Sounds lik emuch ado about nothing. Just another Protestant thingy that will come and go.
I would like to think you are right, but this movement has only gained strength as there is too much money to be made on the heresy.
And too much power to be gained. You have no idea of the delusion these so called Christians are under... especially if you understand that their Joel 2 army is the deluded Anti Christ Army that God promises He will send in the End Times to persecute the saints...
Palin needs to bone up on her apologetics so as to steer clear of this nightmare.
Doesn't sound like it's going to me...Not with scores of thousands of members...
These people plan on being here at the 2nd coming of Jesus...
I thank God that we Christians will be raptured out of here long before that...You Catholics might have to deal with this group head-on...