A St Paddy’s Day story...
My Catholic Irish ancestors arrived about 1720...
They were indentured servants to the Albany, NY area...
One of the sons, my 6th g grandfather finished out his time and became a Leatherstocking type...trapper...spoke the Indian languages etc..along the Mohawk River...
he brought about 26,000 acres from the Indians...
He was also a captain in the Provincial Army....the group that Yankee Doodle Dandy was written about...
They wore their buckskins and coon hats and refused to wear the bright red uniforms of the English Army...
So the English soldiers would mock them and sing songs about them...
He died fighting Indians and the French at Lake George in Sept 1755..
Think “The Last of the Mohicans”
From accounts of him he was a he was good looking charmer...
How very romantic :-)
My ancestors also came over from Ireland but in the 1850’s. We have names and facts but no stories.
I’m sure they’ve all been posthumously baptised into the LDS church by now.