Jesus is the only Savior, He alone died on the cross and it is this Sacrifice which atones for sin and makes peace with the Father possible. If anyone believes this Jesus did not found a Church, in which He uses as the instrument thru which He accomplishes saving His people, this person is deceived. If anyone believes Jesus did not give His Church authority to teach and baptize, he hasn’t read Matthew 28 and is deceived. If anyone believes Jesus did not send the Holy Spirit to this Church to lead it to all truth and gave the keys of the kingdom to the Church, they are deceived. If anyone believes there is more than one Church, they are deceived. If anyone believes the Church is not the pillar of truth, they are deceived. If anyone believes you can be saved without being a member of the Body of Christ on earth, the Church, they are deceived. If anyone believes you can have your sins forgiven or are added to the Body of Christ any other way than being baptized, they are decieved. If anyone believes this Church has not been on the earth continuously from 33ad to the present, they are deveived.
There are a lot of deceived people in the world.