Hitchens always looks like he is always in the state of chasing last night’s hangover away with the “hair of the dog.” The militant atheist movement should get a spokesman whose liver isn’t turning further into granite come every Monday morning.
Oh Christopher, Christopher! I am so fond of you; I continue to hope that you will see the light. I even remember to pray about it whenever you go off on one of your nasty natterings against the faithful. You are much too amusing to consign to hell.
I always like the ‘why does God allow evil in the world argument.’
They have it exactly backwards. God doesn’t allow evil in the world, he allows good. If he didn’t we wouldn’t have made it a thousand years past creation.
In the Tribulation he will lift back His hand and then the world will be as it would be if He wasn’t here now. Really really ugly with demons tormenting people’s flesh.
--and he is a believer, so he can stop all that denial--
as in:
"You say we've all got to believe in something, well-uh, I be-lieve I'll have another drink."
He exhibits the sloppy moral equivalence of denying difference between the beheaders who stone women who don't dance at the prospect of genital mutilation, and, say, the afternoon drive-time host of Des Moines' WHO who likes Mike Huckabee.
Chris, have another, but put the keys on the bar, won't you.
We could use Hitchens as a foil to the rantings of Jesse, Al and the other pseudo religious leftist whackjobs.
Open your eyes. How could a “cell” that is only feebly “evolved”’ possibly survive in a hostile
environment? It could not. How could this cell possibly compensate for the Heisenberg principle of particle uncertainty when assembling proteins and other complex molecules? It could not. It is pure wishful thinking that man can create a single living cell when the simplest virus cannot be understood despite spending billions of dollars on it. Did you hear about the missing link that was going to change everything regarding evolution? It was another example of grasping at straws. Just as “Lucy” was and on and on. Open your minds.
It’s always Happy Hour somewhere, right Chris?
I have seen a couple of Hitch’s debates. They all seem to revolve around Christian crimes, “eevolution,” or “whether faith is good for the world,” or about some patently flimsy, fallacious, or circular arguments for the existence of God that Hitch saw through at the age of eight.
But they don’t seem to get around to the real issues: Is God real? And if so, has there been any revelation?
“...I have discovered that the so-called Christian right is much less monolithic, and very much more polite and hospitable, than I would once have thought, or than most liberals believe....I much prefer this sincerity to the vague and Python-esque witterings of the interfaith and ecumenical groups who barely respect their own traditions and who look upon faith as just another word for community organizing.”
And old saying goes something like, “the enemies you make by standing for what you believe will respect you more than the friends you gain by compromising.
Of course, this presumes that there is moral virtue, the ultimate authority on which is the issue, the transcendent wisdom of the Bible, or the finite reasoning of man. While one may misuse the former (and such is made evident when this is so), the “golden compass” of man can be more destructive i degree when it points south, as it so easily has.
Related threads:
Christopher Hitchens vs. Douglas Wilson
The Controversialist [Idaho pastor Doug Wilson is becoming a "mainstream evangelical"]
Reformed Pastor Preaches on the Proper Role of Ministers [Douglas Wilson / John Piper]
I switched off to his rantings at that point.
He's a pitiable wretch who needs bow-coo prayers!
He has a conservative brother with whom he was estranged for years. They did get together a couple years ago, but it appears something has re-ignited the falling-out. He has and does write for just about everything in the print media. He lectures and appears on TV occasionally. He's a fellow at the Hoover Institute think tank. He's both a workaholic and an alcoholic.
Not much time to squeeze religion into such a busy, lusty life, perhaps. But then really, who cares?