Let me guess, you haven't grasped the concept of "state" versus "standing" yet. Let me help, our standing in Christ is our "position" in Christ that we get from trusting in Jesus Christ as our savior. We become children of God by his grace through faith. It has to do with how God sees us.
Our state has to do with our actual spiritual condition at any given point in our life. It depends upon our submission to God's will, our sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's leading and our obedience to God's commands. So the difference between standing and state can be summed up by thinking about our position in Christ - which is secure, and our practice - how we live our lives in this world.
A prince, while he is a little child, is presumably as willful and as ignorant as other little children. Sometimes he may be very obedient and teachable and affectionate, and then he is happy and approved. At other times he may be unruly, self-willed, and disobedient, and then he is unhappy, and perhaps is chastisedbut he is just as much a prince on the one day as on the other. It may be hoped that, as time goes on, he will learn to bring himself into willing and affectionate subjection to every right way, and then he will be more princely, but not more really a prince. He was born a prince" (C.I.Scofield, Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth).
Let me guess, you believe that grace is irresistible. If it is God's desire that all be saved and that all are called to salvation (his offering of grace) why is it that not all are saved?
You are depending upon such as Scofield to teach you Christianity?
We are born in sin; with the Grace of God, we may gain our eternal Salvation, but we Christians throw ourselves on the mercy of Almighty God. We do not arrogantly proclaim our own salvation either on the Internet or in person.