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To: jwalsh07

You wrote:

“You’ve lost touch with reality.”

No, see, a rational man - like myself - realizes an 83 year old man is not going to fly around the world after a major visit to the Holy Land (which was very important) to handle some other bishops’ problem that was only important for ONE country and ONE people - America and Americans.

“The Popes flock is the universe of Catholics and the most important place the Pope could have been on Sunday was in South Bend, Indiana.”

Oh, please! You are turning a bad moment for American Catholics into the greatest problem in the world? Get a life and come back to reality while you’re at it!

“And if the Pope is not young and healthy enough to tend to his entire flock, then he should give way to somebody younger.”

So, you’re the Holy Spirit now? Let God handle the time when this pope leaves office. When did John Paul II ever do what you’re suggesting? How about Paul VI? How about Pius XII? John XXIII? Pius XI? Pius X? Any pope ever in history?

“In case you hadn’t noticed the secularists are winning and they will continue to win if the leadership of the Catholic Church continues to sit on the sidelines.”

In case you haven’t noticed, the secularists won 500 years ago when they ripped Christendom apart and establsihed states that obviously were going to go secular no matter what because they were OUT OF THE CHURCH.

And guess which pope was able to stop that secularization? Right...none of them. Saints? Nope. They have all failed to change it too. Church councils? They all flopped too when it came to stopping or reversing secularization. God has chosen to allow secularism to continue and He may do so for quite sometime. That is the reality of it and only someone out of touch with reality would suggest that a pope’s trip to Notre Dame would change it.

“Now this is my opinion and I have no problem with you dissenting from it.”

Dissenting from it? Your opinion is not related to reality as it actually exists. There a simple way to show this. Tell mne the name of a pope who succeeded in reversing secularization in America in the last 100 years. Name a saint whose don’t it. Name a council that has succeeded in doing it.

Is that crickets’ chirping I hear? Yeah, I thought so. They all failed. And you failed. And I failed. And all the bishops - every last one of them - failed too. Convenient huh? No matter how hard all of them tried, they all met miserable failure. Total, complete FAILURE. God hasn’t decided to change things yet. It’s just that simple. Popes do not fly into Indiana to solve OUR problems.

“I also have no problem getting nasty if that’s the road you want to travel. Your choice.”

Oooooo, I’m so scared. You might get nasty!? How about getting logical? Threaten getting logical on me all you like. It seems far more unlikely than you being a worthy opponent by “getting nasty”.

Again, just so we both know who is right between us in this little fracas, riddle me this:

Name the pope who flew to the US - EVER - to solve OUR problems. EVER.

Name the saint who flew to the US - EVER - to solve OUR problems. EVER.

Name the council which EVER solved OUR problems in the US Church in the last century. EVER.

You’ll fail. Again. Just like OUR bishops. Again. Get used to it. Saints are made more by failure and soul searching rather than by unmitigated successes.

Like I said, get used to it.

42 posted on 05/19/2009 7:54:12 PM PDT by vladimir998 (Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ. St. Jerome)
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To: vladimir998
No, see, a rational man - like myself - realizes an 83 year old man is not going to fly around the world after a major visit to the Holy Land (which was very important) to handle some other bishops’ problem that was only important for ONE country and ONE people - America and Americans.

A rational man occupying space in the year 2009 on planet Gaia understands that electronics can be used to bring the Pope to South Bend without the Pope ever leaving the Vatican. I really shoudn't have to explain that but I'm a generous man.

A live feed from the Pope to the alternate graduation ceremony where young Catholics were defending their faith would have been just the inspiration they needed.

You must have missed Pope John Pauls trip to theu United States where he inspired a generation of faithful Catholic youth to carry his message by defending life. They march every year in Washington to deliver their message to America and the world. But according to you there is no point. We just wait until God takes care of it. Of course I wonder how God feels watching members of his flock ,like you I might add, bowing their head and rather than defending the faith sniveling about how we can't win and shouldn't fight until God takes care of it all.

Your view makes me ill. We, and by we I mean all Catholic faithful from the Pope on down, do not get to sit on the sidelines while Jews, Cambodians and unborn babies are massacred. I'll continue to defend the faith and innocent life.

And you can do whatever it is that you do. Which from what I can tell is absolutely nothing.

47 posted on 05/19/2009 8:09:15 PM PDT by jwalsh07
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