Is faith a work in your thought?
I wouldn't argue with that definition. However, I believe the average Catholic doesn't see "work" in that light.
IMO there is a vast difference in CATHOLIC thought and "Catholic" understanding.
Frankly, I believe the Protestant has the better argument concerning Faith, Grace, and Works.
Oh, if we could only all work with the same dictionary. Sigh!
I think that when one considers the great number of NT texts dealing with the importance of works, there is some theological burden to put 'works' in the context of the new life.
Clearly the important thing is what bkaycee says, the works are the fruits of grace, the fruits of the grace which is faith.
Me, myself, personally, I find Ephesians 2:10 useful:
Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.TO work (overwork?) this image, associated with walking is progress, so that in some sense we say the walking is the means whereby we progress. So God recreates us and sets us walking (walks in us?) along the Way. The result of walking is progress.
In that highly metaphorical sense we can think of works bringing "rewards". But all depends on our recreation and on God working in us both to will and to do.
IMHO any notion of merit (for us) which is not firmly based on that notion and which is not entertained by someone whose mind is not often directed to that notion will lead to pride, despair, futility and therefore is NOT the Gospel.
Oh, if we could only all work with the same dictionary. Sigh!