I have participated in more of these debates than I can even remember and I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER seen ANY Catholic even suggest that Protestants would be denied Eternal Live in Heaven. However, I have on a great many occasions see Protestants not only suggest this, but actually declare it with regards to Catholics.
"I have participated in more of these debates than I can even remember and I can say without hesitation that I have NEVER seen ANY Catholic even suggest that Protestants would be denied Eternal Live in Heaven. However, I have on a great many occasions see Protestants not only suggest this, but actually declare it with regards to Catholics."
Yes, there are many times when non-Catholic posters have asserted that Catholics—because they practice the Catholic Faith-—are in danger of going to hell.
That’s a judgment call that belongs to God alone.
You should have hestitated. Ask annalex - he just posted this last week:
"You are hell bound, generally speaking, yes, by the fact of your being separated brethren...."