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I certainly do NOT agree with everything at the LDS website. And, if FR only gleaned important true & factual stuff from absolutely 100%-agreed-with sources, we'd probably have 0.00001% of stuff to post that we do post for the good of the USA and FREEPER families.

However, I have studied globalism since 1965--45 years. The quotes are accurate. The ref's are given.


There seem to be some globalism shills on FR with some significant following and clout. God have mercy.


Denial of that fact doesn't make it go away.

There has arisen in the last 30-90 days an increasing chorus of top military and international political folks warning quite seriously that the next global war is VERY CLOSE AT HAND. Only idiots ignore such warnings by so many diverse well placed sources.

Certainly such a plan has been scheduled by the globalists for a long time. They also change their plans according to shifting geo-political realities. However, such a war is a firm item on their long term schedule.

They are determined to:

A) REDUCE THE GLOBAL POPULATION--the latest target number is down to 200 million souls--by forced deaths by various hellish means--the world war being one major one. B) To shred the USA to its knees or lower in order to make overt establishment of the NWO greatly easier on top of the ashes of the USA.
C) To attack and--to their minds--neutralize or at least greatly hamper a major source of Christian power and spiritual warfare strength in the USA. They seem to be forgetting that suffering always makes the BODY OF CHRIST stronger and more potent in an array of dimensions.
D) To establish a bastardized brand of Communism with a monopolistic tryannical form of bastardized Capitolism as a major design feature of the NWO. In many respects, their cohorts running Russia and China have merely been testing out various tyrannical schemes and methods. Their ultimate plan is much worse than even Hitlers. Scripture is clear that this era will be worse than ever has afflicted the world and worse than ever will afflict the world in the future.


I realize a lot of uninformed, more or less clueless-about-such-things FREEPERS find the above tooooo mind boggling to believe.

GET OVER IT. Your familiy's and your Nation's welfare depend on your waking up ASAP. It is much too late to detour the broad outline of the global tyrants. However, one CAN prepare for one's family to some degree.

And, certainly one can prepare spiritually and learn to stand in the place and power God has for each Believer and BE AN OVERCOMER doing great exploits for the Kingdom of God. That's the MOST BENEFICIAL THING ANYONE CAN DO FOR THE USA--particularly at this late stage.

Once Quix has been PROVEN right daily in the MSM, it will be FAR TOO LATE to do much besides kiss some body parts good bye. IT's ALMOST past time to do much preparation.

God repeatedly exhorts us in Scripture to FEAR NOT.

That's NOT per se because great traumas are not afoot or not befalling the believer.


And, as Paul exhorted so clearly--to live is Christ, to die is gain. What have authentic Believers in Salvation through The Risen Christ and His Blood to fear.


Not that we become so 'Heavenly minded we are of no earthly good.' Rather, that we become SUFFICIENTLY HEAVENLY MINDED that we CAN DO SOME EARTHLY GOOD IN HIS NAME, BY HIS SPIRIT, IN HIS POWER!

Some FREEPERS still seem to think that life will go on more or less as it always has on the planet and in this country. THAT'S SIMPLY NO LONGER TRUE. Such FREEPERS NEED DESPERATELY to wake up and smell the coffee, the napalm, cordite, NWO GREED, NWO POWER-MONGERING and volcanic ash.

It has been a major popular sport hereon for most of 12 years to ridicule Quix up one side and down the other--sometimes with understandable cause.

Those days are drawing to a close. I'll greatly miss them. Those were the days my friend . . . la la la . . [cue song].

It mostly does NOT MATTER one microgram's worth in eternal terms what folks think of Quix. God DESIGNED him to be a very strange bird of rare plumage. Most of the time, he seems to be living out his programming pretty well on such scores.

IT DOES MATTER ENORMOUSLY IN ETERNAL TERMS what one does with Quix's God--GOD ALMIGHTY, JESUS THE CHRIST, HIS HOLY SPIRIT. Walking apart from God is a sure ticket to infinite long term suffering beyond imagination. DON'T GO THERE.



Even if the admission ticket (in SOME respects) is death to this body in this life--ETERNAL LIFE IN A RESURRECTED BODY IS INFINITELY WORTH IT.

Some folks treat RELIGION as a moderately liked set of clothes--to be taken on or put off depending on the holiday or other optional activities of choice.

That's an insult to the RELATIONSHIP WITH FATHER GOD THAT CHRIST DIED TO DELIVER TO US. And Daddy God is not real thrilled about such insults to His Only Begotten Son.

Yeah, last minute barely-made-it foxhole conversions are better than no conversion.


NONE OF US HAVE PROMISE OF TOMORROW. No one knows when a drunk will run a red light and give us an instant ticket into eternity. Insure YOU ARE walking with God NOW--as closely as you know how to facilitate from your side.

The NWO quotes above are merely the tip of the iceberg.

Yet, some FREEPERS have derided the accurate quotes as meaningless. And here I thought all conservative FREEPERS had brains. The Scarecrow has more brains than that!

Wake-up folks. These families have had the




Some say they were there at the founding of the USA. Some say they've been scheming such for 400 years.

ALERT FREEPERS KNOW that approx. 30 families own all the Main Stream Media outlets, companies, organizations as well as running all the government regulatory offices about same.

ALERT, INFORMED FREEPERS KNOW that approximately 30 families own approximately 90% of all the world's banks.

Yet, I rarely see FREEPERS overtly talking about THOSE FACTS as a conspiracy. Maybe even some of FR folks have a rubber dictionary?

Who knows how long the Lord will allow me to be running around loose. If I'm gone or if the net is no longer available, please pray for me when you think of me. PLEASE Pray for my hearing and following God thoroughly 24/7. PLEASE Pray for my health, wisdom, resilience.


A special thanks to a very special FREEPER who located the lost source of this doc for me. That FREEPER has encouraged me more than words can express. That FREEPER has modeled supremely above all others, in my view, the best of what it means to be a CHRISTIAN AND what it means to be a FREEPER from the beginning of FR. May God bless him, his spouse and his family tremendously.

Thanks for the dance. I hope we have many more rounds on the dance floor. It looks like the dance floor has been targeted for an early explosion. Regardless . . .


1 posted on 05/23/2010 4:45:55 AM PDT by Quix
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To: Quix

I think you had too much coffee this morning.

2 posted on 05/23/2010 4:49:50 AM PDT by imfleck
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To: UriÂ’el-2012; WorldviewDad; John Leland 1789; wmfights; 1000 silverlings; blue-duncan; ...

Correction . . . approx 30 families own approx 90% of all the media orgs.


This is an updated list of quotes.

Thanks for your prayers and diligence in behalf of The Kingdom of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

4 posted on 05/23/2010 4:54:53 AM PDT by Quix (THE PLAN of the Bosses:
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To: Quix

Maybe the tower of Babylon was the first OWO and it didn’t work out so well.

5 posted on 05/23/2010 5:02:14 AM PDT by killermosquito (Buffalo (and eventually France) is what you get when liberalism runs its course.)
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To: Quix


7 posted on 05/23/2010 5:10:43 AM PDT by bmwcyle (NJ Governor Chris Christie for President)
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To: Quix

When Pres Bush (Sr) started using the term during his administration, one was led to believe that he or his advisor made up the term.

Yeah he said that he made it up on a fishingtrip. I knew he was lying and didn’t vote for him. No CFR globalist will ever get my vote.

9 posted on 05/23/2010 5:26:49 AM PDT by freedomfiter2
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To: Quix


13 posted on 05/23/2010 6:09:59 AM PDT by quintr
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To: Quix
Global Governance is Here!

Hooray for Glenn Beck! Right out there in front of God and everybody, he talks about global governance as a real and present danger. But right on cue, progressive bloggers do their best to ridicule the idea with wisdom such as this:

"Seriously, for a moment. We're going to have to address the paranoia about a global takeover at some point – probably in easy-to-comprehend, Dick-and-Jane language – for the tea party."

Could it be that these people really don't know that global governance is already here?

As early as 1997, Gustave Speth, former head of the World Resources Institute, former Clinton transition team member and then head of the United Nations Development Program, told the Rio +5 gathering in Rio de Janeiro:

Global governance is here, here to stay, and, driven by economic and environmental globalization, global governance will inevitably expand.

Speaking to the delegates to the U.N. Conference on Climate Change at The Hague in 2000, then- French President Jacques Chirac said:

For the first time, humanity is instituting a genuine instrument of global governance, one that should find a place within the World Environmental Organization which France and the European Union would like to see established.

Just last month, Claude Trichet, president of the European Central Bank told the Council on Foreign Relations in New York:

… the emerging economies are now economically and financially so important and systemically so influential that they must have a full and proper ownership of global governance.

Glenn Beck is helping people realize that global governance is not an event. Global governance did not occur as the result of an invasion of blue-helmeted U.N. troops delivered in black helicopters. Instead, global governance is:

...the framework of rules, institutions, and practices that set limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies. (U.N. Development Report, 1999, p. 34)

Few people realized that when the United States agreed to the Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), March 3, 1973, that by Dec. 28, 1973, there would be a federal law – the Endangered Species Act – "limiting the behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies" to comply with the "framework of rules" created by the institution called the United Nations.

Few people recognized it to be global governance when the United States endorsed the report of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements in 1976, which said: Private land ownership is a principal instrument of accumulating wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice. Public control of land use is therefore indispensable.

By 1996, however, the recommendations in this report were being implemented through the President's Council on Sustainable Development and were imposing comprehensive land-use plans, which mandate "… limits on behavior of individuals, organizations, and companies," as prescribed by the institution called the United Nations.

Few people paid any attention to the 1995 report of the U.N.'s Commission on Global Governance, which outlined a procedure for achieving complete global governance, including the creation of a new U.N. Economic Security Council with the power to control the world's economy.

Few people dared call it global governance when the U.N.'s special High Level Panel on Financing for Development produced a 2001 report for a meeting in Monterrey, Mexico, calling for global taxation, a global council to control the global economy and for strengthening the World Trade Organization to control global trade.

Global governance has grown up around us. Except for the Reagan administration, both Democratic and Republican administrations have supported this push toward global governance. The current global economic crises are fueling the construction of the new global economic system that will swallow the U.S. economic system and make it subservient to the new global system. This new international institution, working in conjunction with a strengthened WTO, IMF and World Bank, will result in de facto global governance.

Global governance is not a law or resolution that requires approval of Congress; it is a process, the parts of which have already been approved by Congress, various administrations and to a very large extent by the American people, even though they do not recognize the result to be global governance.

Glenn Beck is in the process of discovering what global governance really is, and he is not afraid to tell his audience what he is learning, even though he knows his critics will ridicule his observations. It matters not how blatant the ridicule is, or the source from which it comes. "Global governance is here, it is here to stay, and … it will inevitably expand," unless the American people come to grips with the facts.

The American system of government that made America the greatest nation on earth cannot survive in the system of global governance being designed by the United Nations. The American system of government must be "fundamentally transformed" to fit into the European mold. This transformation is well under way.

See also: Canadian Prime Minister Delivers Global Governance Plan

14 posted on 05/23/2010 6:31:10 AM PDT by GiovannaNicoletta
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To: Quix

lots of research there..

15 posted on 05/23/2010 7:00:48 AM PDT by phockthis
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To: Quix

Good job, Bro.

= = =
I feel led to bookmark this one.

18 posted on 05/23/2010 8:50:14 AM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: theKid51; Apple Blossom


19 posted on 05/23/2010 8:56:29 AM PDT by bmwcyle (NJ Governor Chris Christie for President)
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To: Quix

This makes Bush look worse to me. All of these quotes proves Bush knew exactly what he was talking about when he used the term. And I’m sure W knew what daddy was talking about, too. Or were they both really stupid?

24 posted on 05/23/2010 9:13:03 AM PDT by Terry Mross
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To: Quix

By the way, keep up the GOOD work!

25 posted on 05/23/2010 9:19:08 AM PDT by Terry Mross
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To: Quix
prepare spiritually and learn to stand in the place and power God has for each Believer and BE AN OVERCOMER doing great exploits for the Kingdom of God. That's the MOST BENEFICIAL THING ANYONE CAN DO FOR THE USA--particularly at this late stage.


33 posted on 05/23/2010 9:55:26 AM PDT by marbren
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To: Quix


Nita Johnson

Clovis California USA

January 2009
It’s not by power, it’s not by might. The answer is by the Spirit of the Lord, and it must be this way. God is allowing the whole world to come to a place of realization that none of our thoughts, none of our preconceived ideas, none of the things that we have placed our hopes in, will ever be the answer to man’s dilemma.

He must shake everything that can be shaken. He must shake it so that He can help both the Church and the unbeliever to understand that it is not by might — worldly wealth, worldly prestige, worldly intellect —and it is not by worldly position; it’s not by might, it’s not by power.

All these can do good things, they can do great things, but they cannot meet the ultimate need of this world. That takes the intervention of God in men’s lives. “…but by My Spirit saith the Lord.” ...

40 posted on 05/23/2010 5:25:43 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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To: Quix

Good post.

46 posted on 05/24/2010 7:07:32 AM PDT by Cvengr (Adversity in life and death is inevitable. Thru faith in Christ, stress is optional.)
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To: Quix
I just discovered this thread via a link from you on Polarik's post. This made me think of a comment I wrote to Candor 7 a couple of months ago:

I read this article on 4/1 and copied and emailed a comment from a poster there to someone on 4/2 in the morning. I saw your post of it and thought I'd go ahead and link to the post because it was so unusual and IT IS GONE - no trace of it.

Fortunately, I saved it and can post it here (the poster's screen name was something like three card sloth):

"I don't expect things to change for the better anymore. There is a reason behind the larger events and trends in today's world, and those who understand and follow that reason will not let things go in any other direction.

Do you think that the West's leaders suddenly became stupid, corrupt and/or venal in the last 50 years? No, there have always been good and bad in our capitals; today is no different.

Do you think that Japan suddenly forgot everything that built them before 1990, and just can't get it together nowadays? Doubtful.

So then, what's going on? Why are all of the advanced nations declining while jobs and wealth are funneled into the third world?

The answer begins July 16th, 1945. The Trinity test in New Mexico.

With the development of the a-bomb, and later the far more powerful h-bomb, the best and brightest who advise presidents and prime ministers came to a rather logical conclusion: In a world where a single device can destroy a city, we can't live in a world of "haves" and "have nots".

Knowledge and technology will not stay contained. The bright boys figured out that eventually, the ability to make these bombs would end up in the hands of the undeterable among us... those with nothing to lose. And then the world would start losing cities.

So they decided that the world would have to be re-engineered. We couldn't have anybody with nothing to lose anymore. At first, they tried bringing the bottom up. For two or three decades up until the 70's they tried to spread knowledge and skills to the third world, but this effort was largely futile, most of the lessons didn't take.

That left them with one choice -- bring the top down and the bottom up by directly transferring whole industries overseas. Hollow out the West (and the East if they grew too big like Japan) for the sake of humanity.

They obviously couldn't announce this agenda, the masses might object. But they sure got really good at selling the idea in Washington, London, Brussels, et al... 'cause every leader of every party starts following their plan as soon as they get any real power.

Why do you think that every Western nation keeps on exporting their jobs? Blind belief in free trade? Nah... insurance payment that (hopefully) will deter a future madman with a bomb.

Why do you think that every Western nation refuses to deal with their economic problems and growing deficits? Political logjams? A little, but mostly in the name of managed decline.

Why do you think that the leaders of every Western nation jumped onto the AGW bandwagon? A growing green awareness? Nah... wealth transfer and goodwill payments to the third world.

Why do you think that every Western nation suddenly decided to import millions from the third world? More labor? Nah... they are unwitting future human shields against aggression from their old countries.

I think this is the reason that the great global forced leveling is ongoing, and the reason no one seems to want to stop it: Fear.

Nothing but the potential death of millions can explain why leaders of every stripe abandon their beliefs, left, right, and center, as soon as they reach the top. None of them behave any different from the other, and convergences like this don't occur by accident. There is a goal, there is a plan, and it is seen by them as more important than your hopes, dreams, or living standards.

Nuclear blackmail and the deaths of millions is the only agenda I can see that's big enough, universal enough, to command such allegiance from our leaders."

This comment caught my eye because throughout this whole BO nightmare starting with all DC pols, SCOTUS, SOS in all the states, etc. ignored Obama's lack of bona fides, his czars and on and on and I have wondered what in the world could have scared or corrupted all of them who, by ignoring it, have dumped us in the sh#t.

Luckily there is another reference to the above post on another web site forum; a "MRBIGMUTTS" who is commenting on this same article you posted and is urging everyone to read the guy's comments so he saw it, too.

VERY ODD that it is gone. What's your take on this?

End Post

What do you think given that you have been onto OWO for 45 years? Ever see anything like this reasoning?

I'm bookmarking this to come back and give it a thorough read as it looks like an important thread - I've only glanced through it but will have time later to read it.

68 posted on 06/07/2010 2:52:31 AM PDT by Natural Born 54 (FUBO x 10)
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To: Quix
Some say they've been scheming such for 400 years.

The 'scheme' has been in the works from the very moment that Lucifer (the created) decided to defy God (the Creator).

73 posted on 06/12/2010 6:27:56 AM PDT by houeto (Get drinking water from your ditch -
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To: Quix

If you just could just get every Freeper to wake up.

74 posted on 06/12/2010 6:35:49 AM PDT by bmwcyle (Communism has arrived in Washington)
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To: Quix

QUIX -I do not always agree with you. But I have to say your not too far from the truth. I had 3 dreams that have come true. I do not seek them nor want them unless by God. Since the Dreams have come true. To me thats God. Two were about singular people. They both died. I prayed for them Before death. The third was on the night of the New Year’s Eve of 2009. It showed me the tea parties also the people for turning on one another and fellow americans. There was alot more would be too long now. But ends with Obama being in rural road with secret service surrounding him As I am looking at him. While that is happening I see paratroopers coming into view in the sky. They are in green army camouflage uniforms. Then they landed. And I woke up. I looked up the uniform almost every nation has them China, Russia or USA. I know God wants us to Pray continually.

76 posted on 06/12/2010 7:40:42 AM PDT by johngrace (God so loved the world so he gave his only son! Praise Jesus and Hail the Virgin Mary!)
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To: Quix

Thanks again. Thank you for your stalwart service to the causes of God’s Kingdom and of Liberty.

100 posted on 06/13/2010 9:33:49 PM PDT by Joya (Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior, have mercy on me, a sinner!)
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