“MacArthur never claims that the pope is the Final Antichrist, but that there are many Antichrists, and that by his actions, the pope exhibits some of the marks of an Antichrist.”
Alrighty then, that’s reassuring. For a second I thought that only the entire Catholic Church is the spawn of Satan. Good to know that the Pope only “exhibits some of the marks of the Antichrist.”
I swear the KKK is not dead. It’s seed continues to bear “its” fruit. And it has a very distinctive flavor.
The book I mentioned in post 270 does a very credible job explaining why one should not consider the RCC as antiChrist, as antiChrist specifically denies Christ has come in the flesh. The RCC doesn’t do that. I agree that the Scripture doesn’t seem to support one AntiChrist; and I am convinced more and more that AntiChrist is not the beast or false prophet. The office of pope can fulfill that of false prophet, it appears.
Now, further, antiChrist is within the churches, deceiving many of weak and false faith. Contrasted with the beast of Revelation, which wages war on the churches from without. This, the author surmises, is more likely those governments that set up their rulers as God. Several have done so over the years - during “the last days” in which we live.