You wrote:
“Therefor, you claim you offer Jesus in an unbloody way as a re-presentation.”
We offer a re-presentation of the same sacrifice of Christ in an unbloody way.
“However, one of my points was that Jesus offered Himself.”
Yep, and that happens now too - priests are only priests in Christ in that their priesthood comes through Him.
“No man offers Jesus as a sacrifice - not then, not now.”
Jesus was a man . . . and God. When a priest offers the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass he does it within the priesthood of Christ.
“And I posted again the scripture:27He has no need, like those high priests, to offer sacrifices daily, first for his own sins and then for those of the people, since he did this once for all when he offered up himself. - Hebrews 7”
Right, and I properly interpreted that verse since you clearly misunderstood it.
“Jesus offered himself, once for all. You do not offer him, nor does any priest.”
Yep - in union with Christ.
Of course, this is all Christian theology so I wouldn’t expect you to know any of it.
As usual, your post speaks volumes, but not about what you think it does.