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To: The Theophilus
It takes a particular level of spiritual blindness and a particularly nasty hatred of Jews to be willing to deny the plain, clear Scripture about the eternal covenants God has with them that are eternal and irrevocable. It's a crime that the reformed churches are so dead to the inarguable truth in Scripture concerning the fact that the Jews are God's chosen people, that He has made irrevocable covenants and promises to them that He will keep, and that the day will come when God will bring His chosen people back into a relationship with Him that they are perfectly willing to put themselves in a position of enmity with God, and with all that enmity entails, to cling to false doctrines.

Your self-proclaimed expertise in Covenant Theology is particularly unimpressive since there is no Scriptural validation to be found for false doctrines such as assuming covenants that are never mentioned in Scripture, denying the distinction between Israel and the Church, having a double standard for interpretation of Scripture such as using the historical-grammatical method of interpretation, except for passages concerning future events and when dealing with passages regarding the future of Israel or the kingdom of God and then reverting to an allegorical or spiritualizing method of interpretation, and amillenialism.

Your mistake of attempting to unify Scripture by saying that Biblical distinctions are merely different phases of the same Covenant of Grace is part of the reason why you can't grasp that the Abrahamic Covenant is a distinct covenant made by God with Abraham and his descendants which God alone took responsibility for and insuring that He alone would be the only party responsible for keeping the covenant by putting Abraham to sleep when the covenant was made. You have to deny the word of God to force your false doctrines to work.

Pray, and ask God to bring you to a knowledge of, as He puts it, "rightly dividing the word of truth" so that you don't continue to put yourself in the precarious position of hating the chosen people of God and having to deny Scripture to make your false beliefs work.

98 posted on 05/15/2011 10:09:56 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: GiovannaNicoletta
It takes a particular level of spiritual blindness and a particularly nasty hatred of Jews to be willing to deny the plain, clear Scripture about the eternal covenants God has with them that are eternal and irrevocable.

OK, thanks for reminding all of us of your spiritual state by your hate-filled slanderous salutation. (for grins, compare this with the beginning of any of the apostolic letters)

It's a crime that the reformed churches are so dead to the inarguable truth in Scripture concerning the fact that the Jews are God's chosen people

I can find all kinds of places in Scripture where God "chooses" for Himself a people who are not Jews. So either the Bible is a closed book to you, or it is you who are so spiritually blind that you can't see passages like:

James 2:5"Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?
Galatians 3:29"And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."
Ephesians 1:4"According as He hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love...
1 Peter 2:9 "But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light"
Revelation 17:14 "These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.

There are many more, but the point being is that all of the passages refer to the Bride of Christ, the Church, the whole point and purpose of Creation, its our LORD's revelation of Himself from the least to the greatest to show His Glory, and part of that is to call a people unto Himself. Now, for some demonic reason you wish to profane God and say that Christ-killers are the main subject of the Scriptures, when the Bible is all about Jesus Christ and the plan of Redemption which includes people of every nation including Jews and Gentiles.

You are hung up on one small part of the Abrahamic Covenant and can see nothing else. There was also the Noahic Covenant and Noah was not a Jew. Furthermore, there is a reason why Ishmael, a biological and first born son of Abraham, was not part of the Covenant. Also why Esau, another first born was not part of the Covenant, You need to ask yourself why our LORD distinguished Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

But since you are all torqued up about the Abrahamic Covenant, lets fight through your spiritual myopia and look closer at the part you hate and wish to ignore, and that is found in Genesis 17

In verse four and six we read that Abram (his name at that time) will be "the father of many nations" would you like to take a stab on what is meant by "many" in that promise? In v21 we understand that Ishmael is not one of the "many" nations God had in mind, rather that the Covenant would be established through Isaac (who was not yet born). (Clues are in the NT passages provided above)

Yes, you are correct about the "everlasting" aspects, it is repeated by God several times just to make sure that we understand that the Covenant is everlasting. You may also want to note that the Covenant can be broken, and the violator is to be cut-off (v14) Here is where you are proven to be dead-wrong about the enjoyment of the Covenant by the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. While it is everlasting, it is indeed severable and there are plenty of ways of being cut-off from the Covenant (Ex 12:15; 30:33; Lev 7:20-21,25,27; Num 15:30-31).

The Jews in the wilderness rejected circumcision, which alone should have denied them the Promised Land, and Joshua remedied their lack of circumcision (5:2-15) by forcing upon the children of Israel prior to entering the Land.

You are also hung-up on this land thing, so I want to draw your attention to Leviticus 18:24-29 where our LORD warns the children of Israel not to defile themselves nor violate any of our LORD's statutes because if they are to do it, then the "land will vomit you out as it vomited out the nations that were before you" and lest you forget why, the passage immediately following this judgment says "the persons who commit them shall be cut off from among their people" - which is the language of the Covenant given to Abram back in Genesis 18 - a person is "cut-off from their people" which means that they no longer enjoy the promises of the Covenant. It doesn't mean that the everlasting Covenant ends, it means that those who have been "cut-off" are outside of the Covenant.

In view of being "cut-off" meaning to be out of the Covenant, go back to Romans 11 where the Gentiles are "grafted in" to the Abrahamic Covenant, and the unbelieving Jews are "cut off" from the Covenant. This is the doctrine you mock - yet it is the doctrine of Redemption that God established before the foundation of the world.

Now go back and read Hebrews, and you will see that the Abrahamic Covenant was not about some wretched scratch of land on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea, it was about the spiritual heavenly "land" that has its foundation in God, not some warring tribes, reprobates and vermin. The physical land of Canaan was a type, that is why the reformed sing of "Going to Canaan land" - it isn't like we want to settle alongside the Palestinians, its about the LORD's heavenly Kingdom that the Church you mock has treasured for thousands of years.

Even if you wish to continue to reject the fullness of the Abrahamic Covenant, and desperately cling to the worldly shadows, the modern people of Israel have done absolutely NOTHING to hold up their side of the Covenant, and while the Covenant is everlasting, enjoyment of it demands perfect obedience to all of the ordinances and statutes of God lest they be cut-off.

I think it is quite obvious that today's Jews who do not have faith in Jesus Christ have been cut-off and have no part in the everlasting Covenant. All of this war, strife and chaos in the Middle East is nothing more than rebels demanding an inheritance that is no longer theirs to take. Does this mean Israel has no right to exist there as a nation? Absolutely not, just like Yemen, China or the US has a right to exist as a nation - if they can defend and keep it, but it is blasphemy against God to say that those who have been cut-off from the Covenant have an expectation from God that He will wink at their rebellion and treat them as those within the Covenant.

106 posted on 05/15/2011 4:36:24 PM PDT by The Theophilus (Obama's Key to win 2012: Ban Haloperidol)
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