Of course not, but I have dealt with Mormons before and when they said something like this, I just ignored them and turned the other cheek.
There is no point confronting the person. What would you gain? He isn’t going to accept your authority, in fact a Mormon would immediately tell you that they have greater authority because their prophets are alive.
When I was little, they converted many Mormons on a regular basis because it is a pretty shallow religion. They didn’t do it by fighting with them, they did it by turning the cheek and showing love.
So who FIGHTS with them?
We show stuff from their OWN organizatrion and they cannot deal with it.
You really do not like the command Paul has given CHRISTIANs to REBUKE those who teach false things; do you?
There is no point confronting the person. What would you gain? He isnt going to accept your authority, in fact a Mormon would immediately tell you that they have greater authority because their prophets are alive.
When I was little, they converted many Mormons on a regular basis because it is a pretty shallow religion. They didnt do it by fighting with them, they did it by turning the cheek and showing love.
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The point is getting them to THINK FOR THEMSELVES. They are constantly taught not to.
And no, the converted people by lying and only telling a little bit of what they believe. Many converts (including me) ended up being taught one set of things before we joined and something completely different after we were in and had separated ourselves so our only social interaction was with other Mormons.