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Is Sodomy No Longer a Sin?
American TFP ^

Posted on 11/10/2008 1:31:05 PM PST by Conservative Coulter Fan

And the men of Sodom were very wicked, and sinners before the face of the Lord, beyond measure (Gen. 13:13).

I. False Science, True Evil

A Standard of Sin

In our dark days, homosexuality, a shameful vice ever abhorred by the Christian conscience, finds prominent apologists within the very bosom of Holy Mother Church.

Sacred Scripture,1 Tradition, and the Magisterium have condemned few sins more consistently or severely than sodomy. The sins of Sodom and Gomorrha established a measure of evil by which other sins are judged, as recorded throughout the Holy Bible.2

Turning a deaf ear to these condemnations, proponents of perversion seek to sow confusion within the Church. To this end, they invoke deceptive interpretations - revisionist distortions - of Sacred Scripture. According to their self-serving rewriting of biblical history, Sodom and Gomorrha were destroyed not because their inhabitants practiced unnatural vice, but because they were inhospitable to travelers.3

Sodomy's apologists have even dared to suggest the obscene blasphemy that Our Lord Jesus Christ was one of them. Sister Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry for Gay and Lesbian Catholics, has written:

Gay and lesbian people also look to the friendships of David and Jonathan, and Jesus and John. These stories hold up for lesbian and gay people a hope for a blessing for same-sex relationships or friendships.4


The promoters of the homosexual agenda within the Church profess a pseudo-science in which homosexuality is neither pathological nor reversible, but a genetic and biological trait. According to this parody of science, sexual intimacy with the same sex is simply a normal variation, like left-handedness.

This deceptive fiction has been demolished by a number of systematic studies.5 It is also contradicted by the fact that a growing number of homosexuals have been treated and freed from the chains of their morally and psychologically disordered compulsions.6

Now, the militant call for homosexuals to "come out of the closet" and affirm their vice is being parroted within the ranks of the hierarchy.

In defense of the good name of our beloved Church, of the moral order ordained by Her Divine Founder, and of the innocent victims of this abominable vice, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP), appeals to the successors of the Apostles to combat this scandal and the scourge from which it arises.7

II. Sodomy: Sign of the Church's "Self-Destruction"

The Popes Speak

The homosexual wreckers within the Church must be viewed in the sad and somber context of Her "auto-demolition," of which Pope Paul VI observed:

The Church finds herself in an hour of disquiet, of self-criticism, one might even say of self-destruction. It is like an acute and complex interior upheaval, which no one expected after the Council. One thought of a blossoming, a serene expansion of the mature concepts of the Council. The Church still has this aspect of blossoming. But since "bonum ex integra causa, malum ex quocumque defectu," the aspect of sorrow has become most notable. The Church is also being wounded by those who are part of her.8

His warning finds an empathetic echo in the soul of our Holy Father, who describes this self-destruction in our day:

One must be realistic and acknowledge with a deep and pained sentiment that a great part of today's Christians feel lost, confused, perplexed, and even disillusioned: ideas contradicting the revealed and unchanging Truth have been spread far and wide; outright heresies in the dogmatic and moral fields have been disseminated, creating doubt, confusion, and rebellion; even the liturgy has been altered. Immersed in intellectual and moral "relativism" and therefore in permissiveness, Christians are tempted by atheism, agnosticism, a vaguely moralistic illuminism, a sociological Christianity, without defined dogmas and without objective morality.9

Wolves in Sheep's Clothing

Homosexual predators, calling themselves "Catholic" while violating the most basic norms of Christian morals, further the "auto-demolition" of the Church. Their predation is rendered more deadly by the aid and comfort they receive from nuns, priests, and even bishops. Ravening wolves thus devour the weakest of the flock abandoned by their shepherds.

The American TFP commends The Wanderer for its service to the faithful in publishing Paul Likoudis's detailed and enlightening reports on the Mass celebrated for unrepentant homosexuals by Rochester's Bishop Matthew Clark in the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart10 and on the New Ways Ministry 4th National Symposium in Pittsburgh.11 The sad history chronicled by Mr. Likoudis amply evidences the homosexual revolution that threatens our Church and our Nation.

III. The Sodomites' Strategy: Avoid Causing a Reaction

New Ways for Old Sins

The New Ways Ministry conference set the homosexual lobby's plan of action, emphasizing the strategy of gradualism that marks the homosexual revolution. The objective of the sodomites' strategy is to avoid meaningful reaction by ecclesiastical authorities against the homosexual agenda.

Bishop Clark, in his tweed-suit and striped-shirt "clericals," encouraged conference participants: "If individuals change quite slowly, how slow is institutional change?" Driving home his brother bishop's message to those he dubbed "a loving group," Detroit Auxiliary Bishop Thomas Gumbleton added, "As Matthew said, even if we are frustrated sometimes with the slowness of change, we still must put up with that frustration as we continue to struggle to make it happen."12

Step-by-Step: The Descent in Hell

In the moral realm, the homosexual revolution proclaims the view that the sexual ethics professed by the Church are inevitably evolving to the stage where homosexual relations will be equal - if not superior - to heterosexual intimacy.

Prof. Joseph Selling, chairman of the Department of Moral Theology at the Catholic University of Louvain, gave the symposium a progress report on the gradualist strategy for the Church's acceptance of sodomy.

Is the teaching going to continue to evolve? With respect to the homosexual relationship, will it evolve toward encompassing it? Yes, it will! We have already taken the first step. Begrudgingly as we might like to admit, even the teaching of the Church has recognized the homosexual person, the homosexual orientation. It may be very uncomfortable with its own statements, but it's there! The homosexual person is a person and no less of a person than anyone else. This is the first step. The second step is the recognition of the homosexual relationship. I think we are virtually on the edge of accepting the homosexual relationship. The Church will accept the homosexual relationship, like those divorced and remarried: We must live as brother and sister or brother and brother and sister and sister as the case may be... [The audience laughs.] What is important is that the relationship be recognized as a valuable, fruitful, meaningful, affirmative, creative relationship. We are on the verge of accepting this. The third step is: Can we accept the homosexual act? Before we can talk about the morality of the homosexual act, we have to define it, to understand exactly what it is.... Our whole understanding of human sexuality needs to be rewritten, but rewritten not from a "procreative or reproductive" point of view. It needs to be rewritten from a "relational" point of view.13

Gradualism was a thread woven throughout the fabric of the New Ways for old sins symposium, as was the abhorrence sterile vice accords fruitful love. Sr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M., of Yale University, made clear the reason for the sodomites' fear and loathing of the sacramental love that gives birth to life and preserves chastity.

As long as the Christian sexual ethic was focused on "procreation" and the "control of sexual desire," there was no room for a positive evaluation of homosexuality. But in recent decades, under the pressure of new discoveries in the social sciences and scientific fields, traditional Catholic sexual morality is crumbling. Now, the "procreative norm" is gone, the rigid stereotype of male/female complementarity is gone, and the time is ripe for a positive evaluation of homosexuality and same-sex relations.14

A Homosexual Pastoral

Religion provides the surest yardstick by which human acts may be measured. Unlike such continua as healthy/diseased, virtuous/sinful reflects a transcendent reality that bears directly on conscience. Sinfulness is a particularly relevant construct since it addresses not only an act's rationality but also its effects on the universal order.

The moral standards taught by religion are the single most important factor in the virtually universal rejection of homosexual vice. Accordingly, those promoting the homosexual agenda strive to change the traditional Church teachings that constitute its principal obstacle.

Astute sodomites know that before changes can deconstruct and deviate doctrine, they must be put into practice. According to the homosexual revolution, pastoral practice should not be governed by Christian sexual ethics but by an erroneous view of social justice in which the Church has the duty to defend the civil rights of practicing homosexuals as homosexuals.15

Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P., professor of moral theology at the Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis, described the rationale for a homosexual pastoral at the New Ways symposium.

Catholic sexual ethics do not have the conceptual tools to say how homosexuals should be treated by civil society. The issue of homosexual rights should be considered under social justice.16

A homosexual pastoral, Father Peddicord continued, "should not be satisfied with repeating the moral condemnations of gay sex, but advance the civil rights of homosexuals."

According to its advocates, a homosexual pastoral "should provide a supportive atmosphere for a stable relationship." A significant step in this direction was given by certain "pastoral guidelines" that defend "the stable, faithful, and committed homosexual relationships" as "a better moral situation than promiscuity."17

As early as 1979, the bishops of England and Wales offered pastoral guidelines urging pastors to distinguish between "irresponsible, indiscriminate sexual activity and the permanent association between two homosexual persons who feel incapable of enduring a solitary life devoid of sexual expression."18

In the homosexual pastoral, the distinction between "homosexual orientation" and "homosexual behavior" is challenged. "The bishops," according to Fr. Robert Nugent and Sr. Jeannine Gramick,

honestly acknowledge that the difference is "not always clearly convincing." They are undoubtedly aware that while many people find the distinction useful in teaching and counseling programs on homosexuality, they do not find it particularly helpful in the pastoral field or fully congruent with the experiences of gay and lesbian Catholics.19

A New Liberation Theology

In 1969, the Stonewall Riots in New York City unleashed a major homosexual offensive. From this disorder sprang "lesbian/gay theology," which now dominates many Catholic universities and seminaries.

Like liberation theology, much in vogue in Latin America before the collapse of the Soviet Union, homosexual theology is a "theology from below." Both theologies arise from a praxis (experience) and a purportedly scientific analysis of that experience.

Liberation theology used Marxist analysis of the socioeconomic conditions in Third World countries to establish its theological and hermeneutical principles, which provided a sympathetic ideology for guerrilla movements fighting to impose communism on their fellow man.

Homosexual theology is a new liberation theology that uses the praxis of the "lesbian/gay experience" to liberate man from the bonds of Christian morals.

As Father Nugent and Sister Gramick, the co-founders of New Ways Ministry, boast,

Lesbian/gay theology is an example of authentic subversion. It involves a real turning from below with a scriptural analysis from the underside of society. Since God's spirit is continually revealing truth to the human heart, the scriptures contain some insights that can be made known to the Christian community only through the testimony of lesbian and gay people.20

Such a spurious interpretation of Sacred Scripture was echoed by Bishop Gumbleton at the New Ways symposium.

I learned from reading an article by Andrew Sullivan in America magazine a few years ago, where he was speaking about his own experience of learning how to love within his context of being a gay man. When he was asked by his friend, "Do you really believe that what we are doing is wrong? Because if you do, I cannot go on with this," he says, "Of course I was forced to say I do not believe at some level." You see what Andrew Sullivan is telling us? He found God in his experience as a gay man. We know that God is love, and where there is love, there is God. And Andrew Sullivan tells us that his experience is that he finds God where he finds love.21

Call to Action: "Come Out!"

Declaring that "The time is ripe," Bishop Gumbleton called on homosexuals "to share their gifts" with fellow Catholics since "this is how our Church is going to change."

The most important thing that we can do in our pastoral care is to create a church community where gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgendered people can be truly open about who they are.... I think it is very, very important that they experience a warmth and oneness within the Church to allow them to share their gifts with our Church.... I encourage this because I hope that within our Church, every gay person, every lesbian person, every bisexual or transgendered person will come out, because that is how our Church is going to truly change: when everyone who from this community of homosexual people is courageous enough, because it does take courage to come out.... I would say this especially to bishops and priests within our Church. I cannot tell you the number of letters I have received in the last few years from priests who say they are gay, but are afraid to come out. What a loss this is to our Church! Because if they were willing to stand up on a Sunday morning in front of their community and to say who they really are, our Church could much more fully and quickly appreciate the gifts that homosexuals can bring to the whole community of our Church and to our society as well.... As more and more people come out, more families are changed, more churches are changed, more parishes are changed, and our whole Church is changed. And so I appeal here publicly to all of us within the Church to create a community in which this can happen. But then, for those who are gay or lesbian or bisexual or transgendered, please come forward. Say who you are, be proud of who you are, and share all of your gifts with our Church.22

IV. Invoking the Abyss

As an uncompromised champion of the Faith, Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira advises in his seminal treatise Revolution and Counter-Revolution:

Disordered passions, moving in a crescendo analogous to the acceleration of gravity and feeding upon their own works, lead to consequences which in their turn develop according to a proportional intensity. In like progression, errors beget errors, and revolutions prepare the way for revolutions.... This explains why we find ourselves today in such a paroxysm of impiety and immorality and such an abyss of disorder and discord.23

Sacred Scripture warns, "Abyssus abyssum invocat" - "Deep calleth on deep" (Ps. 41:8).

"Celebrate Diversity" proclaims a bumper sticker popular among the sodomites and their apologists. The practice of homosexual vice inevitably descends into the lowest depths of the moral abyss. From pedophilia to sadomasochism, any and all abominations - even bestiality - find justification in the perverse school of sexual deviance. In the upside-down world of the homosexual pastoral, could a homosexual "find God" through the "interspecies love" of bestiality? Such questions are only prudent in view of the fact that we are witnessing the gradual acceptance of homosexuality as a legitimate way of life, not only in secular society but within the Church. This process of auto-demolition - of Church and State - constitutes an authentic and cataclysmic revolution to which we are unalterably opposed.

V. An Appeal to Our Ecclesiastical Authorities

Along with contraception, abortion, and euthanasia, homosexual vice is an integral weapon of the Culture of Death aimed at our families, our Nation, and our Church.

In face of this danger to all we hold dear, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property, comprised of practicing Catholics dedicated to defending the moral standards of Christian civilization, is obliged to publicly appeal to our ecclesiastical authorities to employ urgent and energetic measures against the advance of the homosexual agenda within the Church.

We also respectfully direct our appeal to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, filially imploring this sacred dicastery to effectively denounce and condemn the pernicious doctrinal errors against Catholic morality that are being taught with impunity in many dioceses and seminaries, as well as in Catholic schools and universities across the country.

In so doing, we defend our beloved Nation against the perversion and loss of its soul. We also defend our even more beloved Holy Mother Church by demanding that Her clergy, and in particular Her bishops, teach what the Church and Her Divine Master teach.

May the Blessed Virgin Mary, conceived without sin, Patroness of the United States, protect us from this terrible onslaught of perversity.

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property - (TFP)

1Gen. 18:20; 19:12-13, 24-25, 27-28.
2Lev. 18:22-29; Is. 3:9; Rom. 1:24-27, 32; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:9-10; 2 Pet. 2:6-9; Jude 1:7.
3Robert Nugent and Jeannine Gramick, Building Bridges (Mystic, Conn.: Twenty-Third Publications, 1995), p. 10.
4Sr. Jeannine Gramick, "Can Gays and Lesbians Come Out to be Faithful Catholics?" (U.S. Catholic, August 1992, p. 11).
5See Charles W. Socarides, M.D., Homosexuality: A Freedom Too Far (Phoenix: Adam Margrave Books, 1995).
6For information on how one can turn away from homosexuality, contact one of the following organizations: Beyond Rejection Ministries, Hemet, Calif., 714-925-0028; Courage, New York, N.Y., 212-421-0426; Homosexuals Anonymous Fellowship Services, Redding, Calif., 1-800-253-3000.
7In so doing we are exercising the right and duty proclaimed in Canon 212, #3: "In accord with the knowledge, competence and preeminence which they [the Christian faithful] possess, they have the right and even at times a duty to manifest to the sacred pastors their opinion on matters which pertain to the good of the Church, and they have a right to make their opinion known to the other Christian faithful, with due regard for the integrity of faith and morals and reverence towards their pastors, and with consideration for the common good and dignity of persons" (The Code of Canon Law, A Text and Commentary, James A. Coriden, Thomas J. Green, and Donald E. Heintschel, eds. [New York: Paulist Press, 1985]).
8Allocution to the students of the Lombard Seminary, December 7, 1968, Insegnamenti di Paolo VI, vol. 10, pp. 707-709.
9John Paul II, Allocution to the religious and priests participating in the First Italian National Congress on Missions to the People for the 80s, February 6, 1981 (L'Osservatore Romano, February 7, 1981).
10The Wanderer, March 1, 1997.
11Ibid., March 20, 1997.
12Bishop Matthew Clark and Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, "Pastoral Care of Lesbian and Gay People," Plenary Session, New Ways Ministry 4th National Symposium, Pittsburgh, March 7-9, 1997.
13Joseph Selling, "The Meanings of Human Sexuality," New Ways Ministry 4th National Symposium.
14Sr. Margaret Farley, R.S.M., "Same-Sex Relations: An Ethical Perspective," New Ways Ministry 4th National Symposium.
15The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith states in "Some Considerations Concerning the Response to Legislative Proposals on the Non-discrimination of Homosexual Persons," of July 22, 1992: "Including `homosexual orientation' among the considerations on the basis of which it is illegal to discriminate can easily lead to regarding homosexuality as a positive source of human rights, for example, in respect to so-called affirmative action or preferential treatment in hiring practices. This is all the more deleterious since there is no right to homosexuality, which therefore should not form the basis for judicial claims. The passage from the recognition of homosexuality as a factor on which basis it is illegal to discriminate can easily, if not automatically, lead to the legislative protection and promotion of homosexuality. A person's homosexuality would be invoked in opposition to alleged discrimination, and thus the exercise of rights would be defended precisely via the affirmation of the homosexual condition instead of in terms of a violation of basic human rights" (no. 13).
16Fr. Richard Peddicord, O.P., "Catholic Moral Teaching on Gay and Lesbian Rights Legislation," New Ways Ministry 4th National Symposium.
17Nugent and Gramick, p. 143.
18Catholic Social Welfare Commission (Britain), 1981, p. 8.
19Nugent and Gramick, p. 144.
20Ibid., p. 190.
21Bishops Clark and Gumbleton, op. cit.
23Revolution and Counter-Revolution, 3rd ed. (York, Penn.: The American TFP, 1993), p. 30.

TOPICS: Catholic; Current Events; Moral Issues; Religion & Culture
KEYWORDS: homosexualagenda; tfp
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

It’s still a sin, it should be unlawful. Not actively looked for, but if caught in the act or are bragging about it, yup, take ‘em in. It’s like bragging about child sex or robbing someone.

The whole problem with this began when the sodomy laws started being repealed. It was the slippery slope (no pun intended) that started to legitimize the behavior, and also was the beginning of legitimizing others (transgenderism, beastiality, pedophilia and NAMBLA, getting rid of age of consent laws).

21 posted on 11/10/2008 2:00:15 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

Go the wrong way up a one-way street, and you’re in for some bad sh*t.

22 posted on 11/10/2008 2:02:18 PM PST by endangeredfaces
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

And as far as gay people looking to David and Jonathan or Jesus and John, to somehow look at these heterosexual friendships and pervertedly interpret them to support HOMOSEXUAL relationships, they are warped.

I have very strong friendships with a few other guys, and I have NEVER, NEVER wanted anything to do with them sexually. I would bop them on the nose if they tried that, I don’t care how good of a friend they are. To say that these heterosexual friendships ought to inspire gays and same-sex couples is just reaching for something that isn’t there. You have to be perverted and twisted to read that into these stories.

23 posted on 11/10/2008 2:04:22 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

Homosexuality is the same thing it’s always been, a psychological disorder, triggered in early childhood development and/or a product of molestation, indoctrination, etc.

The attempted mainstreaming of a psychological disorder is a sin.

24 posted on 11/10/2008 2:07:06 PM PST by word_warrior_bob (You can now see my amazing doggie and new puppy on my homepage!! Come say hello to Jake & Sonny)
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To: Conservative Coulter Fan

It is a health hazard. Why should my tax dollars be spent on it?

25 posted on 11/10/2008 2:07:35 PM PST by dervish (in God I trust)
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To: exist

Well, in any case, it’s kinda gross. You gotta at least admit that. The health problems are still there for people. The fact that part of the body is not designed for it, and that the anus can lose its ability to close properly after a lot of use, is still also a real issue.

From a hygenic point of view it’s not a good thing to do. And I think God would have an issue if that’s all you want to do to deliberately avoid having kids. All you’re looking for is any kind of hole then.

Bottom line, you’re not really with your mate the way God designed her. She’s got something designed for you, and that is not the spot I’m talking about.

Plus, you can only even hope to say this could be valid for married couples. Unmarried men and women doing this are fornicators.

26 posted on 11/10/2008 2:10:18 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
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To: MississippiMan
It's so absurd, and so very sad, to think that man has any right whatsoever to declare acceptable that which God has described as not only sin, but an abomination.

As I said on another thread, G-d, and His Word, are constants, not variables, and any who decide otherwise know neither G-d, nor His Word, not matter what they profess publicly before men...

the infowarrior

27 posted on 11/10/2008 2:13:52 PM PST by infowarrior
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To: GiovannaNicoletta

I totally Agree!

Sodomy is a vile disgusting act based on lust of the flesh domination and peversion...

It is a way to harbor many diseases.....

28 posted on 11/10/2008 2:14:41 PM PST by TaraP (A Big Black Horse and a Cherry Tree)
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To: Natural Law
It is still a sin, but should not be unlawful. The government has no constitutional right to invade the privacy of consenting adults so long as no one’s rights are violated.

For someone with your screen name, that's an awfully strange point.

First, a point of history. Did or did not the Founding Fathers allow anti-sodomy laws on the books? Second a point of American Law. Where do human rights come from? ('s in the Declaration of Independence)

Now it is probably not prudent or even Constitutional for people to go busting into bedrooms to enforce compliance, that I grant you. But as sodomy is against the natural law and has been considered so since time immemorial, there is nothing wrong with a society declaring it criminal and prosecuting it when discovered.

29 posted on 11/10/2008 2:25:26 PM PST by Claud
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To: little jeremiah
"I respectfully disagree. Why? That way when people especially homosexuals molest children......"

Please reread my posts. I specifically limited the right to privacy, excluding any situation when anyone's rights are violated. A child's rights to not be molested fall within this exclusion.

However, to take your argument to an extreme, would you be in favor of all aspects of Sharia law be enforceable by the courts if a significant number of citizens are practicing Muslims?

30 posted on 11/10/2008 2:26:25 PM PST by Natural Law
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To: Claud

I fully understand and appreciate your arguments. I am not advocating sodomy, as I stated it is a sin, but I was citing constitutional precedent. I believe that you would be one of those activist judges you so strongly dislike because what you are advocating is using the power of law to support or advance your views of morality.

31 posted on 11/10/2008 2:30:13 PM PST by Natural Law
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To: pleikumud
Ask Barney Frank (D-MA), chairman of the House Banking committee.

Fannie Frank (copyright pending)

32 posted on 11/10/2008 2:40:17 PM PST by Loyal Buckeye
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To: Natural Law
I believe that you would be one of those activist judges you so strongly dislike because what you are advocating is using the power of law to support or advance your views of morality.

In fact, I think the opposite is the case. The Constitution and the Declaration that ideologically frames it are based squarely on Natural Law. Governments are instituted among men to protect the rights which are endowed by the Creator.

Protect rights. Rights that were already granted by God. God granted no right to sodomy--rather the contrary actually--therefore it is no infringement of rights to ban it. What did it used to be called?--"the crime against nature"--because it was held to be against the natural law.

This is not theology. This is the law. This is the government the Founders set up. Now if the SCOTUS in Griswold or anyone else wants to throw out the concept of Natural Law, it is they I'm afraid who are being the activists.

33 posted on 11/10/2008 2:40:39 PM PST by Claud
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To: Loyal Buckeye

Barney was screaming for a role in FANNIE before he even knew what it was.

34 posted on 11/10/2008 2:41:20 PM PST by word_warrior_bob (You can now see my amazing doggie and new puppy on my homepage!! Come say hello to Jake & Sonny)
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To: Secret Agent Man

Agreed. But we lost the Hispanic, the young, African-American and unmarried women vote— if we throw out the fornicators what are we left with? A portion of Utah?

35 posted on 11/10/2008 2:41:43 PM PST by exist
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To: exist

That wasn’t the question I was answering. You’re venturing out of the scope.

36 posted on 11/10/2008 2:51:18 PM PST by Secret Agent Man (I'd like to tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.)
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To: endangeredfeces
Go the wrong way up a one-way street, and you’re in for some bad sh*t.

Cue Eddie Murphy doing Ralph Kramden ...

"Norton!?!? Get OVER here!"

"Sure Ralph ol' buddy ol' pal, whatcha want?"

"Norton, now I know, that YOU know, that I know, that YOU, have been checkin' out my ass..."

"I have Ralph?

"Yes you have Norton, I've seen you out of the corner of my eye, you've been watchin' my ass, don't try to deny it!"

"Uhhhh well Ralph, maybe you misunderstood where I was lookin' when I was lookin' your way?"

"Nooooo I didn't misunderstand ANYthing Norton, now admit it: you've been wanting to _____ me in the ass, now haven't you?"

"Oh no, not me Ralph, I never dreamed of it!"

"Of course you didn't Norton, you didn't HAVE to dream about it, because you've been THINKIN' about it while you've been WIDE AWAKE, now isn't that true?!?"

"Uhhh Ralph, this is gettin' real weird ya know, how about we go get Alice and Trixie and go have a pizza, ok?"

"Uh, uh Norton, you're not gonna squirm your way outta this one..."

37 posted on 11/10/2008 2:51:24 PM PST by mkjessup (Over 57 million *real* Americans said "NO EFFIN WAY" to Comrade 0bama & the 0bamunist Party.)
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To: Secret Agent Man

What question were you answering?

38 posted on 11/10/2008 2:55:54 PM PST by exist
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To: exist

You have company, sort of.

The only sexual acts per se condemned as abhominations under the Old Covenant law are bestiality and male-on-male anal sodomy. Other sexual acts are sinful in the context of who engages in them: incest, adultery and fornication.

Medieval Anglo-Saxon penitentials and Orthodox penitentials do not include penances for any sexual act within the context of marriage, and penance lesbian behavior and oral sex between men (called ‘oral sodomy’ by the Latins) either as fornication or mastrubation, rather than as a sin-unto-death (with the canonical penance being excommunication with communion on the deathbed only) as male-on-male anal sodomy is penanced.

39 posted on 11/10/2008 2:57:37 PM PST by The_Reader_David (And when they behead your own people in the wars which are to come, then you will know. . .)
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To: mn-bush-man
The sodomy that is so offensive to God are acts committed between people of the same sex - be it two men or two women.

If you are concerned about what God has to say about sex within marriage, He tells us that "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled" (Hebrews 13:4). This would be marriage according to God's definition, not man's.

40 posted on 11/10/2008 2:59:20 PM PST by GiovannaNicoletta
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