It is the Bible that says Jesus did not think it robbery to be 'equal' to God, not you are saying that the bible is wierd.
I am not claiming that Jesus is God or a God at all and am very clear on that.
The Bible tells of a great number of witnesses who testified that Jesus is the Son of well as God Almighty Himself.
So When I say that Jesus is the Son of God, I am agreeing with God and you cannot find any fault in that at all...but when you say that Jesus is God...well God says something different.
God is not a man that he should lie nor the son of man that he should repent...yet Jesus was/is a man and the son of man.
No man has seen God at any time...God is in visible..God is spirit....Jesus was the visible representation of the invisible God and many many people saw Jesus..yet no man has seen God at any time..per the Bible!
Jesus was tempte in all ways...God cannot be tempted with evil....
Jesus died for our sins...God cannot die
In the beginning God created heavens and earth...Jesus had a Genesis (beginning) documented in the Gospels.
Jesus and God are not the same and Jesus is not God. They are different.
I read my Bible. I understand what I read.
Last church denomination I attended was Baptist. But you can see the problems there...that and I don't believe that water baptism proves or accomplishes a darn thing.