What generous comments you have posted here Quix. A true outpouring of love for God’s people. God bless you.
Blessed that someone understands that and particularly you.
Thanks tons.
You might get your hazmat suit on, however, in prep for the disinters . . . just their poorly aimed overflow splatter can be . . . interesting enough! LOL.
Lord, Jesus, Please bless TenthAmendmentChampion with Your wholeness to the sub-atomic particle level of her bones. May all the T-cells and blood making cells and calcium cells and all the other cells get in right Resurrection Life order top to bottom, inside and out. Please take the pain that you bore so much of, on the Cross, Lord. Give her the hope and Joy of your Resurrection to be her strength in You, Lord. Give her long periods of rest. And rest her heart, mind, soul, spirit and body IN YOU 24/7. Give her loved ones around her full of humor and compassion as well as wisdom, initmacy and Spirit-filled sensitivity to her every need without her needing to ask. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
And, Lord, may you also Touch JimRob similarly. Give him Hope and Joy in You, Lord as his all sufficiency. May he choose/realize his residencey in YOUR KINGDOM above every other locale, group, focus. May he begin to see himself every bit whole and healed, IN YOU, Lord and choose that emphatically regardless of the cost. In Jesus’ Name.
And, Lord, Alamo-Girl’s neice. Correct her liver and every other aspect of her body and life from the sub-atomic particle level up and out to the relationship level, in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
LUB, 10th.