This is ultimate insanity!!! I can’t even imagine where this idea would come from. Child molesters/abusers can be found in all walks of life, in every “group” you can imagine to put people in... Celibacy does not cause abusive behavior. That’s the same type of attitude that requires Muslim women to dress in Burkas — as if men cannot control themselves to even see an ankle or a wrist! What is this world coming to???
[I know... Isaiah Chapter 5 — sweet for sour, light for dark... It breaks my heart even though we’ve been warned...]
The real problem (or one way to look at it) is this:
If people are just hunks of meat, then the only real happiness in life is gratifying every desire and whim the senses demand. As much sex, food, etc as possible and any other enjoyments conjured up is the goal of life. “Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die”.
The other view of life is that people are in truth eternal souls, wearing an earthly tent which is temporary, and that human life has a mission - to develop loving surrender to God - and that this is the real meaning and purpose to life. This is the real happiness the heart is aching and longing for. And that gratifiying every desire the sense come up with does NOT bring deep happiness, comfort or joy to the heart.
In every religion there are very similar if not almost exactly the same rules or guidelines about how to live in the world happily. Controlling our sex urge is universally instructed, as well as not giving in to drunkenness, gluttony, envy, avariciousness, etc. Controlling sex desire is part of what makes a human “human”.
It is not denying oneself happiness to control sex desire, it means being human as opposed to acting like a two legged animal. I know from bitter personal experience what it is like to be wildly promiscuous (when I was a teenager in the late 60s) and what it’s like to live a celibate life, and a faithful married life.
Promiscuity causes absolute misery and untold heartache and problems. Controlling sex desire is not always easy - especially for the young - but it is deeply satsifying in the long and short run. The more a person indulges in extra marital sex (of whatever kind), the more desires increase. It’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Someone may say or think - “I have these desires, I must act on them”! It’s like saying - “there’s a fire in the backyard, I must put it out by pouring some gasoline on it!”
And as Tax-chick said, even in marriage celibacy (or continence, I can’t remember how those terms differ in use) is often needed - during illness, difficult pregnancies, separation, etc.