The body died, his spirit did not.
After the fact revisionism.
Care to point out any texts that state that G-d is supposed to die in the flesh prior to Christ?
Anything else sounds far too much like the 2000 elections, changing the rules after the fact.
Jesus’ body was also resurrected. The tomb was empty, and He appeared again in the flesh to his disciples.
The Cross is a robust occurance.
There are a number of issues involved and they reveal volumes of the interworkings of all three persons of the Godhead.
God the Father judged the Son.
The Son remained obedient to the Father.
A separation occurred between the Son and Father prior to the somatic death.
The human spirit was separated from the human Jesus Christ, prior to the soul and body being separated.
The soul departed and the body physically and biologically died.
His soul descended to Hades, explicitly to Abraham’s Bosom, also referred to as Paradise.
His spirit was relinquished to God the Father.
His body went into the grave for three days.
After three days, God the Father returned the human spirit to the body, and God the Holy Spirit returned the human soul to the body. The body now became a resurrection body, the first fruits.