Posted on 12/30/2008 10:39:34 AM PST by NYer
Praying the Rosary was widely ridiculed by self-described Catholic progressives in the years immediately following the Second Vatican Council.
According to such critics, the Rosary was an outdated and meaningless relic of an earlier age of Catholic faith.
People who prayed the Rosary regularly always knew that such criticism was completely wrong-headed, and the post-conciliar popes confirmed the Rosarys central place in a healthy Catholic prayer life.
According to data gleaned from Google searches, lay Catholics around the globe appear to agree.
In a post on Monday, the St. Robert Bellarmine’s Blog reported that the Google Adwords Analytic Tool estimates over 1.5 million monthly web searches include the term Rosary.
Comments St. Robert Bellarmine’s Blog about the Google Rosary rush, This trend shocks many as the 1960s witnessed a strong push to be a more modern Church and saw this antiquated devotion as past its prime.
The blog entry notes that the biggest number of Rosary searches occurs in October, the month the Church dedicates in a special way to promoting the Rosary. It also lists the seven most popular rosaries, in terms of Google searches.
While contemplating your New Year Resolutions, how about making one that will improve your spiritual life while building up the Body of Christ, advises the Catholic blog. Pray the Rosary daily.
And the fruit of that is what we're suffering through now.
This rosary works best. ;)
The liberals, or “progressives”, as they preferred to be called, have ruined every institution they have ever gained controlled over. Just look at our big cities, public school districts, universities, Hollyweird, the news media, the big mainline Protestant churches—all ruined by liberals.
They have a really neat feature where you can actually see what your rosary will look like when you complete it.
I made one for my youngest Goddaughter when I was her Confirmation sponsor. It had Porcelain Our Father beads and blue heart shaped beads for the Hail Mary's.
They also sell kits for bracelets. I made them for my daughters for First Communion. My older daughter's was my first and not very good but the younger one got a beautiful sterling silver one. Quite lovely if I say so myself!
My dream is to make them 14kt gold and birthstones for Confirmation. But they are very pricey!
This is an excellent group to help you gain maximum benefit from praying the Rosary daily and get general info re: Mary’s “weapon”.
What a great web site! The choices can be overwhelming ;-) Thanks for posting that link.
It’s lots of fun but the Rosary I want to make my daughter is over 1000.00. And then I have to make it without breaking or losing a jump ring! I’ve actually done that while making a silver one. Gold is a scary.
Oh the pressure!
I got a rosary from a street vendor, who looked Mexican. It is all wood, except the larger beads have plastic oval-shaped miniature reproductions of crucifixions and statues of Our Lady. Where the three strings come together, the central bead is larger than all and has a heart shape. This is what is unusual about it: the central bead is surrounded by Our Father/Glory Be beads on all three sides. It is as if the central bead calls for a prayer of its own.
I developed a style or rosary prayer to accomodate this shape:
On the Crucifix: In the name of the Father of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit
On the larger bead: Our Father
On the three smaller beads: three Hail Marys
On the larger bead: Glory Be
On the central bead: Act of Contrition
On the larger bead (missing in canonical rosaries): Our Father
10 Hail Marys, Glory Be
Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be
Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be
Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be
Our Father, 10 Hail Marys
On the other larger bead (missing in canonical rosaries): Glory Be
On the central bead: The Creed
On the larger bead: Our Father
On the three smaller beads: three Hail Marys
On the larger bead: Glory Be
I am wondering if anyone has seen a rosary with these two extra beads, and how he prays it.
You have certainly got me intrigued :-) Did you ‘google’ it?
I mean no offense, but I have never understood how praying the rosery gels with Matthew 6:7-13 ect.
I did: I googled images for “rosary” and did not see one like mine.
I do not see that street vendor either any more. May be the California Inquisition got him. That means, I am next.
5 And when ye pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, that love to stand and pray in the synagogues and corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men: Amen I say to you, they have received their reward. 6 But thou when thou shalt pray, enter into thy chamber, and having shut the door, pray to thy Father in secret: and thy Father who seeth in secret will repay thee. 7 And when you are praying, speak not much, as the heathens. For they think that in their much speaking they may be heard. 8 Be not you therefore like to them, for your Father knoweth what is needful for you, before you ask him. 9 Thus therefore shall you pray: Our Father ...(Matthew 6)
The Rosary is neither about speaking much -- it can be said silently, -- or about ostentation -- it is usually said alone or in a small group. The Hail Marys are repeated, but Jesus did not condemn that in Matthew 6 or anywhere else. He in fact praised the woman who repeated her pleas ("we ought always to pray, and not to faint", Luke 18), and Jesus Himself repeated prayers ("he prayed the third time, saying the selfsame word", Matthew 26:44).
What, exactly, is difficult to "gel" with the scripture about it?
Or ... perhaps he was an angel ;-)
I have several of them but my favorite walking rosary is my first Communion rosary.
On a bike?
Sure ... why not? I encountered one driving a snow plow. The road had not been plowed and my car got stuck going up a hill. A blizzard was raging with snow falling at 3"/hr. My daughter was missing (wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt). In my state of sheer panic, I took a chance with the car. It could not make it up the hill. In white out conditions, I resorted to prayer. There was total silence - there were no vehicles on the road. Suddenly, a pair of lights appeared at the top of the hill and proceeded down, clearing a path in the opposite lane, before disappearing silently into the dark night. I was able to maneuver the car onto the path (facing any oncoming vehicles of which there were none). Once up the hill, everyone I met was on foot - no cars, no trucks, no vans, no SUVs, no buses - nada. It took a while but I was eventually able to turn the car around and navigate back down the road. Only one side of the road had been plowed (the plow did not turn around and clear the opposite side). Ten minutes later, my daughter appeared in the 'mist' of falling snow. There was and still is NO doubt that an angel cleared that path. None!
Your story gave me goosebumps. Thank you for sharing it!
Oh yes. I’ve lived though enough Maine winters for angel stories like that.
Thank you for sharing.
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