The author must have been watching a rerun of "The Ten Commandments" -- he clearly did not even glance at the Bible before making such an absurd statement.
only Judaism relates that this revelation took place in the presence of the entire nation rather than a single individual
The author must have been watching a rerun of "The Ten Commandments" -- he clearly did not even glance at the Bible before making such an absurd statement.
You have it exactly backwards. In the movie G-d spoke to Moses alone. In the Torah G-d spoke to the entire nation at once.
The Torahs Revelation Narratives
...G-d spoke these words in a loud voice to your entire assembly from the mountain, out of the fire, cloud and mist
When you heard the voice out of the darkness, with the mountain burning in flames, your tribal leaders and elders approached me.
You said, It is true that G-d our lord has showed us His glory and greatness, and we have heard His voice out of the fire. Today we have seen that when G-d speaks to man, he can still survive. But now, why should we die? Why should this great fire consume us?
If we hear the voice of G-d our lord any more, we will die! (Deuteronomy 5: 19-22)...