The free lunch. It’s that simple.
The body of the Catholic Church in the USA, whether purposefully or not, has taken on the left-wing, amorphous, feel-good cliche of “social justice” above all else.
I saw many parishiners in my church easily swayed by leftist/pacifist “anti-war” propoganda, which pushed them into the Obama camp. These same people will simply ignore the holocaust of abortion, or swallow whole the nonsense that somehow Obama believes that abortion is bad (while allowing it and expanding access to it).
How about being blackmailed.
What would you do?
What would governments (local, state, and federal) do if today all the bishops tell us that they are shutting down all their hospitals, schools, charities so they don’t violate their consciences one more day?
I personally as a practicing Catholic would indeed shut them all down this today.
But I am not a bishop nor do I want to be one.
How about being blackmailed.
What would you do?
What would governments (local, state, and federal) do if today all the bishops tell us that they are shutting down all their hospitals, schools, charities so they don’t violate their consciences one more day?
I personally as a practicing Catholic would indeed shut them all down this today.
But I am not a bishop nor do I want to be one.