As Shawn Merriman’s alleged Ponzi scheme piled up millions during the past 15 years, another party likely benefited from his fraudulent fortune: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Starting with Joey Smith’s bank scam in kirkland and his home made phony $3 bills that he laundered in MO and elsewher, the mormons have a 180 year history of fraud...
Joey Smith was finede $1,000 for his part in that but he skipped out of town and never paid it...
Mormonism does not respect the authority of the United States government...
Because he wanted to continue his fiefdom/theocracy unhindered, Brigham Young was known to pray for the death of the US POTUS...
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 1 Peter 2:10
and mormons practice their doctrines of thievery not only against the “Gentiles” which was considered not a sin...
But each other...
Joey Smith was GIVEN as in FREE several thousand acres to build Nauvoo...
Instead of just handing it out to his followers, as the giver intended, he lied to them and made them pay for it...
He made at least one million dollars from that “clever” deal...
Later, Brigham Young figured out ways to cheat his followers in SLC...
The handcart tragedy in which Brigham Young caused the unnecessary deaths of hundreds of European “saints”, came about from his greed...
In that scammed he made his followers pay for the passage twice...
The SLC “saints” had to “assist” the “pilgrims” and the European “saints” had to also pay for their own passage...
In the bulding of the rairoad through Utah, Brigham Young found several ways to cheat both the “Gentile” railroad and the US government plus his own followers...
Mormonism is based on lust for sex, money and power..
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. 1 John 2:16
This story also shows how important paying a full 10% to the LDS Church is to members. This disgusting person had absolutely no compunction against defrading his associates and fellow Mormons, but was absolutely cognizant of the fact that if he quit paying tithing, his standing within the community of Mormonism would collapse. His payment of tithing was necessary to keep up the appearance of “righteousness” so that he could continue his theiving.
Also it shows a complete lack of what Mormons claim as a “priesthood gift of discernment.” This man functioned as a totally upstanding Mormon right under the noses of those who claim God gives them special powers to discern the hearts of men and was in fact Mormonism teaches that he was “called” by God according to his righteousness to his high office as Bishop.
Of course people who call themselves Christian also fail in similar ways, but Christian leaders don’t claim any special priesthood powers or discernemtn either. Christians recognize the sinful nature inherent in men and that ALL men are have fallen. The becomeing-god-game, and appearances of perfection found in Mormonism aren’t played out in Christianity