An excellent list! With your permission, I'd like to share it with my Confirmation students. Our classes are over, but I'll e-mail it to them. I'd talked about Penance during several of the classes, and we even talked about Examination of Conscience.
The guide you've written is quite relevant to where folks are nowadays, and I know I can see myself in some of those statements. I'll print it out and study it before MY next confession!
You are very welcome to use it. There are a number of examination-of-conscience sites out there which reference the Ten Commandments ---- I put the links in there ---- but I thought it would be a good idea to go into detail on the Seven Deadlies, since they deal with habitual dispositions: ugly "shoes that fit" most evrybody in one way or another.
Yeah, I find it quite an indictment against my own moral uglies :o/ ... I never run out of "what to say" ... :o?