When I was in my late-20's, I had severe sciatica and a neurologist diagnosed a bulging disc in my lower back. He said he would give me pain-killers and muscle-relaxants until I didn't want to deal w/ the pain any longer and then he would do surgery. When I asked about chiropractice, he said not to waste my time.
I decided I would try chiropractic before I had surgery. It took 3-4 months to get everything worked out the first time and I had periodic bouts of sciatica for about 10 years that I would have to go back for shorter rounds of treatment to alleviate, but I haven't been to the chiropractor for about 15 years and I don't have any back problems. That is compared to a co-worker who had similar back pain, had surgery and wound up worse-off than before.
I don't believe that chiropractic can cure everything that comes along like some claim, but if I had back, neck or limb nerve pain I would sure give chiropractic a try before I had spinal surgury.
I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. JMO. :-)
My present doc is a lady who treats me, my 80 y.o. mom, my husband, two daughters and son-in-law.
Although some people do eventually need it, you can’t undo surgery.
Studies show that chiropractic, physical therapy and accupuncture all improve back pain. The interesting findings are that chiropractic and physical therapy are equally effective and that accupuncture works whether or not you actually use the accupunture maps or just randomly insert needles.