I have a personal relationship with Christ without all that claptrap - The alter is in the heart of man, not something built of wood and stone.
[...] in the True Presence of Christ.
I know the true presence of Christ already. He walks with me daily.
And hear the Word of God, the entire word.
I hear the entire Word already - And I study it intensively. In fact, the local Roman priest was unable to answer the questions I put to him. Guess I will stand pat.
So all of these reasons amount to... *nah*, thanks... I have all that now. It cannot be any better than what Yaweh has given me already. It is the very same thing I tell the nice LDS folks who come calling from time to time... Their same emphasis on imaginary priesthoods and carnal things. What do I need all that fooferaw for?
The same group that is included here?
Yeah, ain't it great?