I proved it to my satisfaction and to the satisfaction of most people who can read English at the sixth grade level or above.
If you don’t get it, well...
You wrote:
“I proved it to my satisfaction...”
To your satisfaction? Well, that threshold isn’t too high now is it? And that threshold certainly seems to have nothing to do with any known standard of proof but that is to be expected from the anti-Catholic.
“...and to the satisfaction of most people who can read English at the sixth grade level or above.”
No, I don’t think that’s the case. I don’t exactly see people leaping in here to say you’re absolutely right on that point and even if they did they would be just as unable to prove it as you apparently are. Fictions like what you claimed can’t be proved.
“If you dont get it, well...”
Oh, but I do get it. Anti-Catholics like to lie. It’s what they do.