
“So we are always here,” she said.
The reporter also noted, “While they prayed and sang
songs, several also shared their testimonies, because
they’re not just pushing to end abortion, but to also
heal those who have had one.”
To see the video from KFDA-TV, please go to:
Victoria’s first-ever 40 Days for Life campaign got
the attention of the Goldstream News Gazette, which
interviewed vigil participants outside a local
abortion center.
“We are praying for women and their unborn children,”
said volunteer Steve Weatherbe. “We are praying for
women to change their minds and to keep their babies.”
People praying are restricted by a 30-meter buffer
zone — that’s about 100 feet. But they did not let
that discourage them.
The reporter quoted a member of a local pro-abortion
group, who said she was “appalled it is going on for
40 days.” She predictably called the 40 Days for Life
event “harassment.”
“This is not a protest,” countered Weatherbe. “It’s
a prayer vigil.”
The only harassment anyone noted came in the form
of pro-abortion slogans that were spray-painted on
the sidewalk. Police are investigating the vandalism.
For a link to the full story from the Goldstream News
Gazette, please go to:
40 Days for Life is about being a light in the darkness.
Today is the first Lord’s Day of the campaign so let’s
pray we can continue to shine the light of Christ into
the areas of our communities that need it most — the
places where innocent lives are lost every week.
What do Flint, Montreal, Quebec and London all have
in common? They are all praying to end abortion at
those dark places in their communities. Take a look!
>From time to time, we talk about the fact that many
people don’t realize there’s an abortion facility in
their community. That’s probably the case in Flint.
Joe went to pray at the abortion center for the first
time as part of the current 40 Days for Life campaign.
“I wondered if I had the right place,” he said. “The
address was correct, but there was no other indication
that this was the place.”
So he got a bit closer to the building, and could then
see that this was indeed the vigil location. “I could
see the words ‘Women’s Health Clinic’ on the second
door just inside the first. Doesn’t seem like they
are real proud of the work they do there.”
This is one of the reasons the prayer vigil is so
important. The women with appointments and the abortion
center staff certainly need our prayers. But people
passing by also need to know what is going on — often
in secret — right in their own home towns.
Joe took a picture of the poorly-marked entrance. To
see it, please go to:
40 Days for Life is in 15 cities in Canada this fall —
the most ever — from coast to coast. Two of the
locations are in the province of Quebec, where French
is the primary language in most areas. This is the
sixth 40 Days for Life campaigns for Montreal, but the
first for the province’s capital city of Quebec.
The teams In Montreal and Quebec City have produced a
video to promote their efforts — with an English
version and a French version. They both show the spirit
of 40 Days for Life — in English, “pray for an end to
abortion,” and in French, “prions pour la fin de
To see the video preview of the two Quebec campaigns,
please go to:
Robert in London reports 40 Days for Life apparently
touched a nerve with a young woman on a bicycle. The
London campaign is taking place in Bedford Square — an
area he described as “genteel.”
For a brief period at lunchtime, however, that genteel
atmosphere vanished.
The woman repeatedly drove her bike into the 40 Days
for Life banners and boxes, Robert said, “overturning
them whilst shouting in a hysterically high-pitched
voice, ‘You are disgusting! Shame on you!’ All
attempts to calm her down were futile and she drove
off in a rage.”
Robert said he was reminded of the line attributed to
Ghandi: “First they ignore you. Then they laugh at
you. Then they fight you. Then you win.”
Here’s today’s devotional from Rev. Ben Sheldon,
president emeritus of Presbyterians Pro-Life...
May the truth of the final judgment shape our
thoughts, priorities, and choices here on earth.
The King will answer and say to them, “Assuredly, I
say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the
least of these my brethren, you did it to me.”
— Matthew 25:31-46
Caring for others is not optional.
Jesus’ picture of the final judgment concludes with
this sobering word: the wicked, who failed to care
for others in their various needs (e.g., the hungry,
the thirsty, the aliens, the naked, the sick, the
imprisoned) will go away into everlasting punishment,
but the righteous who did seek to meet those needs
will end up with him, enjoying eternal life.
We know that this was no parable! Jesus has given us
fair warning! Everything in God’s Word points to the
truth that compassionate concern and practical care
for all people, especially for the poor, the
destitute, the weak and needy is required of us, if
indeed we hope to escape the punishment of the fire
of hell.
And who are the poor and needy, if not helpless,
unborn babies, as well as the aged and infirm at the
other end of life? Surely the “least of these”
embraces not only those at both ends of the continuum
of life, but all others in between.
Just how we, as Christ’s true followers, respond to
his admonition “inasmuch as you did it to the least
of these, you did it to me” will determine whether we
enjoy eternal bliss in his presence or the bleak and
dreadful reality of eternal punishment in hell.
Nothing in God’s Word could be clearer!
Gracious and merciful Father, we gladly embrace your
Word that counsels us to care for the least of your
children, and we renew our dedication to defending
the unborn and all whose right to life is compromised
by our godless society’s selfish lack of concern.
Free us from our own failures and sins so that we
will be truly pro-life in every area of our lives.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
To download today’s devotional as a formatted,
printable PDF to share with friends:
—————, have a blessed Sunday!
Day 6 - October 3
That knowing the shortness of life, all may value it more deeply.
Remember your Creator before the silver cord is loosed, or the golden bowl is broken, or the pitcher shattered at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the well. Then the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.
-- Ecclesiastes 12:6-7
God is giver of all life. Short lived or long lived, human lives are lived out in this world. The metaphors for death are many. But their meaning is clear and singular: all will die. Even so, death is not the absolute end. It is not the end of the story. For as certainly as God gave life, at death the life or spirit that God gave returns to God.
By God, we are created. For God, we live our given days. To God, we return at the end of our earthly days. And with God, we live through eternity. Clearly, all along the way, this gracious, loving God is with us. No human life is random or alone. No human life was created without purpose. Not one human life is without destiny.
All human lives, acknowledged or not, are related to God -- from beginning, to end, throughout eternity. Therefore, in this world, all human lives are to be respected and protected, for their lives are signs of God's sovereignty.
O God, we too often try to live in ways that ignore our coming death. We forget that our days are numbered by You, that at the end of our days your judgment awaits, that You are the Lord of our destiny.
Help us to repent daily, and then to live each day in joyful obedience. Lead us to live in the light and promise of eternity. Prepare us to live fully and sacrificially. Prepare us to die faithfully and hopefully, so that we might live forever with You. Through Jesus Christ, who has gone before us, we trust and hope and love and pray. Amen.
Rev. Paul Stallsworth
President, Lifewatch (United Methodist Church)
On Monday mornings during 40 Days for Life campaigns,
we always like to start off the week with great news.
And today is no exception.
In response to your prayers and sacrifices, God has
answered with grace and mercy. There have been ...
... 38 babies — that we know of — spared from abortion
since this campaign started last Wednesday!
Praise God!
Here are just a few of the stories behind that number.
The first day of the 40 Days for Life vigil, three
mothers chose life for their babies!
In the words of the Dallas prayer coordinator, “There
was a steady powerful prayer presence non-stop as
people came ‘passing the baton.’ The prayer chain
was unbroken.”
Earlier in the week, nearly 300 people joined in the
nearby park to raise their voices in praise and worship
during the Dallas kickoff event.
Ramona Trevino shared her journey from Planned
Parenthood manager to pro-life witness. “Ramona’s
testimony lit up the night as a shining example of
what God’s people can do when they show up and put
their trust and faith in God almighty,” said
another member of the Dallas leadership team.
“Thank you to all those who have sacrificed, prayed,
fasted and come to the sidewalk for their little
brothers and sisters who are yet to be born. Thank
you, Holy Spirit, for moving hearts so miraculously
and so wonderfully.”
To see a photo of the Dallas vigil, please go to:
Syracuse also reported a life saved in the campaign’s
early hours.
“On this very first day of our fall campaign, one of
our faithful prayer volunteers ministered to a woman
coming to Planned Parenthood,” said Jeanie in Syracuse.
The woman had come for an abortion. But following her
discussion with the 40 Days for Life volunteer, the
woman chose life for her baby and accepted an invitation
to go to a pro-life pregnancy care center.
“Praise God! To Him be the Glory!” said Jeanie. “May we
continue to be vessels of His love and mercy!”
We’ve posted a picture of the kickoff event in Syracuse.
You can see it at:
“We had a blockbuster first day,” said Major in
Huntsville. Prayer volunteers were at the clinic all
day — including 20 who joined a local pastor for prayer
early in the afternoon.
“That’s an excellent showing,” Major said, “but it
gets better.”
One of the counselors on the sidewalk struck up a
conversation with a woman who was thinking about
abortion. It turns out the woman was married and had
a son who was not quite two years old.
“The counselor was finally able to convince her to
keep her baby,” he said. “She accepted one of our
baby gifts. Her husband came and picked her up and
they left. Glory be to God! What a great first day!”
Day 7 - October 4
May we have a heart and a zeal to save the poor and release the oppressed.
The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.
-- Luke 4:18-19
This passage is a very familiar one. It has been preached on many occasions, even made popular in books and songs. Though the quote is about Jesus, all Christians take this commission seriously as a directive on how to reach the world with the gospel. We, like our Savior, are to bring the good news to the poor, the broken hearted, those in captivity, those who cannot see, and the oppressed.
The commission given to us in this passage is clearly a charge to care for those for whom God cares the most. I wonder though, whom do we look for to be touched by the Holy Spirit as we go out into the world?
Who are the poor, if not those unborn children who have been abandoned by their parents before they ever leave the womb? Who are the broken hearted, if not those unborn children whose only example of love is having their mother take them to an abortion clinic to be destroyed, or the mother of a child who has been deceived by everyone around her into believing that what she is doing is best for her and her child? Who are the captives, if not those unborn children who are bound over to death by the "choice" of abortion? Who is more blind than an unborn child in the darkness of a womb that has become a waiting room for their death? And who is more oppressed than those unborn children whose oppression has been legitimized by their government, their church and even their family and loved ones.
Lord, You empower us with Your Spirit to do your will in the earth. Send us to the poorest, the most broken, the most captive, the most blind and the most oppressed in the world, the innocent pre-born children in their mother's wombs that are scheduled for destruction. Help us to bring them healing, liberty, sight and justice through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
Fr. Terry Gensemer
National Director, Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life
40 Days for Life national director David Bereit and I
are in the process of visiting 40 Days for Life
locations, and thats where we are — on the road again.
I was in Fort Collins, Colorado yesterday. Today and
tomorrow, David is scheduled to go to seven locations
in Minnesota.
And just recently, he and I were both able to visit
40 Days for Life participants in Helena, Montana.
Here are a few more highlights from local 40 Days for
Life events.
At the kickoff event of the 40 Days for Life campaign
in Memphis, Stefanie met a young woman.
“She said she saw us on the sidewalk,” she said, “and
decided to walk on over.” The girl had been staying with
a family that lives right behind Planned Parenthood —
she had been kicked out of her home.
“I told her please do not enter that building,” Stefanie
said, pointing towards Planned Parenthood, “and that I
could take her to a pregnancy center.” She agreed to go.
“Thank God we were all out there in numbers for our
kick-off rally” she said. “She had fifty people praying
for her and the life of her baby!”
To see a picture from the kickoff event in Memphis,
please go to:
Wynette in Sacramento says the abortion center where
40 Days for Life vigils are held has done something
special for this fall’s campaign.
The facility’s owner has put up solid redwood fence
panels on their wrought iron gate.
“The original wrought iron fence allowed us frequent
access to women who were considering abortion, enabling
us to speak with them and offer them assistance,” she
said. “But apparently, the abortion business is not
really supportive of ‘choice’ as they do everything
they can to prevent women from changing their minds.”
The thing is, Wynette said, the power of prayer knows
no barriers.
A couple explained to vigil participants why they had
come to this abortion center.
“We already have a two-month-old baby at home and we
just can’t handle another one so soon,” said the young
mother. They had come the week before, but just couldnt
go through with the abortion and left.
“We came back today,” she said, “but they just told us
the doctor isn’t going to show up, so all appointments
have been canceled. We take this as a sign that maybe
we shouldn’t go through with the abortion.”
To see pictures of the big fence — and some of the
prayer team members in Sacramento — please go to:
“The Germantown 40 Days for Life is off to a great
start,” said Andrew, one of the local coordinators.
There is a special feature at the Germantown location —
a candlelight vigil every Sunday evening outside the
abortion center. The abortionist there is Leroy
Carhart, who travels from his home in Nebraska to
perform late-term abortions in Maryland.
“Carhart has regularly been coming on Sundays to
start the late-term abortion procedures,” Andrew
explained. “We would like to be there to pray for
these women, their babies, Carhart and his staff.
Thank you to everyone for coming out to pray so far.”
I echo that thank you — for YOU and for everyone
who has set aside time to pray for an end to abortion
during this 40 Days for Life campaign.
Day 8 - October 5
May the spirit and example of the Good Samaritan fill the hearts and minds of all our citizens.
Jesus said: "A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he fell into the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. So, too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, took him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper. 'Look after him,' he said, 'and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.'
"Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?" The expert in the law replied, "The one who had mercy on him." Jesus told him, "Go and do likewise."
-- Luke 10:30-37
Here Jesus commands us to show mercy to the victims of the culture of violence and death.
But why did the priest and Levite fail to show mercy? Perhaps they feared that the robbers were hiding just around the next corner to attack them. They asked themselves, "If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?"
The Samaritan, however, reversed the question, and asked, "If I don't stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"
In working to save the unborn, let's not worry about what will happen to us if we act; let's worry about what will happen to the unborn if we don't.
Father, we are moved by the lesson of the Good Samaritan, who allowed compassion to influence him more than fear. Give us the same heart. Grant that we may never count the cost of standing up and speaking out for the unborn. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
Hear our prayers, Dear Lord, as we stand in defense of these precious innocents.
There is such incredible darkness at the places where
abortions are done.
In thinking about that darkness, I am reminded of
something Abby Johnson said. Abby was the director of
the Planned Parenthood abortion center in Bryan/College
Station, Texas who quit her job two years ago and is
now sharing the pro-life message.
Abby recently wrote about some of the things she saw
while working in the abortion industry. She mentioned
how cold the staff was ... and said they even joked about
sending a welcome gift when the Coalition for Life, the
local pro-life group I worked with, moved next door to
Planned Parenthood.
They wanted to send us cookies shaped like babies.
And that was one of the milder examples of what passed
for humor behind the walls of an abortion facility.
Im hearing from 40 Days for Life coordinators, who are
telling of the darnkess they encounter at the abortion
centers. Here are some of their reports.
As the abortion center closed for the day, one of the
employees came out and threw eight small plastic babies
on the ground.
“I don’t know how long you people plan to be here,”
said the worker, “but this is how many we did today.”
“Our group remained silent,” said Ryan in Tuscaloosa.
“We watched the staff member leave, and prayed for
the eight babies and the staff.”
The local team decided it would be best to distribute
the plastic babies to vigil participants to carry as
a reminder to pray for all the unborn, especially the
eight from this particular day.
“We all deal with trials at our vigils,” Ryan said.
“We have faith that God is using us to do His work.
This trial and others are proof that God is at work
in these clinics.”
The team in Tuscaloosa sent a photo of the plastic
babies. To see it, please go to:
The 40 Days for Life campaign in Flagstaff started with
a rally in front of City Hall. For the most part, the
local coordinators reported a positive response from
the community — “cars honking, people waving and
smiling, giving our efforts thumbs-up.”
There was one guy, however, who was taken aback by
all of this. He drove by angrily — then went away
and came back with his own sign: “Honk if you hate
ignorant people.”
It also had an arrow on it. He stood right next to
the 40 Days for Life group, with the arrow pointing
in their direction.
A few of the participants tried to talk to him, “but
he was oblivious to any of our arguments.” So the group
simply continued to pray.
A sign in the window of the abortion center in Beaumont
announces the staffs reaction to the 40 Days for Life
vigil outside: “Pray against sidewalk bullies.”
There are interesting sights on the sidewalk, said
Eileen in Beaumont; but certainly no bullies. “A pastor
praying with his flock, with hushed murmurs of prayers; a
huge banner draped from chair to chair reading 40 Days
for Life; heads bowed in reverent contemplation.”
There’s a cure for the darkness; and it’s the light
of Christ.
There were no abortions on Thursday, Friday or Saturday
afternoons. “Praise Jesus!” Eileen said. “We prayed for
the abortion facility to close down. It hasn’t closed
down yet, but no abortions being done is still a hopeful
note for all of us to know.”
To see a picture of Beaumont’s vigil, please go to:
Day 9 - October 6
May we grow in joy, knowing we serve a living God.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
-- John 1:14
The Word of God came to us in human form in Jesus Christ. Every time I contemplate this fact I get chills! And I think it is something that we, as Christians, tend to gloss over. I can only imagine how the first disciples felt when they were looking into the eyes of the one and only Almighty God who created them.
The first disciples developed a close relationship with Him as they daily walked and talked with Him. They ate with Him, prayed with Him and rested when He rested. As they listened to the Word of God, who was and is Jesus .they believed and "beheld His glory."
Today, this is something we can still do because we serve a living God. Remember, Jesus died on the cross but rose from the dead in victory! Jesus is every bit as real and alive for all of us as He was to the first disciples. He wants us to develop a close relationship with Him in the very same way. Jesus wants us to know Him personally. He wants us to walk with Him and talk with Him on a daily basis.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love and saving grace in Christ Jesus. Help us to realize every day the great blessing we have in our Savior. I pray that we will rise every morning with excitement and zeal, looking forward to walking another day in your footsteps fully knowing that you continue to dwell among us. Amen.
Day Gardner
President, National Black Pro-life Union
It’s everyone’s question during 40 Days for Life:
“How do I know my prayers are making a difference?”
Trust me. They ARE!
Know that your prayers — all of them, collectively
— are being heard and answered.
Mother Teresa said we are not called to be successful;
we are called to be faithful. Here are a few examples
of prayerful faithfulness bearing fruit.
The 40 Days for Life vigil in Halifax is in front of a
large hospital. “Our witness is simply our prayerful
presence on the public sidewalk to the hundreds of
people who walk past on their way to work or to school,”
said Julie in Halifax.
Just recently, Julie learned about something that took
place during last fall’s campaign.
A vigil participant’s son was at the nearby university
when a friend of his came into class — very upset. She
had just found out that she was pregnant. She also told
her friend that she was very angry with the people
praying for an end to abortion outside the hospital.
The young man quietly said, “My dad is one of those
people praying.”
“I don’t know whether this young woman was considering
an abortion,” Julie said. “What we do know is that she
carried her baby to term and has kept her child. My
sense is that this young man’s simple witness touched
this girl’s heart. And those she had perceived as her
enemy — those ‘zealous Christians praying in public’
— suddenly had a human face.”
We never know where our prayers are reaching, she said,
“but I feel sure that last year at this time, those
prayers affected this girl and helped her to make a
decision for life.”
To see pictures of the Halifax vigil, please go to:
One Fort Myers church put together a video for its web
site to encourage members of the parish to participate
in the community’s first 40 Days for Life campaign —
especially on the days this church has pledged to
cover the peaceful prayer vigil at the abortion center.
It’s worth a look — an example of what’s possible in
terms of getting more people to get out to the abortion
facilities and pray. It shows what happens at the vigil
— and what Christ can do when two or more are gathered
in His name.
To watch the video, please go to:
Can there be too much of a good thing? In the case of a
40 Days for Life event in Lawrenceville — maybe so!
Some young people were holding a sign along the sidewalk
with the message, “Honk if your mom chose life.”
Once they displayed that sign, the event turned into a
virtual festival of honking horns.
“We got so many honks of support it was sometimes hard
to hear our guest speaker’s talk,” said Kateri in
Lawrenceville. “But he was laughing about it afterwards,
because he was the one who urged the kids to hold that
particular sign.”
To see a photo of the young people and their very
effective sign, please go to:
Day 10 - October 7
Pray for your local pregnancy help center: for those who answer calls from women considering abortion, those who provide ultrasounds, and those who personally help mothers prepare to parent or place for adoption.
Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
--Psalm 82:4
When a woman arrives at her local pregnancy help center, the hard work of "rescuing the weak" begins. They listen to her. What desperate circumstance is driving her? They act. A professional ultrasound and medical care is provided. They pray, "God use us." Then, they take up her burdens and work towards life. It is cross-bearing for the child-bearing.
Recently, I prayed for one volunteer who was working with one mother in her struggle. Here is what "rescue the weak" looked like in this one case:
Please keep praying against attack by the enemy. We are overwhelmed by seeing God's hand move in this situation and are so very thankful for the prayers lifted up by each one of you. God is good!
Father, we praise you for this one sister who gave herself, heart and soul, to rescue this one mother and baby. O may you empower the hundreds more today who are serving in our pregnancy help centers. Grant those answering calls, providing ultrasound and following up with a bold spirit of truth, love and perseverance.
Rev. John Ensor
Vice President, Heartbeat International
“Hang in there!” is one way to say it. In Cincinnati,
the thought was “persevere.” In Puerto Rico, it was
“commitment.” In Pittsburgh, “stand faithfully.”
And really, to put it all together, we are all called
to make a commitment, stand faithfully and persevere in
our witness — and most of all, as Paul says, in prayer.
Here are few stories of those who are doing just that.
A rainy day greeted the 40 Days for Life team for the
campaign’s opening, “but, of course, we weren’t going
to let that stop us,” said Mary in Cincinnati. “By the
time we held our official opening prayer hour in the
early evening it was clear and dry.”
Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer of Cincinnati’s Catholic
archdiocese led prayer and spoke about the importance
of public witness to the sanctity of life.
He reminded vigil participants that even if you don’t
often see the fruits of your sacrifices and hear from
the mothers’ lips that their babies are going to be
saved, we need to persevere.
“You could feel the unity of all those present,”
Mary said.
To see photos from the Cincinnati 40 Days for Life
campaign, please go to:
“People in Puerto Rico are coming together, sharing
their gifts and talents, and committing to vigil hours,”
said Zulimar, the coordinator of Puerto Rico’s first
40 Days for Life campaign.
On the campaign’s first day, there was a pro-abortion
demonstration in front of the cathedral in San Juan
that got media attention. “We responded letting the
community know about the 40 Days for Life campaign and
encouraged all Christians to join the prayer vigil,”
Zulimar said.
The bishop of San Juan also responded, saying that
“more than this being a religious issue, it is a
matter of human rights. It is a matter of the most
fundamental right that a human being has: the right
to live.”
The day ended with encouraging results as the abortionist
left early, closing the clinic for the day as vigil
participants — on their knees — prayed faithfully.
To see a picture from 40 Days for Life in Bayamon,
please go to:
Nikki sent me an e-mail about two of the volunteers at
the vigil in Pittsburgh, who are showing that 40 Days
for Life is blessed by both pro-life veterans and
newcomers praying outside the abortion facility.
There’s Bob, who “stands in front of Planned Parenthood,
holding his sign, every abortion day, and has been
doing it faithfully for almost 20 years. Rain, snow,
freezing cold or blistering heat — he is there.”
Nikki, the local coordinator, also mentioned Jessica,
who had signed up for a prayer time, but then e-mailed
to say she wasn’t really sure.
“I encouraged her that others would be there to welcome
her, and she came,” Nikki said. “She was very blessed
by the experience and said she will be back, and will
try to get a group from her church to come as well.”
To see photos from 40 Days for Life in Pittsburgh,
please go to:
A young girl was taken away in an ambulance yesterday after she spent time in the abortion mill. Abortion is a completely destructive choice for all concerned.
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