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Biblical Evidence for Long Creation Days ^

Posted on 05/09/2010 8:03:40 AM PDT by truthfinder9

The age of the earth and the universe is no longer disputed among most scientists. Science tells us the earth is ~4.5 x 10^9 years old. The universe is ~14 x 10^9 years old. There have been several Christian scientists who have attempted to propose theories and find "scientific" evidence that the earth is only 6,000 years old. All "evidence" for a recent creation of the earth is flawed in some way.

Hebrew Words

Literal translations of the Hebrew word, yom, like our English word "day," can refer to a 24 hour day, sunrise to sunset (12 hours), or a long, unspecified period of time (as in "the day of the dinosaurs"). The Hebrew word ereb, translated evening also means "sunset," "night" or "ending of the day." The Hebrew word boqer, translated morning, also means "sunrise," "coming of light," "beginning of the day," or "dawning," with possible metaphoric usage (1). Our English expression: "The dawning of an age" serves to illustrate this point. This expression in Hebrew could use the word, boqer, for dawning, which, in Genesis 1, is often translated morning.

Do all the instances of "morning" and evening" refer to a literal period of time? Here is an example from Moses:

In the morning it [grass] flourishes, and sprouts anew; Toward evening it fades, and withers away. (Psalm 90:6)

This verse refers to the life cycle of grass (compared to the short life span of humans). Obviously, the grass does not grow up in one morning and die by the same evening. The period of time refers to its birth (morning) and its death (evening) at least several weeks (if not months) later.

The first thing one notices when looking at Genesis 1 is the unusual construction surrounding the words morning and evening together with day. This combination is very rare, occurring only ten times in the Old Testament, six of which, of course, are in the Genesis creation account. The remaining four verses (NASB) are listed below:

1."This is the offering which Aaron and his sons are to present to the LORD on the day when he is anointed; the tenth of an ephah of fine flour as a regular grain offering, half of it in the morning and half of it in the evening." (Leviticus 6:20) 2.Now on the day that the tabernacle was erected the cloud covered the tabernacle, the tent of the testimony, and in the evening it was like the appearance of fire over the tabernacle, until morning. (Numbers 9:15) 3."For seven days no leaven shall be seen with you in all your territory, and none of the flesh which you sacrifice on the evening of the first day shall remain overnight until morning." (Deuteronomy 16:4) 4."And the vision of the evenings and mornings which has been told is true; but keep the vision secret, for it pertains to many days in the future." (Daniel 8:26) The first three verses obviously refer to 24 hour days, since this is readily apparent from the context. The fourth one refers to many evenings and mornings, which "pertains to many days in the future." This verse actually refers to events that are yet to happen, which is 3000 years of days from when it was originally written. One could easily say that these mornings and evenings represent thousands of years.

However, none of these verses have the form which is seen in the Genesis account. Let's look at the form of these "evenings and mornings:"

•And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. (Genesis 1:5) •And God called the expanse heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. (Genesis 1:8) •And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. (Genesis 1:13) •And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. (Genesis 1:19) •And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth day. (Genesis 1:23) •And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day. (Genesis 1:31) The actual number of words in Hebrew is much fewer than that of the English translations. The words "and there was" are not in the Hebrew, but added to make the English flow better. The actual translation is "evening and morning 'n' day." There is no way to discern from the context that the text is referring to 24 hour days.

How would God have changed the text if He intended it to indicate 24 hour days? If God were to have created in 24 hour days, I would have expected the Genesis text to have begun with a statement to the effect that "God did 'x' in the morning" and "God did 'y' in the evening," as opposed to the very unusual construction of telling all God did and then ending with both evening and morning side by side at the end of the "day." So, the order indicates the end (evening) of one day is followed by the dawning (morning) of the next day. In addition, one would expect that if God chose to create the world in a few days He would have indicated it was all created in a few days instead of one day (Genesis 2:4) (2). This verse indicates to me that the Genesis days are other than 12 or 24 hour periods of time.

Scripture Declares the Days to be Long

Specific biblical examples of evidence for long creation days include:

1.The "Day of the Lord" refers to a seven year period of time. 2.Genesis 2:4 refers to all 6 days of creation as one day, "This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven." 3.The seventh day of Genesis is not closed. In all other days, "there is the evening and the morning, the n day." 4.In the book of Hebrews, the author tells us to labor to enter into God's seventh day of rest. By any calculation, God's seventh day of rest has been at least 6,000 years long: For He has thus said somewhere concerning the seventh day, "And God rested on the seventh day from all His works"... Let us therefore be diligent to enter that rest, lest anyone fall through following the same example of disobedience. (Hebrews 4:4-11) 5.The psalmist (Moses, the author of Genesis) says "For a thousand years in Thy sight are like yesterday when it passes by, or as a watch in the night." (Psalm 90:4). 6.The apostle Peter tells us with God "A thousand years is as one day" (2 Peter 3:8). 7.The third day must have been longer than 24-hours, since the text indicates a process that would take a year or longer. On this day, God allowed the land to produce vegetation, tress and fruit. The text specifically states that the land produced trees that bore fruit with seed in it (3). Any horticulturist knows that fruit-bearing trees requires several years to grow to produce fruit. However, the text states that the land produced these trees (indicating a natural process) and that it all occurred on the third day. Obviously, such a "day" could not have been only 24 hours long. 8.The events of the sixth day of creation require time beyond 24 hours. On this day, God created the mammals and mankind. He also planted a garden, watered it, let it grow, and put man in it, with instruction on its care and maintenance. Then God brought all the animals to Adam to be named. This job, in itself would take many days or weeks. Next, God put Adam to sleep and created Eve. It is very unlikely all of this could take place in 24 hours, since much of it was dependent upon Adam, who did not have the abilities of God. 9.The Bible itself states that the covenant and laws of God have been proclaimed to a "thousand generations" (Deuteronomy 7:9, 1 Chronicles 16:15, Psalm 105:8). Even if a generation is considered to be 20 years, this adds up to at least 20,000 years. A biblical generation is often described as being 40 years, which would represent at least 40,000 years. However, since the first dozen or more generations were nearly 1,000 years, this would make humans nearly 50,000 years old, which agrees very well with dates from paleontology and molecular biology (see Descent of Mankind Theory: Disproved by Molecular Biology).

Appearance of Age

If God had created the universe in an instant, there would be no evidence from nature that He created it. The Bible states God has shown himself to all men through His creation so that men are without excuse in rejecting God (6). In addition, the universe declares God's glory, which is a sum of God's innate and unchangeable character (7). The Bible also states the universe declares God's righteousness (8). God's righteousness prevents Him from sinning. The scriptures say God cannot lie (9).

Therefore, from the Bible, we conclude that God does not lie or deceive, either from His word or from His record of nature. The heavens declare the universe to be at least 10 billion years old. In addition, we have the ability to see galaxies in the universe which are billions of light years away. If one claims the universe is 6,000 years old, he must state that God created the light from these distant galaxies in transit less than 6,000 light years from the earth. There are signs that the light has indeed been in transit for very long periods of time and was not somehow created in space relatively recently. Frequencies of known spectral lines show spreading or broadening which would occur after long travel times through space containing dust and debris. Since this light appears to be very old and to have originated from a point billions of light years away, if the universe is actually 6,000 years old, the heavens must be declaring a lie, an apparently old universe which is actually very young.

Let me give one example. For now let us assume the universe is 6 to 10 thousand years old and God created the light-beams already in place. Say we are watching a star in our telescope which is two million light years away, and we notice that it explodes (yes, supernova explosions have been observed). That means the light reaching us now is carrying the information recording this distant happening. Now trace this part of the light beam backwards in time along the path of the light beam. By the time you get back to the time of creation (6 to 10 thousand years ago) you have reached a point which is less than 1 percent of the distance to the star. This would mean that the "explosion" part of the light-beam began its journey from here - and not from the star! Thus, the information recording this explosion had to be "built-in" to the light beam, so what we see as having happened to that star may never have happened at all. The idea that observation of things further than around 10,000 light-years away is not necessarily linked to physical reality would be unsettling from both a scientific and theological viewpoint. I cannot accept a God who lies by creating deceptions.

Appearance of Age Rebuttals

Many have asked the following question: Since God probably created Adam full grown and mature why couldn't God have done the same thing with the universe? First, note that God had a choice of creating Adam adult sized, or as a baby. Obviously if Adam was created as a baby, God would have to provide a means of nurturing him. This would require some special agency or being, or God could have made Adam a very special baby who did not require special care. Although God could have done any of these things, we believe God operates according to the principle of simplicity. Thus, He simply created the first man full-sized. However, Adam's body did not necessarily have signs of age. Size by itself is not an indication of age except perhaps to tell that the person is not a child. If a doctor examines an adult to determine age he might look at skin condition, liver spot progression, hair, teeth, cholesterol level, metabolism, scars, etc. I believe that Adam's body had none of these signs of age. God created Adam sinless, with no spiritual deterioration, and I believe He also created Adam with a perfect body, with no physical deterioration. Thus I do not believe Adam had an "apparent age."

Other arguments often used to support the appearance of age argument is the wine that Jesus made from water. It was the best wine, implying that it was aged. However, the wine may or may not have had the chemical components of aged wine.

Ultimately, the downfall of the appearance of age argument is that the Bible never supports this idea with regard to the creation. The Bible explains the miracles of God and tells us when things were made as if they were old (like the wine that Jesus made from water). In contrast, there is not one verse in the Bible that suggests that God made the Earth look older than it actually is.

TOPICS: Apologetics; Religion & Science; Theology
KEYWORDS: creation; eisegesis; genesis; yecism
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To: James C. Bennett

“Then we have the problem of humanoids / Neanderthals, etc.”

A previous creation. Destroyed by the first flood (maybe eons before Noah’s flood.

161 posted on 05/13/2010 7:59:47 PM PDT by GGpaX4DumpedTea (I am a tea party descendant - steeped in the Constitutional legacy handed down by the Founders)
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To: srweaver
Thanks, and I'll leave you with this. I hope you can peruse through it in its entirety, just for the sake of philosophy:


Chapter VII

EARN now, dear Prince! how, if thy soul be set
Ever on Me—still exercising Yôg,
Still making Me thy Refuge—thou shalt come
Most surely unto perfect hold of Me.
I will declare to thee that utmost lore,
Whole and particular, which, when thou knowest
Leaveth no more to know here in this world.
  Of many thousand mortals, one, perchance,
Striveth for Truth; and of those few that strive—
Nay, and rise high—one only—here and there—
Knoweth Me, as I am, the very Truth.
  Earth, water, flame, air, ether, life, and mind,
And individuality—those eight
Make up the showing of Me, Manifest.
  These be my lower Nature; learn the higher,
Whereby, thou Valiant One! this Universe
Is, by its principle of life, produced;
Whereby the worlds of visible things are born
As from a Yoni. Know! I am that womb:
I make and I unmake this Universe:
Than me there is no other Master, Prince!
No other Maker! All these hang on me
As hangs a row of pearls upon its string.
I am the fresh taste of the water; I
The silver of the moon, the gold o’ the sun,
The word of worship in the Veds, the thrill
That passeth in the ether, and the strength
Of man’s shed seed. I am the good sweet smell
Of the moistened earth, I am the fire’s red light,
The vital air moving in all which moves,
The holiness of hallowed souls, the root
Undying, whence hath sprung whatever is;
The wisdom of the wise, the intellect
Of the informed, the greatness of the great,
The splendor of the splendid. Kunti’s Son!
These am I, free from passion and desire;
Yet am I right desire in all who yearn,
Chief of the Bhâratas! for all those moods,
Soothfast, or passionate, or ignorant,
Which Nature frames, deduce from me; but all
Are merged in me—not I in them! The world—
Deceived by those three qualities of being—
Wotteth not Me Who am outside them all,
Above them all, Eternal! Hard it is
To pierce that veil divine of various shows
Which hideth Me; yet they who worship Me
Pierce it and pass beyond.
        I am not known
To evil-doers, nor to foolish ones,
Nor to the base and churlish; nor to those
Whose mind is cheated by the show of things,
Nor those that take the way of Asuras.
  Four sorts of mortals know me: he who weeps,
Arjuna! and the man who yearns to know;
And he who toils to help; and he who sits
Certain of me, enlightened.
        Of these four,
O Prince of India! highest, nearest, best
That last is, the devout soul, wise, intent
Upon “The One.” Dear, above all, am I
To him; and he is dearest unto me!
All four are good, and seek me; but mine own,
The true of heart, the faithful—stayed on me,
Taking me as their utmost blessedness,
They are not “mine,” but I—even I myself!
At end of many births to Me they come!
Yet hard the wise Mahatma is to find,
That man who sayeth, “All is Vâsudev!” 
  There be those, too, whose knowledge, turned aside
By this desire or that, gives them to serve
Some lower gods, with various rites, constrained
By that which mouldeth them. Unto all such—
Worship what shrine they will, what shapes, in faith—
’Tis I who give them faith! I am content!
The heart thus asking favor from its God,
Darkened but ardent, hath the end it craves,
The lesser blessing—but ’tis I who give!
Yet soon is withered what small fruit they reap
Those men of little minds, who worship so,
Go where they worship, passing with their gods.
But Mine come unto me! Blind are the eyes
Which deem th’ Unmanifested manifest,
Not comprehending Me in my true Self!
Imperishable, viewless, undeclared,
Hidden behind my magic veil of shows,
I am not seen by all; I am not known—
Unborn and changeless—to the idle world.
But I, Arjuna! know all things which were,
And all which are, and all which are to be,
Albeit not one among them knoweth Me!
  By passion for the “pairs of opposites,”
By those twain snares of Like and Dislike, Prince!
All creatures live bewildered, save some few
Who, quit of sins, holy in act, informed,
Freed from the “opposites,” and fixed in faith,
Cleave unto Me.
        Who cleave, who seek in Me
Refuge from birth and death, those have the Truth!
Those know Me BRAHMA; know Me Soul of Souls,
The ADHYATMAN; know KARMA, my work;
Know I am ADHIBHUTA, Lord of Life,
And ADHIDAIVA, Lord of all the Gods,
And ADHIYAJNA, Lord of Sacrifice;
Worship Me well, with hearts of love and faith,
And find and hold Me in the hour of death.
Here endeth Chapter VII. of the Bhagavad-Gîtâ,
entitled “Vijnânayôg,” or “The Book
of Religion by Discernment”
Chapter XII

ORD! of the men who serve Thee—true in heart—
As God revealed; and of the men who serve,
Worshipping Thee Unrevealed, Unbodied, far,
Which take the better way of faith and life?

Whoever serve Me—as I show Myself—
Constantly true, in full devotion fixed,
These hold I very holy. But who serve—
Worshipping Me The One, The Invisible,
The Unrevealed, Unnamed, Unthinkable,
Uttermost, All-pervading, Highest, Sure—
Who thus adore Me, mastering their sense,
Of one set mind to all, glad in all good,
These blessed souls come unto Me.
        Yet, hard
The travail is for whoso bend their minds
To reach th’ Unmanifest. That viewless path
Shall scarce be trod by man bearing his flesh!
But whereso any doeth all his deeds,
Renouncing self in Me, full of Me, fixed
To serve only the Highest, night and day
Musing on Me—him will I swiftly lift
Forth from life’s ocean of distress and death
Whose soul clings fast to Me. Cling thou to Me!
Clasp Me with heart and mind! so shalt thou dwell
Surely with Me on high. But if thy thought
Droops from such height; if thou be’st weak to set
Body and soul upon Me constantly,
Despair not! give Me lower service! seek
To read Me, worshipping with steadfast will;
And, if thou canst not worship steadfastly,
Work for Me, toil in works pleasing to Me!
For he that laboreth right for love of Me
Shall finally attain! But, if in this
Thy faint heart fails, bring Me thy failure! find
Refuge in Me! let fruits of labor go,
Renouncing all for Me, with lowliest heart,
So shalt thou come; for, though to know is more
Than diligence, yet worship better is
Than knowing, and renouncing better still
Near to renunciation—very near—
Dwelleth Eternal Peace!
        Who hateth nought
Of all which lives, living himself benign,
Compassionate, from arrogance exempt,
Exempt from love of self, unchangeable
By good or ill; patient, contented, firm
In faith, mastering himself, true to his word,
Seeking Me, heart and soul; vowed unto Me,—
That man I love! Who troubleth not his kind,
And is not troubled by them; clear of wrath,
Living too high for gladness, grief, or fear,
That man I love! Who, dwelling quiet-eyed,
Stainless, serene, well-balanced, unperplexed,
Working with Me, yet from all works detached,
That man I love! Who, fixed in faith on Me,
Dotes upon none, scorns none; rejoices not,
And grieves not, letting good and evil hap
Light when it will, and when it will depart,
That man I love! Who, unto friend and foe
Keeping an equal heart, with equal mind
Bears shame and glory, with an equal peace
Takes heat and cold, pleasure and pain; abides
Quit of desires, hears praise or calumny
In passionless restraint, unmoved by each,
Linked by no ties to earth, steadfast in Me,
That man I love! But most of all I love
Those happy ones to whom ’tis life to live
In single fervid faith and love unseeing,
Eating the blessèd Amrit of my Being!
Here endeth Chapter XII. of the Bhagavad-Gîtâ,
entitled “Bhakityôgô,” or “The Book of
the Religion of Faith”

162 posted on 05/13/2010 8:03:48 PM PDT by James C. Bennett
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To: GGpaX4DumpedTea

Recent genetic analyses shows that humans and Neanderthals inter-bred.

163 posted on 05/13/2010 8:04:34 PM PDT by James C. Bennett
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To: James C. Bennett

You have truly outdone yourself in post 144. Could you be anymore insulting with your baseless assumptions?!?! I have had quite enough of your type - smarmy evo defenders who pull out all their supposed ‘trump’ cards (i.e. flat-earthers, equating christianity with islamic religion, etc.). You show little if any true understanding of U.S. history let alone world history. Grow up before it’s too late. Here’s a hint for you junior - this ‘desert nomad mythology’ that you speak of is very embarrassing - for you.

You insult other fine folk’s intelligence, as if none of us have analyzed anything in the present world, rather just dumbly/blindly ‘clinging to our guns and religion’, nothing more than a bunch of hicksters and hucksters conning and being conned by some misunderstood ancient writings.

But in reality it is you who have failed even minimally to study the Bible and all the related extensive/exhaustive research defending it as a unique book in all of history and showing supernatural signs and wonders which no mere human could possibly have predicted and no mere scientist can begin to explain.

Shall I go on or will you apply your stupendous intellect studying and analyzing the unique nature and claims of the Holy Bible which any true believer will tell you is the inspired Word of God?

You completely under-estimate the defenders of creation with your old hackneyed arguments for evolution. All the while ignoring that it takes much more faith to believe that 3 billion lines of living breathing code came to life (somehow - since evolution does not like to address the point or origins anymore) and now with millions and billions of years is/was capable of accidentally re-programming itself into myriad life-forms all the while hiding all evidence. Any mathematician worth his weight will tell you the odds are simply staggering beyond your puny comprehension.

This hysterical evolutionary science still has far more questions than answers and far more dead-ends than they will ever admit. And don’t even think of re-examining all of the factual science evolution has swept under the rug along the way. I’ll cling to my faith any day of the week rather than being a modern day talking-head consensus clinger with nothing better to do than polish my pride. But ymmv...

164 posted on 05/14/2010 2:25:20 AM PDT by BrandtMichaels
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To: BrandtMichaels
The lottery winner hypothesis I mentioned earlier makes it just as impossible, probability-wise, for someone to win a lottery, and yet, they do.

The "3 billion" lines of code didn't all get compiled in one go. It started off from something far simpler - protein molecules. Innumerable iterations of natural selection allowed the "code" to grow.

Many may prefer superstition instead, but that is something I cannot help them with. Whatever standards of judgment they used to reject the scientific evidence for evolution, I can only request them to apply the same to the mythologies they accept as true, as well.

As for the picture on post 144, if it's that 100+-years-old picture you're complaining about, here's a better version of the same, from the following website:

165 posted on 05/14/2010 2:51:55 AM PDT by James C. Bennett
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To: James C. Bennett


166 posted on 05/14/2010 4:37:35 AM PDT by GGpaX4DumpedTea (I am a tea party descendant - steeped in the Constitutional legacy handed down by the Founders)
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To: sirchtruth

None. I believe in one God who is the Creator, but it pretty much stops there. I have no idea why, and can’t substantiate anything.

167 posted on 05/14/2010 7:28:47 AM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: srweaver

I agree, on an individual basis.

168 posted on 05/14/2010 7:29:42 AM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: stuartcr
There is a ton of biblical/physical/historical evidence which you can substantiate God. You will not PROVE the entity God with empirical evidence because he has decided it's not productive in this day and age. If it's true he showed himself 2,000 years ago and man didn't believe him then when he was right in front of his face why should God keep doing this if all that happens is man's keeps rejecting him.

However, the evidence in my opinion is overwhelming the Christian God not only exist, but the biblical record is wholly accurate. Again, you have to have faith. He hides things. Why? Because of man's heart. He has shown the way, but because man is so inherently selfish, God says if you want me, here I am, but I want your whole heart, and then I will provide all this other stuff you long for.

Let me just say this. You keep on looking for the evidence you need to see, but I just want you to remember God (Christian) has clearly pointed out how you can find him. I am always free to answer any questions you have. I am not a biblical authority, I am one who sought the truth, and found it.

Now the question does God know me?

169 posted on 05/14/2010 2:50:55 PM PDT by sirchtruth (Freedom is not free)
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To: sirchtruth

I don’t need to substantiate God, I already believe in Him. I was talking about some of my beliefs.

170 posted on 05/14/2010 2:56:02 PM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: stuartcr
I was talking about some of my beliefs.

For instance?

171 posted on 05/15/2010 2:51:57 AM PDT by sirchtruth (Freedom is not free)
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To: sirchtruth

That everyone prays to the same God. That religions are man-made. That no matter how much one studies God, no one knows anymore about God than any other man. That God manifests Himself in each of us individually, imparting His truth to that individual, for that individual.

172 posted on 05/15/2010 10:33:32 PM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: James C. Bennett
A bigger problem would be of 6+ billion individuals descending out of one mating pair, primarily through incest, initially.

Adam and Eve were perfect and their DNA, both dominant and recessive, didn't have mutations. As each generation was born, more and more mutations occurred but these were mostly recessive so the life spans of the preflood people were extremely long.

After the flood, there was a bottle neck and the recessive genes came to the surface causing the life spans of people to dramatically decline. Nowadays our DNA is so degraded that the human race couldn't survive that type of bottle neck. We are slowly going extinct and there in nothing that can be done about it.

173 posted on 05/15/2010 11:32:07 PM PDT by Tramonto
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To: stuartcr
That God manifests Himself in each of us individually, imparting His truth to that individual, for that individual.

I don't see a difference really in your beliefs. However, I wonder if you think there is a different "Truth" God imparts for each individual?

174 posted on 05/16/2010 5:18:03 AM PDT by sirchtruth (Freedom is not free)
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To: sirchtruth

Yes, the most obvious being the differences in people’s beliefs about God and morality.

175 posted on 05/16/2010 1:49:56 PM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: sirchtruth

Have you heard “Ravi Answers Atheists”, by Ravi Zacharias? Excellent, excellent set of sermons.

176 posted on 05/16/2010 1:55:47 PM PDT by MayflowerMadam (Every time a liberal whines, an angel gets his wings.)
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To: stuartcr
Yes, the most obvious being the differences in people’s beliefs about God and morality.

How can there be a "different" truth if everybody reads the same thing? God's truth to my knowledge does not change from one person to another simply because that would be antithetical to the truth. This is why satan is able to trick people into believing all sorts of B.S. because some people do not adhere to God's standard, but rely on their own convolution and cling to darkness.

First of all let's define, "The Truth" - Jesus Christ. Yeshua.

177 posted on 05/16/2010 5:19:17 PM PDT by sirchtruth (Freedom is not free)
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To: MayflowerMadam
Have you heard “Ravi Answers Atheists”, by Ravi Zacharias? Excellent, excellent set of sermons.

Yes! Definitely. He's a great Christian apologist!

178 posted on 05/16/2010 5:20:51 PM PDT by sirchtruth (Freedom is not free)
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To: sirchtruth

Who said anything about reading? Obviously, the definitions of truth and the truths themselves, are different for each person.

I find it interesting that while you say there is no real difference in our beliefs, then we must share the belief that no one man knows any more about God than any other. Yet you offer answers to any questions I may have. How does that happen?

179 posted on 05/16/2010 6:50:03 PM PDT by stuartcr (Everything happens as God wants it to...otherwise, things would be different)
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To: truthfinder9
There is no analogy the Septuagint makes it specific 24 hour days. I don't have a problem with 24 hour day creation cycle cause of the curse Rom 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now. as Paul states. Our knowledge of physics precurse is conjecture. I find no need to torture the text to conform to my science. If the age of the earth is such importance then consider Upheaval in Physics: History of the Light-Speed Debate
180 posted on 05/17/2010 12:21:02 AM PDT by the_daug
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