It’s obvious you’ve never studied anything beyond what the YECs have allowed you to read. There’s virtually no YEC or OEC that I haven’t read. “Refuting Compromise” compelling?
It was about as compelling as something Richard Dawkins or Barack Obama wrote. One of the greatest flaws in YECism is that they think/act like Hugh Ross invented OEC and is the only one who believes it. Yet nearly of the design movment, the churches, and some of the most ardent defenders of the Bible have abandoned YECism. I know the YEC leaders ignore that and pretend Ross is the only one, but that’s the definition of fundamentalism: ignore everything except those who agree with you.
First, you assume I have studied nothing of what OEC teaches. In that you are absolutely wrong.
Second, you assume that somehow I slavishly follow whatever Ken Ham, Jonathan Sarfati, John Morris, et al, allow me. That I am like like a sheep, and can’t read or study anything on my own. Again, in that you are absolutely wrong.
Third, have you actually read “Refuting Compromise?” I find that hard to believe.
Fourth, you act as if YEC is the minority position. I don’t think that is true, but if even it is, that doesn’t make OEC right. It is not a matter of majority rules. Many churches are buying in to the Emergent Church movement/conversation. That in no way makes them right. To cite one Bible scholar who is a YEC, John MacArthur has written extensively on this subject, and he is a YEC’er.
Fifth, I can only surmise from what you have written that you are more willing to throw stones at YEC’ers than discuss the relative merits of the two positions.
And so, for me, I will take the most obvious sense of Genesis 1 and Ex 20, and continue to assert that the “days” can only be 24 hour days, and that there is no evidence to the contrary anywhere in Scripture.