Did you ever hear of or study typology?
Ot’s applying the Old Testament to the New Testament.
There IS such a thing as JUST war.
Sure, I’ve studied typology. But the church isn’t a “type” in the O.T. when the Bible specifically states that the church is NOT in the Hebrew Scriptures. Read Ephesians.
I believe there are just wars. But the church doesn’t wage physical war— it goes 100% against the teachings of Christ for and during the Church Age.
Solomon could justifiably observe in ECC of times of war and peace from his father David (and even before): his viewpoint was from a theocratic monarchy. God told Israel when to go to war. Interestingly, Israel was punished when David did an unauthorized census.
I appreciate your opinion. I run off of “Basic Bible Interpretation” by Roy Zuck, and a few others.