To: fish hawk
Do you believe in Baptism of Blood?
Do you believe in Baptism of Desire?
Ans I am serious about you reading the truth.
“Unless a man is born again of water AND the spirit, he shall not enter the kingdom of heaven.”
The spirit that Protestants claim in being born again is not sufficient.
26 posted on
03/13/2010 2:34:50 PM PST by
("With God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26)
To: Salvation
And you think that “being born of water” is Baptism? This is what I mean by believing your church rather than God. Have you ever heard of the Living Water, maybe not, it's a spiritual thing. I don't think the Catholic Church wants you to read the Bible and think for yourself. That's why in the mid ages it was forbidden to even own a Bible, you had to go to a priest to get guidance.
To: Salvation
I take it then that Abraham, et al. did not get into heaven?
62 posted on
03/13/2010 3:38:38 PM PST by
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