Much of the article you are tampering with is by Prof Tov who is Jewish he is not LDS!
The article is by Jeff Lindsey, a mormon who has an agenda to discredit Christianity and the Christian bible and attempt to “prove” that Joseph Smith”s book of mormon is true...
Lindsey cherry picked among the writings of various Jewish scholars in an attempt to make a case against the validity of the prophecies OLd Tesamant of the Bible, and therefore also the fulfillment of those prophecies in the New Testament...
Lindsay only gives the intro and closing what is in the heart of the artilce is Prof Tov.
It is Tov work and findings after many years working on the Dead Sea Scrolls much of this knowledge came to light.
Prof Tov has spoke at other gathing with of clergyman and discussed these same things and none of those clergy man have acted like the anti here do it was a veru ecumenical meeting of those who seeking truth.
Hebrew University Prof. Emmanuel Tov Wins Israel Prize for Research in Bible