To: ichabod1
I find it very strange that you would bear a mormon "testimony" while your tagline is a "Hail Mary" of Catholic origin.
Care to explain?
232 posted on
03/26/2011 9:28:45 AM PDT by
(White House war strategy 2011: Sun Tzu meets Barney Fife..H/T Iowahawk)
To: greyfoxx39
Your question while serious, makes me laugh. If an lds ever answers a direct question the end maybe nigh.
233 posted on
03/26/2011 9:31:44 AM PDT by
(Non forgiveness is like holding a hot coal thinking the other person will be blistered)
To: greyfoxx39
238 posted on
03/26/2011 10:18:02 AM PDT by
(Heck is where people, who don't believe in Gosh, think they are not going...) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson