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Oh G*d, Father Almighty,
Magnified and Sanctified is Your Most Holy Name!
We humbly come before You as a small group of believers, to sing Psalms of Praise and Thanksgiving!
We Thank You Profoundly that You, in You Mighty Wisdom and Provision, have Chosen To Preserve Your Holy Word to This Day.
We Thank You that You have Allowed Us To Once Again Sing The Sweet Songs Of King David, a Man After Your Own Heart.
We Thank You for bringing The Children of Israel back to The Land Of Your Promise.
LORD, We Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem, according to Your Promise in Psalm 122.
We pray that You will put Your Hedge of Protection Around Israel, and Protect the People From Harm, that they may live in Peace.
We Pray that the wicked plans of her enemies will be thwarted and brought to ruin.
We pray for favor for the People of Israel with our own government, so that we, in America, can partake of the Promise of Your Word.
We Pray FREEDOM, for the people who are neighbors to Israel, from spiritual darkness, that they may allow the Jewish People to live in Peace.
We stand together as True Sons and Daughters of Abraham and Sarah,
some from the Original Olive Tree of Israel,
and Some Grafted in by the Grace of G*d,
to declare that we Stand By Israel, The Jewish People, and The ONE TRUE G*D.

1 posted on 02/09/2010 6:22:30 AM PST by left that other site
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To: ClearBlueSky; Mobties; Fiddlstix; Nachum; SJackson; seoul62; SkyDancer; Star Traveler; FlashBack; ..

Pinging the Prayer Warriors for Israel.

It’s A beautiful Morning and a great way to start the day is to pray!

2 posted on 02/09/2010 6:25:13 AM PST by left that other site (Your Mi'KMaq Paddy Whacky Bass Playing Biker Buddy)
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To: left that other site

Joel 2:1 -Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm on my holy hill. Let all who live in the land tremble, for the day of the LORD is coming. It is close at hand--

3 posted on 02/09/2010 6:34:37 AM PST by kingattax (99 % of liberals give the rest a bad name)
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To: left that other site

Amen .

“We pray that You will put Your Hedge of Protection Around Israel, and Protect the People From Harm, that they may live in Peace.
We Pray that the wicked plans of her enemies will be thwarted and brought to ruin.”

9 posted on 02/09/2010 10:15:28 AM PST by Lera
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To: left that other site; Quix; TaraP
People should realize that when they are "Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem" they are praying for the coming Messiah of Israel to set up the Kingdom on this earth, because it's only then, that Jerusalem has peace.

I sometimes do wonder if some people do realize that they are praying for that coming Kingdom on earth, with that prayer.

And so, "Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem" means that we'll see things getting much, much worse, in the meantime... and so, to the "uninitiated" (in regards to the Bible's prophecies") it would appear that the prayers are not being answered. But, the worse it gets now, means the quicker that we are going to see the coming Kingdom on this earth.

This may be what the coming Third Temple, that will be built in Jerusalem, may look like in the near future.... sitting right next to the Dome of the Rock.

The following is a diagram and labels for the various features on the Temple Mount. Note #28 on the diagram (the Dome of the Spirits) which is where the Holy of Holies would be in the above picture. Also note in the diagram that the Eastern Gate, or the Golden Gate is directly in line with the opening to the Temple and looks straight into where the Holy of Holies is, and can be seen in a straight line from the Mount of Olives.

The Golden Gate was sealed up by the Muslims, because they heard that the Messiah of Israel is supposed to come through it, when He returns and sets up His Kingdom. So the Muslims thought they would stop that from happening by sealing up the gate... :-)

And they also put a graveyard in front of it, to desecrate it...

Here's another view of the Temple Mount area.

You can see the Golden Gate on the right side of the picture and the Wailing Wall is on the left side of the picture.

You can see where the prophecy concerning the Temple area can be true, if the Third Temple is built where the Dome of the Spirits is right now, and thus directly facing the Golden Gate.

Revelation Chapter 11

1 Then I was given a reed like a measuring rod. And the angel stood,
saying, "Rise and measure the temple of God, the altar, and those who
worship there.

2 But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not
measure it, for it has been given to the Gentiles. And they will tread
the holy city underfoot for forty-two months.

3 And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will prophesy one
thousand two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth."

4 These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands standing before
the God of the earth.

5 And if anyone wants to harm them, fire proceeds from their mouth and
devours their enemies. And if anyone wants to harm them, he must be
killed in this manner.

6 These have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of
their prophecy; and they have power over waters to turn them to blood,
and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.

7 When they finish their testimony, the beast that ascends out of the
bottomless pit will make war against them, overcome them, and kill

8 And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which
spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was

9 Then those from the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see
their dead bodies three-and-a-half days, and not allow their dead
bodies to be put into graves.

10 And those who dwell on the earth will rejoice over them, make merry,
and send gifts to one another, because these two prophets tormented
those who dwell on the earth.

11 Now after the three-and-a-half days the breath of life from God
entered them, and they stood on their feet, and great fear fell on
those who saw them.

12 And they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, "Come up
here." And they ascended to heaven in a cloud, and their enemies saw

13 In the same hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the
city fell. In the earthquake seven thousand people were killed, and the
rest were afraid and gave glory to the God of heaven.

11 posted on 02/09/2010 11:24:22 AM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: left that other site

12 posted on 02/09/2010 11:25:17 AM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: left that other site
In Agreement 100% with your Prayer, Dear Sister Left.
Your Prayer Threads are Wonderful. God Bless!

15 posted on 02/09/2010 11:34:42 AM PST by Kitty Mittens (Let Thy Mercy, O LORD, be upon us, According as we Hope in Thee. Ps.33:22)
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To: left that other site
The Temple Institute is an official organization in Israel dedicated to the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple (i.e., the Third Temple, the one that is spoken about in the Bible, in the Book of Revelation).

They already have made many preparations, have priests lined up and ready-to-go and their garments are being made according to the Bible, and many of the Temple furnishings are already made now, including the solid gold (made of one piece) Temple Menora (on display in Israel).

This is no fringe or minority viewpoint with some Christians concerned about Biblical prophecies (as some like to characterize them... LOL...). This is mainstream for Jews and they're intending to have it done.

What do you think is the big "hold-up" on the "final status peace talks" with the Jews and the Arabs right now (and has been for a long time). It's the status of Jerusalem and the status of the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. The Jews intend to get it done, one way or another.

The Temple Institute Statement of Principles

The Temple Institute is dedicated to all aspects of the Divine commandment for Israel to build a house for G-d's presence, the Holy Temple, on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem. The range of the Institute's involvement with this concept includes education, research, activism, and actual preparation. Our goal is firstly, to restore Temple consciousness and reactive these "forgotten" commandments. We hope that by doing our part, we can participate in the process that will lead to the Holy Temple becoming a reality once more.
Why build the Temple?
Why this fuss over an ancient, seemingly outdated concept? What relationship does the Holy Temple have to our world today? The people of Israel have lived without a Temple for nearly 2,000 years, and seem to be doing fine without one. We don't seem to need it, and G-d certainly doesn't, so why think about rebuilding?
202 Biblical Commandments
The Jewish people accepted the "Yoke of Heaven," the structure of their relationship with the Creator and their spiritual responsibility, at the Mount Sinai revelation. This relationship is based on Israel's acceptance and fulfillment of the Torah's 613 Divine commandments. But in fact, fully one third - 202 of these commandments - are totally dependent on the existence of the Holy Temple for their fulfillment. But what is our attitude regarding these commandments? Do we think of them as inactive, dormant, dead? Do we believe that they are no longer applicable? Do we perhaps relegate them to that nebulous time of messianic redemption; that they will only be activated in the future with the coming of the messiah?
The Torah's commandments are eternal, for now and forever
Nothing can be further from the truth. Maimonides teaches (Sefer Igeret Ha'Shmad) that the performance of all the commandments are not dependent on the coming of the messiah. They are to be fulfilled at all times. G-d does not change His mind, or nullify any of the commandments included in the Torah, which were given once, for all time. In lieu of Temple service, we may observe various "remembrances" of these commandments, but that is all they are - merely gestures of nostalgia.
Fish out of water
But we fool ourselves if we think that the state of Judaism today, without the Temple, is normal. On the contrary, we are like fish out of water. If 1/3 of all the Torah's commandments center on the Temple, it would seem that Biblical observance in the Temple's absence is but a skeleton of what G-d had intended it to be.
Our spiritual alienation
Sadly, much of our contemporary attitudes regarding the Holy Temple are a reflection of our own spiritual bankruptcy and alienation from the spiritual underpinnings of true Torah knowledge and faith. The Holy Temple was not some magnificent building. It was the direct arena for our direct relationship with G-d; the unfolding saga of man's greatest spiritual longing. It was a place where heaven and earth met; a meeting place for man and G-d.
Our relationship with G-d
At this one place on earth, unlike any other, the one place that the Creator Himself chose to rest His presence, the rectification of man's connection with G-d takes place. All people were able to come to the Temple to partake in this direct and fulfilling bond; to recharge their spiritual batteries and come away with a renewed sense of purpose and being.
A new era of universal harmony
Every prophet of Israel, without exception, prophesized that the Temple would be rebuilt, ushering in a new era of universal harmony and peace unparalleled in the history of man. Thus, the "movement" to rebuild the Holy Temple is not new. It was born almost 2,000 years ago, at the moment of the Second Temple's destruction. For when the Holy Temple stood in Jerusalem, it was the soul of Jewish people... and the entire world... as we believe it will be once again.
The rebuilding of the Holy Temple: In our time?
The reality of the Jewish experience means that the Temple will be rebuilt. Many people who visit the Temple Institute are incredulous and cannot help but exclaim: "Do you really think that you will live to see the Holy Temple rebuilt?" The answer to that question is of little importance. Let us rather recall that Jewish history has a trajectory, which began when the patriarch Abraham smashed his father's idols. That trajectory has spanned the millennia, and it is obvious that we are rapidly approaching climactic times, in which the Holy Temple will once again become the focal point for mankind's spiritual focus. Whether this transpires in our generation or not, we can still choose to be active participants, and not simply spectators, in G-d's bold plan for the Redemption of Israel and all humanity.

22 posted on 02/09/2010 12:06:30 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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To: left that other site


26 posted on 02/09/2010 2:02:33 PM PST by fieldmarshaldj (~"This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps !"~~)
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To: left that other site
In case anyone thinks that the rebuilding of the Third Temple is some "apocalyptic pipe dream" of some Christian crazies... (LOL...) ... here is an official Jewish organization that is currently in the process of getting all the things necessary for a Temple in Jersualem ready right now.

The following is from the Temple Institute and their website.

The sacred vessels and vestments, their purpose, their nature, and the specific dimensions and materials from which they are to be made, were all related to Moses by G-d, at Mount Sinai. The construction of the vessels and the priestly garments was overseen by Betzalel, a master craftsman, chosen by G-d to fulfill this task, as it is said: "And the L-rd spoke unto Moses, saying: 'See, I have called by name Betzalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah; and I have filled him with the spirit of G-d, in wisdom and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship, to devise skilfull works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass, and in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all manner of workmanship.'"(Exodus 31:1-5) Assisted by Ohaliab the son of Ahisamach, Betzalel oversaw the construction of the tabernacle, and of the vessels used in the worship, and the garments worn by the priests, and the high priest. Betzalel assembled a team of craftsmen and artisans for this purpose.

The Temple Institute has likewise called upon Israel's finest craftsmen and artisans, and enlisted them in the historical task of recreating the sacred vessels and vestments. Every vessel produced by the Temple Institute is done in acccordance with the precise instructions that were first handed down by G-d to Moses. The vessels you are about to view are all fit and ready for use in the Holy Third Temple, may it be built speedily, and in our days!


The copper laver and stand, which stands in the Temple courtyard between the sanctuary and the outer altar, is the first of the Temple vessels to greet the priests each morning. There the priests wash their hands and feet before proceeding to attend to the daily tamid offering. 


The priest collects the blood from the sacrifice into the Mizrak, and then spills the blood onto the corner of the altar. 


The large mizrak, as the smaller mizrak, is used to gather the blood of the sacrifice, and to spill it onto the corner of the altar. The large mizrak is used when sacrificing larger animals, (cows and bullocks).


The three-pronged fork is mentioned in 1 Samuel 2:12. According to Rashi and Maimonides, the fork is used to turn over the offerings on the altar fire, or to lift up unconsumed portions of the offering so that the woodpile can be rearranged.


Measuring cups are used for measuring flour, wine and oil, of which specific amounts are prescribed to be used as ingredients in various offerings.


The copper vessel is used for preparing the meal offering. Meal offerings are made using various amounts of flour, oil and spices. 


The silver shovel is kept on the southwestern corner of the altar. The shovel is used for the removal of ashes left on the altar, the first task performed by the priests each morning at the break of dawn. 


The silver decanter is used for the wine libation. Wine is poured on the altar twice daily, morning and evening, accompanying the daily service. 


On Yom Kippur, the High Priest reaches into the lottery box and chooses lots. Thus is determined which goat will be used as an offering to G-d, and which will be sent off to Azazel, as an atonement for the sins of the people. During the First Temple, the lots were fashioned of wood. In the time of the Second Temple, they were of gold. The lots pictured above are fashioned of both wood and gold. 


The silver cup, with the golden flask, is used in the Festival of the Water Libation, which takes place during the Holiday of Succot. At dawn, the priests and levites, accompanied by the throngs of participants, wend their way down to the Spring of Shiloach. Water is drawn from the spring, and carried up the the Temple in the golden flask, where it is poured into the silver cup, as it rests atop the altar. 


One of the main aspects of the holiday of Sukkot (Tabernacles) is the Biblical commandment, "And you shall be glad on your holiday, and you shall be only joyful" (Deut. 16:14). Indeed, the pilgrims who arrived in Jerusalem at the Temple's courtyard came to rejoice. The focus of this rejoicing was the ceremony surrounding the commandment to pour water on the altar - the water libation. To learn more, click here.

These vessels were designed and created by the famed HaTzorfim company, Israel's most prestigious craftsmen of fine Judaica. The owners of this company felt a deep stirring to begin creating vessels for the new Temple, and they are now working on a number of projects together with the Temple Institute. 


On the 16th day of Nissan, in a public gathering on the outskirts of Jerusalem, the first of the barley crop is harvested using sickles. This barley is then brought to the Holy Temple to be used in the Omer offering. 


Once the barley is brought to the Temple Courtyard, priests beat, roast, grind, and sift the grain. A handful of the resulting flour is burned on the altar. The remainder is eaten by the priests. 


The Abuv is a three-tiered stand. The top level holds a perforated copper pan, and below it is a receptacle for hot coals. It is used for roasting the newly harvested barley of the Omer offering, performed on Passover. 


The daily service of the Temple includes the cleaning of the seven oil cups of the Menorah, using the vessel pictured above, (in Hebrew, Hatavah). The vessel includes tongs and a brush.  


The oil pitcher is used to replenish the oil for the menorah. The design pictured above is based on an ancient coin from the Second temple period. This pitcher contains 3.5 lug, (2 liters) of oil. 


The small golden flask is used to pour olive oil into the menorah. The priest pours oil into this flask from the larger pitcher, which contains enough oil necessary for all seven lamps. This smaller flask is then used to replenish the oil of each individual lamp. 


Once a week, on the Sabbath, the twelve loaves of the showbread are removed by the priests, and replaced with new loaves. At the same time, the two portions of frankincense are also replaced. The two portions of frankincense are carried inside the gold Frankincense Censer. Still inside the censer, they are placed on the table of the showbread. 


The incense chalice, which holds "half a portion" (approx. 200 grams), of the incense offering ingredients. The chalice is carried into the Sanctuary of the Temple, where the golden incense altar stands. Upon entering the Sanctuary the priest sounds the small ring-shaped bell seen on the top of the chalice cover.


This shovel is used to remove burning coals from the outer altar. The priest then carries the coals on this shovel into the sanctuary, where the coals are used on the golden incense altar. 


The menorah, made from a single piece of solid gold, stands in the southern side of the Sanctuary. Each morning a priest prepares and rekindles the wicks. The central wick, known as "the western candle" is required to burn perpetually. The oil and wicks of this candle are changed in such a fashion as to insure that it will never be extinguished. 


In the northern side of the Sanctuary stands the table of the showbread. The table is made of wood, overlaid with gold. Upon it are placed the twelve loaves of showbread. Each Sabbath, the loaves are simultaneously removed and replaced by fresh loaves, so as to insure that these loaves remain "perpetually" on the table. Miraculously, the week old loaves being replaced also retain their heat and freshness. These loaves are distributed among the priests. 


Centrally located in the Sanctuary, between the menorah to the south, and the table of the showbread to the north, stands the incense altar, directly in front of the Holy of Holies, to the west. The incense altar, made of wood covered with gold, is employed in what is considered to be the most beloved aspect of the Temple service in G-d's eye: the incense offering. In order to allow for every priest to perform this most prized of offerings, a daily lot is drawn. Only those priests who have never offered incense upon the altar are allowed to participate. 


The ark of the covenant is the only object that is placed within the Holy of Holies. Once a year, on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the high priest enters the Holy of Holies, asking G-d to forgive the transgressions of the entire house of Israel. Made of wood covered with gold, it contained within it, during the period of the First Temple, the Two Tablets of the Law brought down from Mount Sinai by Moses, as well as a vessel containing mannah, and the staff of Aharon. Fearing its capture by the invading Babylonians, King Josiah had it removed from the Holy of Holies, and hidden in a chamber deep beneath the Temple Mount. A tradition of its exact location is maintained to this day. The above picture depicts a mock-up made by the Temple Institute for purposes of research and instruction. 


One of the four "golden garments" of the high priest is the crown, fashioned from one single piece of pure gold. The crown is worn across the forehead, extending from ear to ear, (as pictured in the inset above). It is held in place by a string dyed in the same blue color as used in all the high priest's garments. The crown bears the inscription: "Holy to G-d," and is worn by the high priest at all times, while he is officiating in the Temple.


We are pleased to announce that the weaving of the sacred Ephod garment for the uniform of the High Priest has been completed. The Temple Institute has also completed the complicated task of joining the ephod to the remembrance stones, and affixing the breastplate.

This complex project has been based on extensive research by the Institute. With G-d's help this task has been completed and the results have been made public.


In the Holy Temple, silver trumpets are used during the Divine service, as well as for announcing the arrival of the Shabbat, the New Moon, the three Festivals, and for other various occasions. 


The gold-plated shofar, (ram's horn), is blown in the Holy Temple on Rosh Hashana.  


The silver-plated shofar, (ram's horn), is blown in the Holy Temple on fast days.


The harp, or nevel, is a prominent instrument used by the Levites in their orchestral accompaniment to the Divine service. 


The lyre, or kinnor, like the harp, is frequently mentioned in the book of Psalms, as being a feature of the Levitical orchestra which performs in the Inner Courtyard of the Holy Temple.  

30 posted on 02/09/2010 4:09:10 PM PST by Star Traveler (Remember to keep the Messiah of Israel in the One-World Government that we look forward to coming)
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