"The Microchip is the Sign of the Beast of the Book of Revelation"
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To: JosephJames
Let me try this one more time.
Semiconductors are filled with toxic metals and only an idiot would suggest placing one inside a human.
2 posted on
10/06/2008 9:17:25 AM PDT by
To: JosephJames
3 posted on
10/06/2008 9:17:31 AM PDT by
Southern Partisan
("Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more. You should never wish to do less." ----R. E. Lee)
To: JosephJames
4 posted on
10/06/2008 9:18:11 AM PDT by
Lancey Howard
(Go, Phillies!)
To: JosephJames
Is your tinfoil on straight?
5 posted on
10/06/2008 9:18:21 AM PDT by
(Obama who?)
To: JosephJames
Bookmarked for later viewing
6 posted on
10/06/2008 9:18:41 AM PDT by
("Democrats: Seeking an easy life at someone else's expense for 150 years")
To: JosephJames
Ever heard of "Digital Angel?"
This is just another part of the puzzle.
7 posted on
10/06/2008 9:19:53 AM PDT by
(Democrats used to be funny. Now they're just plain dangerous.)
To: JosephJames
Ummm...., “prophesy” is a verb and “prophecy” is a noun...
Didn’t your professors in seminary get after you for that??? What seminary was it, by the way?
To: JosephJames
It is unfortunate that there are a great number of people ... that misuse prophesy for there own...attention Mayhaps you should read this part again, while looking in the mirror.
9 posted on
10/06/2008 9:21:11 AM PDT by
(McWhathisname / Palin - 2008)
To: JosephJames
For many years I have been interested in studying biblical prophesy Stopped reading right there.
10 posted on
10/06/2008 9:21:49 AM PDT by
(Western Civilization is Aborting, Buggering, and Contracepting itself out of existence.)
To: JosephJames
Taking the sign of the beast is not something that can be done accidentally or without foreknowledge. The Bible is very clear that taking the sign of the beast is a conscious decision to reject Christ.
Having a microchip installed when not rejecting Christ is not taking the sign of the beast.
When that time comes, the Prophet of the Anti-Christ will not allow you to take the sign of the beast unless you reject Christ.
To: JosephJames
I guess we’ll know for sure if Obamassiah is the anti-christ if he unveals a brilliant economic plan to solve the current global financial meltdown and introduces a new one-world currency (tongue only slightly in cheek).
18 posted on
10/06/2008 9:26:06 AM PDT by
(Is this a new day that will live in infamy?)
To: JosephJames
I’m not too worried. The “end” spoken of in the Scriptures came almost 2,000 years ago.
On a side note, you might get a better response if you would proofread before posting. Poor grammar and spelling is distracting.
19 posted on
10/06/2008 9:26:08 AM PDT by
(McWhatshisname-Palin 2008)
To: JosephJames
26 posted on
10/06/2008 9:36:10 AM PDT by
(Who is Saul Alinsky and why is Barack Obama a disciple of his methods?)
To: JosephJames
Keep sounding the call brother. Some will listen.
30 posted on
10/06/2008 9:42:34 AM PDT by
To: JosephJames
The Mark could be delivered via microchip. I’m thinking, too, it could be a biometric scan of the eye or a fingerprint—or something not yet in use.
Also, it’s not the technology that is bad, it’s the system that will be employing it. That system will ask you to deny Christ.
36 posted on
10/06/2008 10:34:48 AM PDT by
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
To: JosephJames
You don’t have to actually have a chip inside your body. You can be identified and tracked via the GPS chip that is in your cell phone.
Unless you want to live like some muslim out on the sand and desert, you need this stuff.
To: JosephJames
So does that “Microchip” take over what is already in the mind? I do not think so. Not that I advocate the insertion of a “Microchip”, but it is NOT the mark of the beast.
39 posted on
10/06/2008 10:44:58 AM PDT by
Just mythoughts
(Isa.3:4 And I will give children to be their princes, and babes shall rule over them.)
To: JosephJames
43 posted on
10/06/2008 10:53:41 AM PDT by
Delta 21
( MKC USCG - ret)
To: JosephJames
58 posted on
10/06/2008 11:35:39 AM PDT by
(If you aren't part of the solution, there is good money to be made prolonging the problem.)
To: JosephJames
That’s novel, you managed to make a Revelation Chapter 13 thread fun & interesting to read.
Revelation 13
16He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, 17so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
63 posted on
10/06/2008 11:49:41 AM PDT by
(McCain's learning from Palin how to win a national election. Palin's learning from him how to lose 1)
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