**science has demonstrate that Polygenism is false. **
That’s why I put a the keyword “heresy” on it. I think I’ll start doing that when these words come up by random.
Everything you ever wanted to know about Genesis can be found here: http://jandyongenesis.blogspot.com
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Genesis does allow for polygenesis. All the people mentioned in Genesis 10 as descendents of Noah’s 3 sons are Afro-Asiatics. The Afro-Asiatic language groups is one of 16 languages groups that are classified as distinct because they did not “evolve” from a common proto-language.
The first historic person mentioned in Genesis is Nok, the father-in-law of Cain and Seth. His name in Hebrew is Enoch. His name parallels Adam’s name in Psalm 8:4 which reads: “What is man (Enoch) that you are mindful of him, the son of man (ben adam) that you care for him?”