Alamo-Girl. NO ONE in any way claimed or insinuated that — do you have any post where that was claimed or even insinuated? Mary was the Mother of God, Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was/is God, Mary was His Mother, yet Mary was His creation. Jesus was/is/will be part of the eternal Godhead. How that works out, God knows, but unless you say that Jesus was not God, or that Jesus had two separate natures, like twins stitched together or that Jesus was possesed by the Holy Spirit, you have to say that Mary was the Mother of God, Jesus CHrist
Again, I understand the rationale behind the title but I prefer "Mother of the Incarnate Word" because it does not require footnotes.
I think the whole thing is a tempest in a teapot.
Going back over the posting history on this point earlier today (and this just took me almost a half-hour to do), it’s possible that Quix meant “Almighty God” to refer to God the Father only. It’s a confusion of definitions we’re dealing with here.
I replied to one of his posts by asserting, “Mary is the Mother of God”. He took that to mean I was saying she was the mother of God the Father. I was saying no such thing.
I’m too tired right now to continue this wild goose chase to pin down this or that definition in a whole chain of posts going back and forth. What a huge distraction this is becoming.
Good night!