The wording of you statements/inquiries leaves me very wary of your true intent.
All of your inquiries are addressed at the links provided but I will address a few.
And I do understand your belief God says LDS is required but LDS picks and chooses which parts of he Bible to stand on, while casting other parts of it aside.
God says LDS is required? Do you mean for the highest degree of heaven? Sure. And through temple work even those who did not have the opportunity in this life can achieve that too. God loves us all and is truly just.
We don’t pick and chose which parts of the Bible to stand on at all. We have a better understanding of some of the Bible through modern revelation. We cast nothing aside. Having a different understanding is not casting aside.
But we are not Christians and now you are?
Who said you are not Christians? This is another example of wording that makes me suspect your intentions. This sounds like a statement right off an anti-Mormon website.
Statements saying we are not like the Christians of today etc from the past were accurate in that. It doesn’t equate to “railing against Christianity”. Arguably, the LDS Church is the only true Christian Church on the face of the earth today. The others are Christian denominations as well but they do not have the full gospel. The vast majority are well-meaning and good people.
Please refer to the links provided for additional information.
Thanks! - PD
Here, let me clear up my true intent.
I am investigating LDS and trying to understand it in the same way I understand Judaism or Catholicism.
That in and of itself doesn’t make me Anti anyone if I don’t join.
But you know you guys always pull your contrived “I am suspicious of your intent” crap. Yes, I used that word on this thread.
If your religion is so true, you zip, nada, nothing to be in fear of.
I never met Christians, like you, who are in fear of anyone questioning their faith.
If your faith in your faith is strong enough, then it is all you need.
But, extant to your existence is that “Christians” who have been absolutely railed against by your many prophet is that we are in a failed “system” or we are flawed when compared to LDS.
So there are levels of Christianity? As in “I am holier than thou”?
How do you expect people to respond when they hear that?
I mean, the truth of the matter is “equivocation” seems to me one of the many hallmarks of your beliefs and manipulation your favorite tool.
You are suspicious because I asked a question or question LDS?
Man, I don’t know about you but, anyone can ask me anything about being a Christian and I will smile all day long. Even when they are atheists or Jewish and think this whole Christianity thing is a bunch of mumbo jumbo to them.
Heck, they can even paint a picture of Mary and throw elephant dung on it, wait for it to dry and get top billing at the Guggenheim for all I care.
Even that causes me no offense.
Some people are validated by offending others, while others think they have some sort of cross to bear and through their manufactured and synthetic offense are validated in their invented stigmata.
I really don’t get where you are coming from. “I am suspicious...”. Is that suppose to make me more genteel in my questioning so I don’t offend you or more pliant your own authority?
Guess you feel you are better than others but whatever Dude.
Only you could presume to be better than other’s in God’s eyes and actually find that an endeavor God approves of.
You ain’t a bad guy and ain’t a good guy, we’re just two guys.
Oh, and my response would have been completely different and just questions but your arrogant presumption of suspicion.
I am the “Investigator” you are already converted.
And you continue to wonder why real Christians....strike out at LDS, Inc. Your pompous superiority is well known to me...I get that from most mormon's.
Hey many BILLIONS does LDS, Inc. have?
And what on earth are they doing with it?